Angelus Theatre

932 / 1018 S. Central Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90021 | map |

Opened: Perhaps 1911. The lot had a house on it in 1910. The location was on the east side of the street opposite 11th St., across the street from the Hub Theatre.

It's in the 1911 through 1922 city directories at 932 S. Central with the exception of 1913 when the address was listed as 934. In the 1911 and 1912 directories it also got a listing as J. L. Peters. 

Evidently it got a remodel. The were calling it the New Angelus in this 1916 item from the California Eagle that listed F.A. Williams and Callus Johnson as the operators. Looks like they goofed on the address, listing it as 1015 which would have put it in the wrong block and on the wrong side of the street. The Eagle was a paper covering the African American community in Los Angeles. Thanks to Ken McIntyre for adding this as a comment on a thread of vintage theatre ads on the Photos of Los Angeles Facebook page.  
A 1917 article in the California Eagle about a run of "The Ne'er Do Well," a March 1916 release. Thanks to Ken McIntyre for locating it. We have problems at the bottom when they use a 1007 address. Either that's a goof and it should have been 932 -- or they got the theatre name wrong and the film was playing at the New Family / Booker T Theatre the venue across the street at 1007 that was later called the Hub Theatre

An April 1917 puff piece in the California Eagle. It was another find by Ken McIntyre.

A 1918 ad for the Angelus. Thanks to Ken McIntyre for locating it. 

An ad for the Angelus appearing in a 1918 issue of the California Eagle. Thanks to Ken McIntyre for finding this, another item on his thread on the Photos of Los Angeles.  

The Angelus was listed in this 1922 column of ads located by Ken McIntyre. 

The block got a bit of renumbering in the 20s so this side of the street would correlate with the numbers on the west side. The Angelus is in the 1923 and 1925 city directories as 1018 S. Central.

Seating: Unknown

The theatre appears in pink on the right (east) side of Central in this detail from Plate 012 of the 1914 Baist Real Estate Survey from Historic Map Works. That's 9th St. running across the top of the image. The vacant lot shown in white across the street and just a bit north would later become the location of the Hub Theatre.

Closing: Perhaps 1925 was it. There's no Angelus Theatre in the 1926, 1927 or 1929 city directories.

Status: Demolished. There's a newer building on the site.

The site today with the south end of a new building on it. Photo: Bill Counter - 2019

More Information: There really isn't any yet.

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