Ramona / La Grande Theatre

115 Marine St. Ocean Park (Santa Monica), CA 90405  | map - approximate |

Opening: The 1912 Santa Monica directory compiled by the Los Angeles City Directory Co. listed the venue as the Ramona Theatre at 115 Marine St. with Chauncy Pulsifer as manager. 

The opening date isn't known. The theatre wasn't listed in the 1907 Santa Monica city directory. That 115 address was on the northeast corner of Marine and Speedway, a short block east of the Ocean Front Promenade. 

Later in 1912 the theatre was called the La Grande.

The status: The theatre building was destroyed by the September 3, 1912 fire that destroyed the Fraser Pier and much of the business district. 

In its reporting about the fire, the Santa Monica Outlook the next day described the location of the theatre as being on the north side of Marine St. in the "Holmes Block occupied by La Grande Theatre."
The block doesn't really exist anymore. The whole area has been redeveloped with condos. 

A c.1913 view east on Marine St. The squat building in the center was a new bank building erected  on the site of the La Grande Theatre. The new building for the La Petite Theatre is on the left. It's a card from the site Card Cow
If you care to browse on the site: Ocean Park cards | Venice cards | More cards can be seen on the Penny Postcards from California site: Santa Monica and Ocean Park | Venice |

The north side of Marine St. is seen in this detail from image 29 of the 1918 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from the Library of Congress collection. #115 isn't an address they were using at the time. Whatever was there had been replaced by the bank building on the corner of Marine and Speedway using 117 as an address. That venue on the left labeled as "moving pictures" was the La Petite.  

More information: There isn't any yet.

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