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Lyric Theatre

366 W. 2nd St. Pomona, CA 91766 | map |  

Opened: Probably 1910. It was on the south side of the street just east of Gordon St. The location is shown as "moving pictures" in image 29 of the 1911 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map that's in the Library of Congress collection. 

A 1910 ad for the Lyric located by Ken McIntyre.


"We have used the No. 6 machine for over a year and it has given us the best of satisfaction. Our patrons tell us that they have never seen a clearer or more steady picture" say the Houze Bros., operators of the Lyric, in this Powers projector ad appearing in the September 2, 1911 issue of The Moving Picture World. Thanks to Joe Vogel for locating the ad. It's on Internet Archive.

Evidently the Houzes soon sold the venue. Ron Pierce notes that in the 1911 city directory as well as later issues the proprietors were listed as Robert N. Taylor and wife Lottie.

A September 1912 ad from the Pomona Daily Review. Thanks to Ken McIntyre for locating it for a post on the Photos of Los Angeles private Facebook group. 

"Theatre Heated." Good to know. Thanks to Ken McIntyre for locating this 1914 ad for a Facebook post on Ken's Theatre Page

The Lyric continued to be listed in the 1912/13 through 1927 city directories. 

Closing: It was evidently closed by 1928.

Status: It's been demolished. The site is now a park.

Looking across Gordon St. On the left it's a view east on 2nd. The Lyric was once down just a bit and off to the right. The arts school building visible through the trees at 2nd and Main uses a 300 address. The building on the far right is at 400 W. 2nd. Photo: Google Maps - 2019

More Information: See the Cinema Treasures page about the Lyric Theatre. Thanks to Ron Pierce and Joe Vogel for their research.

In the next block west on 2nd St. it was the Armory Opera House, later known as the La Pictoria and American Theatre. 

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