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A New Opera House - 1948

 W. 6th St. & S. Lafayette Park Place Los Angeles, CA 90057 | map |

The cover of "Music Magazine of Los Angeles" for October 19-31, 1948 featured this great view looking east toward the site of the planned new Opera House at 6th St. and S. Lafayette Park Place, opposite Lafayette Park. The theatre was never built. That's 6th St. continuing from the site toward downtown at the top of the image. One block to the right it's Wilshire Blvd. making its curve through MacArthur Park.

The magazine also mentioned a proposed L.A. Memorial Auditorium, another project that didn't proceed. Thanks to theatre sleuth Michelle Gerdes for finding the magazine. It was distributed at the Shrine Auditorium for performances of the San Francisco Opera Company.

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