Central Theatre

1629 S. Central Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90021 | map |

Opened: 1911 or earlier. It was on the west side of the street between 16th and 17th. In the 1911 and 1912 city directories it's listed as the New Central Theatre with the 1629 S. Central address.

In the 1914 city directory the address is shown as 1631. In the 1915 directory we're back to 1629 and have dropped the "New" -- it's just the Central Theatre. It's "New" again in the 1916 and 17 directories, listed at 1629. The address is given as 1627 S. Central in the 1918, 1919 and 1921 directories.

Closing: The date of its demise is unknown. It's not in the 1923 directory. 

Status: It's been demolished. The site is now under the I-10.

Looking south on S. Central Ave in search of the Central Theatre. Photo: Bill Counter - 2019

More Information: There really isn't any yet.

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