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Vista Theatre: Pam's Coffy

 4473 Sunset Dr. Los Angeles, CA 90027  | map |

The Vista Theatre pages: history + exterior views | lobby | auditorium | backstage | booth + offices | east storefront: pam's coffy | west storefront - cinema club
Pam's Coffy is a coffee bar, dessert and cereal emporium is located in the east storefront. In the 80s this spot was the Onyx Cafe. Later it was an ice cream parlor.

The new cafe space. Photo: Bill Counter - January 2023

Getting the cafe put together. Photo: Bill Counter - July 2023

A Soundies machine. But it wasn't in evidence when the cafe opened. Photo: Bill Counter - July 2023
Shelves getting stocked with your favorite breakfast cereals. Photo: Bill Counter - November 2023

The opening day was on Valentine's Day 2024. Thanks to Rebecca Roland for this photo. It's of ten she included in her article about Pam's for Eater. "'The whole vision was let’s make it funky,' says Mayra Garcia, who works at the Vista Theater and Pam's Coffy. 'Let’s make it like two high school kids are putting together a little coffee shop.'"

A fine crowd for opening day. Photo: Bill Counter - February 14

Pam on the window. Photo: Rebecca Roland in The Eater.

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