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Assistance League Theatre

1367 N. St. Andrews Place Hollywood (Los Angeles) CA 90028  | map |

Opened: 1938 as the Assistance League Playhouse. The location is just north of the 101, a block west of Western and a block north of Fountain Ave. In this 2022 Google Maps photo Fernwood Ave. is on the left. On the right we're looking north on St. Andrews. In recent years the venue was rebranded as the Assistance League Theatre.

Architect: Stiles O. Clements of Morgan, Walls & Clements. 

Website: | Nine O'Clock Players on Facebook | The site's history page notes:  

"Assistance League Theatre was designed by Stiles O. Clements and constructed in 1938. A slight departure from his more notable work as the El Capitan Theater and the Wiltern Theater, Clements was able to create a nostalgic summer stock theater from his native home in New England right here in the heart of Hollywood. The Auditorium was masterfully constructed out of slow growth redwood beams, some of which measure over 25 feet in length. The result is not only a beautiful aesthetic but exceptional acoustics as well."
Seating: 328 

Proscenium: 24' wide, height masked to 12'.

Proscenium alcoves: Usable for performers on each side of the proscenium. 

Stage depth: 28' plus an apron 6' deep x 29' wide.
Wing space:  9' on stage right.  Stage left starts at 9' and angles to 16'. 

Dressing rooms: 2 large, I medium, 1 star room with a total capacity of 22 performers. There's also a large green room. 
Loading: A dock on the Fernwood side of the building. The loading door is 8' wide x 12' tall.  
Rigging: basically none
Cyc: 11' high x 22' wide soft cyc up against the back wall.  

Lighting: ETC Element board – 32 S4’s, 32 pars, 2 follow spots, Cyc wash, audience wash.

Audio: Allen & Heath ZED-436 – 32 inputs, 6 auxes, 2 free-range monitors, 3 shotguns, 3 handheld wireless, 3 wired mics.

Video: Epson Pro G7905U 7000 lumen projector, HDMI or Thunderbolt/Mini Display inputs. 5' high x 12' wide screen above stage, 8' x 14' rolling screen on stage.

Other amenities: There's a full working kitchen. Onsite parking for 30 cars.

Tech and booking contact: CJ Flanagan, house manager/technical director -

An April 1944 ad for a production of "Meet the People." 

A May 1948 Times ad for the dancer, mime and playwright Anita 'Angna' Enters.

The theatre is available for rental as well as being the home of the League's childrens theatre program, the Nine O'Clock Players.  

The lobby:

A view from the Gallery page on the Assistance League website.

The auditorium:

Looking in from the back of the house. Photo: Assistance League/gallery

A view from house left. Photo: Assistance League/gallery 

A closer look at the proscenium with the same set onstage. Photo: Assistance League/gallery

A table read. Photo: Assistance League/gallery

A view appearing on the Assistance League's page about the Nine O'Clock Players
A proscenium view from the Hollywood Fringe website's page about the theatre. Thanks to Ken McIntyre for sharing the page in a post on the Photos of Los Angeles private Facebook group. 

A tartan curtain in use for one production. Photo: Assistance League/gallery
A side wall view. Photo: Hollywood Fringe

The rear of the house. Photo: Hollywood Fringe  

Another look toward the back wall. Photo: Assistance League/gallery

Backstage. Photo: Assistance League/gallery

The courtyard: 

A view from the Gallery page on the Assistance League website. 

A view at night. Photo: Assistance League/gallery

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