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Spidora Theatre

224 E. 5th St. Los Angeles, CA 90012 | map |

How's that for a name? All we know is that the Spidora Theatre is in the 1917 city directory with Harry Black, Earl Greenbaum and M.E. Golden listed as the operators. It was on the south side of the street between Los Angeles St. and Maple Ave.

Status: Whatever building the theatre was in has been demolished. The current building on the site, called the 5th & Los Angeles Plaza, dates from 1989.

The site of the Spidora, about where the "Now Leasing" sign is. We're looking west with Los Angeles St. down on the far right. This very long building now on the site runs the full block. Maple St. is out of the frame to the left. Photo: Bill Counter - 2019  

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