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Edison Theatre

213 E. Broadway Long Beach, CA 90802 | map |

Opened: 1998. This building on the north side of the street a block west of Long Beach Blvd. dates from 1917. It's been a pool hall, barber shop, foot clinic, beauty shop and more. 
It was built out as a 99 seat flexible space theatre for the Cal State Long Beach California Repertory Company in 1998 at a cost of about $250,000. A later lobby renovation cost an additional $70,000. The 2009 shot by an unknown photographer appears on Wikimedia Commons.
Status: It's been vacant since 2006 when it became evident that an adjacent building had seismic problems. The theatre building was retrofitted in the 1980s and is structurally sound.

The building in 2019. The American Liberty Bail Bonds Building on the right is the one with seismic issues that limit Cal State's ability to occupy the theatre. Other tenants would not have a problem using it. Photo: Google Maps.

More Information: See Greggory Moore's 2012 Long Beach Post article "Edison Theatre: A Waste of Space." There's a listing for the building on Wikimapia.

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