This survey page covers a vast territory both in terms of physical area as well as architectural styles. We've got an example of a rare forecourt style of theatre at the Fox Fullerton, one of S. Charles Lee's arched Lamella roofs at the Star in La Puente, a great deco extravaganza at the Fox Fullerton, a theatre designed to look like a barn in the Tumbleweed in El Monte, an atmospheric auditorium at the Whittier and lots, lots more.
You might also want to take a look at the separate survey page for Pasadena Theatres if you're interested in that part of the territory. If you have a street in mind, you can see what theatres were there on the San Gabriel Valley: theatres by address list.
Many of these venues used different names at different periods of their theatrical lives. At the bottom of this page you'll find an alternate name list listing them all, including the Pasadena theatres.
| Alhambra Theatre | Alhambra / Capri Theatre | Garfield Theatre | Temple / El Rey Theatre | Alhambra/Superba Theatre |
Covina & West Covina
| Capri Theatre | Covina Theatre | Empress Theatre | Star Theatre |
East L.A.
See the separate North of Downtown and East L.A. survey page covering that territory.
El Monte
| El Monte Theatre | Rialto / Valley Theatre | Starlite Drive-In | Tumbleweed Theatre |
| Fox Fullerton |
La Puente
| Star Theatre |
| Cameo Theatre | Garmar Theatre | Montebello Theatre | Vogue Theatre |
Monterey Park
| Monterey Theatre |
| Elite Theatre | Lyric / Crest Theatre | Mission Theatre | Colonial / Monrovia Theatre |
| Academy 6 | ArcLight Cinemas | Colorado Theatre | Esquire Theatre | Fox Pasadena | Landmark Playhouse 7 | Tally's/Fischer's/Savoy/Oaks | Pasadena Civic Auditorium | Pasadena Playhouse | Raymond Theatre | Rialto Theatre | State Theatre | Strand Theatre | United Artists | Uptown Theatre | Washington / Cinema 21 | See the Pasadena Theatres survey page for more listings.
| Armory/Pomona Opera House/La Pictoria/American Theatre | Belvedere Theatre | Fox Pomona | Fraternal Aid Opera House | Lyric Theatre | Pomona Opera House - 3rd & Thomas | State Theatre | Sunkist Theatre | California / United Artists Theatre |
| Garvey Theatre | Rosemead Theatre |
San Gabriel
| Feldmiller Theatre | San Gabriel Theatre | San Gabriel Mission Playhouse |
South Pasadena
| Rialto Theatre | Ritz Theatre | South Pasadena Opera House |
Temple City
| Temple Theatre |
| Berry Grand Theatre | Gale Theatre | Family Theatre | Majestic Theatre | Optic Theatre | Scenic / Roxy Theatre | Strand Theatre | Wardman / Whittier Village Cinemas | Whittier Theatre |
This 480 seat house opened in 1911 as an independent operation. The 1922 Frasher photo is from the Pomona Public Library collection. It was picked up by the short-lived Hughes-Franklin circuit in 1931. The theatre burned in 1933 and the State Theatre was built on the site a few years later. For more information see the page about the Belvedere Theatre.
Feldmiller Theatre
W. Mission Rd. at W. Angeleno Ave. San Gabriel
This theatre, the first in San Gabriel, opened in 1911, a project of John and Augusta Feldmiller, along with the help of their children. It's not known at this point what the theatre was actually called. In 1912 what had been a tent with a single hand-cranked projector got replaced by a permanent Mission-style stucco building (what else?) and they soon acquired a second projector. The theatre was running until about 1930. For more information see the page about the Feldmiller Theatre.
It opened in 1925 as Chapman's Alician Court Theatre. The 1,095 seat
house was a design by Raymond M. Kennedy of the firm Meyer & Holler.
Soon it was going by the name Mission Court Theatre or Mission Theatre.
By 1930 Fox West Coast had it and it became the Fox Fullerton. Later it
was operated by National General and Mann. It closed in 1987 when the
owner decided not to do a seismic retrofit. Since 2005 it's been under
restoration by the Fullerton Historic Theatre Foundation. See the pages
on the Fox Fullerton for lots of photos: history + exterior views | interior views |
This 1,143 seat house opened in 1927 as the home of John Stephen
McGroarty's Mission Play, an elaborate show about the founding of the
California Missions. The initial design was by Arthur Burnett Benton.
William J. Dodd finished it. The group ran into difficulties and lost
the house to foreclosure in 1932. It then became a film theatre until
the City bought it in 1945 and it became a performing arts center called
the San Gabriel Civic Auditorium. It was renamed the San Gabriel
Mission Playhouse in 2007. For more Information see the page on the San Gabriel Mission Playhouse.
This house opened in 1942 as the Edwards San Gabriel Theatre. The 600 seat theatre was a design by Clifford A. Balch. After a remodel in the 60s it was Edwards Century Theatre. Beginning in 1980 the circuit moved on and it became a Chinese film house called the Kuo Hwa Theatre and later the Bridge Theatre. The image is a detail from a 1982 American Classic Images photo. The theatre closed around 1996 and was then demolished. For more information see the page about the San Gabriel Theatre.
Originally called the Wisteria Theatre, this 400 seat house got renamed the Sierra Madre Theatre in the early 40s. From 1968 to 1971 it was an art/revival house called the Bogart Theatre. Since 1980 it's been a legit venue, now with 99 seats. Thanks to the Pasadena Star-News for the 2020 photo. For more information see the page about the Sierra Madre Playhouse.
This 599 seat house designed by S. Charles Lee opened in 1947 as the Puente Theatre. It looks like a quonset hut but was actually a Lamella roof, using short pieces of lumber for the framing and eliminating the need for trusses. Thanks to Gary Cliser for the 2008 photo. Despite a preservation battle, the theatre was demolished in June 2019. For more information see the page on the Star Theatre.
This 40s house was designed by Clifford A. Balch for Fox West Coast. Earlier he had done the Fox, a half block to the south. This was a bit smaller, with only 502 seats. The c.1945 photo is from the Los Angeles Public Library collection. The closing date is unknown. The whole block has been usurped by a bank and its parking lot. For more information see the page about the State Theatre.
This 480 seat house opened in 1922 with an address before street renumbering of 122 W. Philadelphia St., less than a block west of Greenleaf. Initially an independent operation, it was later operated by West Coast Theatres. The front of the building, dating from 1902, survives with a tattoo parlor in the former lobby. The auditorium has either been chopped down or replaced with newer construction. The Google Maps image is from 2019. For more information see the page about the Strand Theatre.
S. Charles Lee designed this 874 seat house on the north edge of downtown for the short-lived Hughes-Franklin cicuit. The 1931 pre-opening photo is in the Los Angeles Public Library collection. Soon Fox West Coast was running it as the Fox Sunkist. The building was remodeled into retail space in 1957. For more information see the page about the Sunkist Theatre.
This theatre on the northeast corner of Main and Stoneman opened in 1912
as the Alhambra, the first of three theatres to use the name. In 1917
it was renamed the Superba and later was the United, part of a local
chain by that name. The image with the theatre building in the center is
a detail from a 1920 Los Angeles Public Library photo. The closing date
is unknown but a new building was on the site by 1934. For more
information see the page about the Superba Theatre.
This rustic 750 seat design by S. Charles Lee was a fanciful attempt to give owner James Edwards an inexpensive theatre he needed for competitive reasons at the Five Points site. The $35,000 project in 1939 included a neon-lit windmill, a wishing well, a pond with ducks and an auditorium lit with wagon wheel chandeliers. The photo is from the UCLA S. Charles Lee Papers Collection. The theatre was running into the 60s but then succumbed to redeveloped. For more information see the page about the Tumbleweed Theatre.
This 1923 vintage theatre, a design by Meyer & Holler, opened as the California. Originally it had its entrance through an office building on Thomas St. but Fox West Coast abandoned that in the 30s and made a new one directly into the inner lobby on 3rd St. The original entrance is seen in the 1928 photo from the Pomona Public Library. As part of the consent decree rulings of the late 40s, this theatre was spun off to United Artists Theatre Circuit and, after a remodeling, got renamed the United Artists. Its last theatrical adventure was as a concert venue called the Pomona Valley Auditorium. It's now a church. For more information see the page about the United Artists Theatre.
This 1,016 seat atmospheric house opened in 1929 as McNees Theatre. The architect was David Bushnell, who also designed what is now the Whittier Village Cinemas. Warner Bros swooped into town and within a few months it was Warner Bros. Whittier. They didn't stay long and the house ended up as part of the local Bruen circuit. He later sold to Pacific and they were operating it when it closed following damage from the 1987 Whittier Narrows earthquake. Thanks to Sean Ault for his post-quake photo. For more information see the page on the Whittier Theatre.
7038 Greenleaf Ave. Whittier
This 1932 deco delight was supposed to be the Fox Whitter but that circuit bailed on their lease. Owner Aubrey Wardman built it anyway and named it after himself. He enlisted his architect, David Bushnell, to be the manager. After a fling with Pussycat and some earthquake damage it closed in 1978. With the auditorium chopped in half and 6 new ones added, it reopened in 1990 as the Whittier Village Cinemas, now operated by Starlight Cinemas. Thanks to Don Solosan for his photo. For more information see the page about the Whittier Village Cinemas.
Alternate name list:
Academy 6 1003 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena
Alexandria 1003 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena see the Academy 6
Alhambra Theatre 702 W. Main St. Alhambra
Alhambra Theatre see Capri Theatre 130 W. Main St. Alhambra
Alhambra Theatre see Superba Theatre 101 E. Main St. Alhambra
Alhambra Twin Cinemas see Alhambra Theatre 702 W. Main St. Alhambra
Alician Court Theatre see Fox Fullerton 510 N. Harbor Blvd. Fullerton
AMC Old Pasadena 8 see iPic Pasadena 42 Miller Alley Pasadena
American Theatre 470 W. 2nd St. Pomona
Annex Theatre see Alhambra Theatre 702 W. Main St. Alhambra
ArcLight Cinemas 336 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena
Armory see Armory Opera House 470 W. 2nd St. Pomona
Armory Opera House 470 W. 2nd St. Pomona
Auditorium, Pasadena Civic 300 E. Green St. Pasadena
Auditorium, Pomona Valley see United Artists Theatre 235 W. 3rd St. Pomona
Auditorium S. Raymond Ave. Pasadena see Pasadena Grand Opera House
Azusa Theatre see Village Theatre 602 N. Azusa Ave. Azusa
Bard's Alexandria 1003 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena see the Academy 6
Bard's Colorado 1003 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena see the Academy 6
Bard's Egyptian 1003 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena see the Academy 6
Bard's Egyptian see Garfield Theatre 9 E. Valley Blvd. Alhambra
Bard's Garfield see Garfield Theatre 9 E. Valley Blvd. Alhambra
Bard's Pasadena 1003 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena see the Academy 6
Bard's Theatre 1003 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena see the Academy 6
Belvedere Theatre 251 S. Garey Ave. Pomona
Berry Grand Theatre 108 E. Philadelphia / 13011 Philadelphia St. Whittier
Bogart Theatre see Sierra Madre Playhouse 87 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. Sierra Madre
Bridge Theatre see San Gabriel Theatre 330 W. Las Tunas Dr. San Gabriel
Bruen's Roxy Theatre see Roxy Theatre 217 E. Philadelphia / 13112 Philadelphia St. Whittier
Bruen's Whittier Theatre see Whittier Theatre 11612 Whittier Blvd. Whittier
Caldwell Grand Opera House see Pomona Opera House W. Third and S. Thoma Pomona
California Theatre see United Artists Theatre 287 S. Thomas St. and 235 W. 3rd St. Pomona
Cameo Theatre 605 W. Whittier Blvd Montebello
Capri Theatre 130 W. Main St. Alhambra
Capri Theatre 444 S. Glendora Ave. West Covina
Century Theatre see San Gabriel Theatre 330 W. Las Tunas Dr. San Gabriel
Chapman's Theatre see Fox Fullerton 510 N. Harbor Blvd. Fullerton
Chapman's Alician Court Theatre see Fox Fullerton 510 N. Harbor Blvd. Fullerton
Cinema 21 845 E. Washington Blvd. Pasadena
Cinemaland see Santa Anita Theatre 135 Colorado Pl. Arcadia
Cinematheque 16 73 N. Fair Oaks Ave. Pasadena
Cinematheque Theatre see Cinematheque 16 73 N. Fair Oaks Ave. Pasadena
Civic Auditorium 300 E. Green St. Pasadena
Clune's Pasadena Theatre 61 W. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena see Fox Pasadena
Colonial Theatre see Monrovia Theatre 314 S. Myrtle Ave. Monrovia
Colonial Theatre 804 Fair Oaks Ave. South Pasadena see Ritz Theatre
Colorado Theatre 1003 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena see the Academy 6
Colorado Theatre 2588 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena
Coronet Theatre see Capri Theatre 130 W. Main St. Alhambra
Covina Theatre 104 N. Citrus Ave. Covina
Covina Valley Playhouse see Covina Theatre 104 N. Citrus Ave. Covina
Crest Theatre 205 E. Foothill Blvd. Monrovia
Crown Theatre 129 N. Raymond Ave. Pasadena see Raymond Theatre
Crown Theatre 29 W. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena
Eagle Theatre 4884 Eagle Rock Blvd. Eagle Rock
Eagle Theatre 5058 Eagle Rock Blvd. Eagle Rock see the Sierra Theatre
Eagle Rock Theatre 5058 Eagle Rock Blvd. Eagle Rock see the Sierra Theatre
Edwards Azusa Theatre see Village Theatre 602 N. Azusa Ave. Azusa
Edwards Century Theatre see San Gabriel Theatre 330 W. Las Tunas Dr. San Gabriel
Edwards Cinemaland see Santa Anita Theatre 135 Colorado Pl. Arcadia
Edwards Garvey Theatre see Garvey Theatre 8100 block of Garvey Ave. Rosemead
Edwards Monterey Theatre see Monterey Theatre 619 N. Garfield Ave. Monterey Park
Edwards San Gabriel Theatre see San Gabriel Theatre 330 W. Las Tunas Dr. San Gabriel
Edwards Santa Anita see Santa Anita Theatre 135 Colorado Pl. Arcadia
Edwards Temple Theatre see Temple Theatre 1611 / 9015 Las Tunas Dr. Temple City
Edwards Tumbleweed Theatre see Tumbleweed Theatre 11918 Garvey Ave. El Monte
Edwards Valley Theatre see Valley Theatre 326 W. Main/326 W. Valley Blvd./10818 Main El Monte
Edwards Village Theatre see Village Theatre 602 N. Azusa Ave. Azusa
Egyptian Theatre 61 W. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena see Fox Pasadena
Egyptian, Bard's 1003 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena see the Academy 6
Egyptian, Warner's 2316 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena see Uptown Theatre
El Monte Theatre 110 E. Valley Blvd. / 11006 Valley Mall / 11006 Main St. El Monte
El Rey Theatre 335 W. Main St. Alhambra
Elite Theatre 217 S. Myrtle Ave. Monrovia
Esquire Theatre 2670 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena
Fair Oaks Theatre 85 N. Fair Oaks Ave. Pasadena see Oaks Theatre
Fair Oaks Theatre 1246 N. Fair Oaks Ave. Pasadena
Family Theatre 7024 Greenleaf Ave. Whittier
Feldmiller Theatre W. Mission Rd. at W. Angeleno Ave. San Gabriel
Fischer's Theatre 85 N. Fair Oaks Ave. Pasadena see Oaks Theatre
Florence Theatre 770 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena see State Theatre
Fox California Theatre see United Artists Theatre 287 S. Thomas St. and 235 W. 3rd St. Pomona
Fox Colorado 1003 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena see the Academy 6
Fox Fullerton 510 N. Harbor Blvd. Fullerton
Fox Mission Theatre see Fox Fullerton 510 N. Harbor Blvd. Fullerton
Fox Monrovia see Monrovia Theatre 314 S. Myrtle Ave. Monrovia
Fox Pasadena 61 W. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena
Fox Pomona 301 S. Garey Ave. Pomona
Fox Ritz Theatre 804 Fair Oaks Ave. South Pasadena see Ritz Theatre
Fox State Theatre 770 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena see State Theatre
Fox State Theatre see State Theatre 255 S. Garey Ave. Pomona
Fox Strand Theatre 340 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena see Strand Theatre
Fox Sunkist Theatre see Sunkist Theatre 445 N. Garey Ave. Pomona
Fox Tower 114 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena see Tower Theatre
Fox Whittier see Whittier Village Cinemas 7038 Greenleaf Ave. Whittier
Fraternal Aid Opera House NE corner of Gordon & 3rd Sts. Pomona
Gale Theatre 7023 Greenleaf Ave. Whittier
Garfield Theatre 9 E. Valley Blvd. Alhambra
Garfield Egyptian see Garfield Theatre 9 E. Valley Blvd. Alhambra
Garmar Theatre 2325 W. Whittier Blvd. Montebello
Gold Cinema see Alhambra Theatre 702 W. Main St. Alhambra
Gold Class Cinemas 42 Miller Alley Pasadena see iPicPasadena
Graham and Mohr Opera House see South Pasadena Opera House 915 Center St. So. Pas.
Granada Theatre see Capri Theatre 130 W. Main St. Alhambra
Grand Opera House 400 block S. Raymond Ave. at E. Bellevue Dr. Pasadena
Grand Theatre see Berry Grand Theatre 108 E. Philadelphia / 13011 Philadelphia St. Whittier
Hastings 355 N. Rosemead Blvd. Pasadena see Hastings 8
Hastings 8 355 N. Rosemead Blvd. Pasadena
Hastings Drive-In 400 N. Halstead St. Pasadena
Hastings Ranch 3 467 N. Rosemead Blvd. Pasadena
Hughes-Franklin circuit see Sunkist Theatre 445 N. Garey Ave. Pomona
iPic Pasadena 42 Miller Alley Pasadena
Jackson's Opera House see Pomona Opera House NW corner Third and Thomas Sts. Pomona
Jensen's Raymond Theatre 129 N. Raymond Ave. Pasadena see Raymond Theatre
Kuo Hwa Theatre see San Gabriel Theatre 330 W. Las Tunas Dr. San Gabriel
La Pictoria Theatre 470 W. 2nd St. Pomona
Laemmle's Colorado Theatre 2588 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena
Laemmle's Esquire Theatre 2670 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena
Laemmle's One Colorado Cinemas 42 Miller Alley Pasadena see iPic Pasadena
Laemmle's Playhouse 7 673 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena
Liberty Theatre 310 N. Alameda Ave. Azusa
Liberty Theatre 3300 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena
Loew's Colorado Theatre 2588 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena
Loew's Crown Theatre 129 N. Raymond Ave. Pasadena see Raymond Theatre
Lowe Opera House S. Raymond Ave. Pasadena see Pasadena Grand Opera House
Lyric Theatre see Crest Theatre 205 E. White Oak Ave. / 205 E. Foothill Blvd. Monrovia
Lyric Theatre 366 W. 2nd St. Pomona
Mann's Hastings Ranch 1-2-3 467 N. Rosemead Blvd. Pasadena
McNees Theatre see Whittier Theatre 11612 Whittier Blvd. Whittier
Mission Theatre 127 E. Olive Ave. Monrovia
Mission Theatre see Monterey Theatre 619 N. Garfield Ave. Monterey Park
Mission Theatre Colorado at Garfield Pasadena (unbuilt)
Mission Theatre see Fox Fullerton 510 N. Harbor Blvd. Fullerton
Mission Court Theatre see Fox Fullerton 510 N. Harbor Blvd. Fullerton
Mission Playhouse see San Gabriel Mission Playhouse 320 S. Mission Dr. San Gabriel
Monrovia Theatre 314 S. Myrtle Ave. Monrovia
Montebello? Theatre 520 W. Whittier Blvd. Montebello
Monterey Theatre 619 N. Garfield Ave. Monterey Park
Monterey Park Theatre see Monterey Theatre 619 N. Garfield Ave. Monterey Park
New Eagle Theatre see Eagle Theatre 4884 Eagle Rock Blvd. Eagle Rock
Oaks Theatre 85 N. Fair Oaks Ave. Pasadena
Oasis Theatre 2316 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena see Uptown Theatre
Old Pasadena 8 42 Miller Alley Pasadena see iPic Pasadena
One Colorado Cinemas 42 Miller Alley Pasadena see iPicPasadena
Opera House, Pasadena Grand 400 block S. Raymond Ave. at E. Bellevue Dr. Pasadena
Opera House, South Pasadena 915 Center St. South Pasadena
Optic Theatre 111 S. Greenleaf / 7011 Greenleaf Ave Whittier
Pacific's Colorado see Colorado Theatre 2588 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena
Pacific's Hastings 8 355 N. Rosemead Blvd. Pasadena
Pacific's Hastings Ranch 3 467 N. Rosemead Blvd.
Pacific's Paseo Colorado 14 336 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena see ArcLight Cinemas
Pacific's Whittier Theatre 11612 Whittier Blvd. Whittier see Whittier Theatre
Pantages Pasadena Colorado and Hudson Pasadena (unbuilt)
Park Theatre 1375 N. Fair Oaks Ave. Pasadena
Parlor Theatre NE cor. Colorado & Fair Oaks Pasadena
Pasadena 6 64 W. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena see UA Marketplace
Pasadena Civic Auditorium 300 E. Green St. Pasadena
Pasadena Community Playhouse (1917-1925) 85 N. Fair Oaks Ave. Pasadena see Oaks Theatre
Pasadena Grand Opera House 400 block S. Raymond Ave. at E. Bellevue Dr. Pasadena
Pasadena Hastings Theatre 355 N. Rosemead Blvd. Pasadena see Hastings 8
Pasadena Marketplace 64 W. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena see UA Marketplace
Pasadena Photoplay 28 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena see Photoplay
Pasadena Playhouse 39 S. El Molino Ave. Pasadena
Pasadena Repertory Theatre 107 S. Fair Oaks Ave. Pasadena
Pasadena Theatre 61 W. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena see Fox Pasadena
Paseo Colorado 14 336 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena see ArcLight Cinemas
Perkins Palace 129 N. Raymond Ave. Pasadena see Raymond Theatre
Photoplay 28 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena
Pictoria Theatre see American Theatre 470 W. 2nd St. Pomona
Playhouse 39 S. El Molino Ave. Pasadena see Pasadena Playhouse
Playhouse see San Gabriel Mission Playhouse 320 S. Mission Dr. San Gabriel
Playhouse 7 673 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena
Pomona Theatre see Fox Pomona 301 S. Garey Ave. Pomona
Pomona Opera House NW corner W. Third and S. Thomas Pomona
Pomona Opera House 470 W. 2nd St. Pomona
Pomona Opera House see Fraternal Aid Opera House NE corner of Gordon & 3rd Sts. Pomona
Pomona Valley Auditorium see United Artists Theatre 235 W. 3rd St. Pomona
Plaza Theatre see Capri Theatre 130 W. Main St. Alhambra
Puente Theatre see 145 N. 1st St. La Puente
Pussycat Theatre 770 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena see State Theatre
Pussycat Theatre see Whittier Village Cinemas 7038 Greenleaf Ave. Whittier
Raymond Theatre 129 N. Raymond Ave. Pasadena
Regal Pasadena 6 64 W. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena see UA Marketplace
Rialto Theatre see Valley Theatre 326 W. Main St. / 10818 Main St.
Rialto Theatre 1023 Fair Oaks Ave., South Pasadena
Ritz Theatre 804 Fair Oaks Ave., South Pasadena
Rosemead Theatre 1629 E. Valley Blvd. / 9021 Valley Blvd. Rosemead
Roxy Theatre 217 E. Philadelphia / 13112 Philadelphia St. Whittier
San Gabriel Theatre 330 W. Las Tunas Dr. San Gabriel
San Gabriel Theatre, 1st see Feldmiller Theatre W. Mission Rd. at W. Angeleno Ave. San Gabriel
San Gabriel Mission Playhouse 320 S. Mission Dr. San Gabriel
Santa Anita Theatre 135 Colorado Pl. Arcadia
Savoy Theatre see Oaks Theatre 85 N. Fair Oaks Ave. Pasadena
Scenic Theatre see Roxy Theatre 217 E. Philadelphia / 13112 Philadelphia St. Whittier
Sierra Theatre 5058 Eagle Rock Blvd. Eagle Rock
Sierra Madre Playhouse 87 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. Sierra Madre
Sierra Madre Theatre see Sierra Madre Playhouse 87 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. Sierra Madre
South Pasadena Opera House 915 Center St. South Pasadena
SRO Colorado see Colorado Theatre 2588 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena
SRO Hastings Drive-In 400 N. Halstead St. Pasadena
SRO Pasadena Hastings 355 N. Rosemead Blvd. Pasadena see Hastings 8
Star Theatre 145 N. 1st St. La Puente
Starlight Whittier Village see Whittier Village Cinemas 7038 Greenleaf Ave. Whittier
State Theatre see Village Theatre 602 N. Azusa Ave. Azusa
State Theatre 770 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena
State Theatre 255 S. Garey Ave. Pomona
Strand Theatre 340 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena
Strand Theatre 122 W. Philadelphia / 12905 Philadelphia St. Whittier
Superba Theatre 101 E. Main St. Alhambra
Sunkist Theatre 445 N. Garey Ave. Pomona
Sweetgreen see United Artists Theatre 606 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena
Taylor Opera House see Pomona Opera House NW corner Third and Thomas Sts. Pomona
Temple Theatre 1611 / 9015 Las Tunas Dr. Temple City
Temple Theatre see El Rey Theatre 335 W. Main St. Alhambra
Tom Kat Theatre 85 N. Fair Oaks Ave. Pasadena see Oaks Theatre
Tower Theatre 114 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena
Tumbleweed Theatre 11918 Garvey Ave. El Monte
United Theatre see Superba Theatre 101 E. Main St. Alhambra
United Theatre 5058 Eagle Rock Blvd. Eagle Rock see Sierra Theatre
United Artists Theatre 606 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena
United Artists Theatre 235 W. 3rd St. Pomona
United Artists Marketplace 64 W. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena
UA The Movies 64 W. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena see UA Marketplace
Uptown Theatre 2316 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena
Valley Theatre 326 W. Main St. / 326 W. Valley Blvd. / 10818 Main St. El Monte
Valley Playhouse see Covina Theatre 104 N. Citrus Ave. Covina
Vidiots see Eagle Theatre 4884 Eagle Rock Blvd. Eagle Rock
Village Theatre 602 N. Azusa Ave. Azusa
Village Roadshow 42 Miller Alley Pasadena see iPic Pasadena
Vogue Theatre 712 W. Whittier Blvd. Montebello
Wardman Theatre see Whittier Village Cinemas 7038 Greenleaf Ave. Whittier
Warner Bros. Pasadena Colorado at Euclid Pasdadena (unbuilt)
Warner Bros. Whittier Theatre see Whittier Theatre 11612 Whittier Blvd. Whittier
Warner's Egyptian 2316 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena see Uptown Theatre
Warner's Photoplay 28 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena see Photoplay
Washington Theatre 845 E. Washington Blvd. Pasadena see Cinema 21
Whittier Theatre 11612 Whittier Blvd. Whittier
Whittier Village Cinemas 7038 Greenleaf Ave. Whittier
Williams Hall NE cor. Colorado & Fair Oaks Pasadena see Parlor Theatre
Wisteria Theatre see Sierra Madre Playhouse 87 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. Sierra Madre
Yosemite Theatre see Eagle Theatre 4884 Eagle Rock Blvd. Eagle Rock
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