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To see what's recently been added to the mix visit the Theatres in Movies site and the Los Angeles Theatres Facebook page.

Westside Theatres: an alphabetical list

This list of the westside theatres also includes alternate names of the venues.

If you don't find what you're looking for here you might also check the main Los Angeles theatres alphabetical list or the main list of theatres by street address.

If you're looking for Venice or Ocean Park theatres, they'll eventually all be here. The Fox Venice is listed below but for now you'll find the rest on a separate Venice and Ocean Park page of the [more] Los Angeles Movie Palaces site. 


77 Sunset Strip 8925 Sunset Blvd. West Hollywood. see Storefront Porno


ABC Century Plaza Theatres see Century Plaza Theatres 2040 Avenue of the Stars Century City

ABC City Theatres see Century Plaza Theatres 2040 Avenue of the Stars Century City

ABC Entertainment Center see Century Plaza Theatres 2040 Avenue of the Stars Century City

ABC Entertainment Center see Shubert Theatre 2020 Avenue of the Stars Century City 

ABC Vine St. Theatre 1313 Vine St. see Linwood Dunn Theatre

Abbott's Music Box 6126 Holywood Blvd. see Music Box

Academy Award Theatre see Marquis Theatre 9038 Melrose Ave. West Hollywood

Academy Review Theatre 1455 Gordon St.

Academy Museum / Geffen Theatre 6067 Wilshire Blvd.   

Academy Museum / Mann Theatre 6067 Wilshire Blvd.   

Academy Theatre 6523 Hollywood Blvd. see the Holly Theatre

Academy Theatre 4667 Melrose Ave.

Actors Studio see Tiffany Theatre 8534 Sunset Blvd. West Hollywood 

Adam and Eve 5959 Hollywood Blvd.  see the X Theatre

Admiral Theatre 6321 Hollywood Blvd. see the Vine Theatre

Aero Theatre 1328 Montana Ave. Santa Monica

Ahrya Fine Arts Theatre 8556 Wilshire Blvd. Beverly Hills 

Allen, Steve Playhouse 1228 Vine St.  see the Filmarte Theatre

Alvarado Theatre 710 S. Alvarado St. 

Ambassador Theatre 3400 Wilshire Blvd. 

AMC Avco Cinemas 10840 Wilshire Blvd. Westwood see Avco Cinemas

AMC Broadway 4 1441 3rd. St. Promenade Santa Monica  see Broadway 4

AMC Criterion 1313 3rd St. Promenade Santa Monica see Criterion Theatre

AMC Galaxy 6 7021 Hollywood Blvd. see the Galaxy 6

AMC The Grove 14 189 The Grove Dr.  

AMC Santa Monica 7 1310 3rd. St. Promenade Santa Monica

AMC Sunset 5 8000 Sunset Blvd. West Hollywood  see Sunset 5

Amazon's The Culver Theater 9500 Culver Blvd. Culver City

American Theatre 5214 Wilshire Blvd. see Ritz Theatre

American Cinematheque see Egyptian Theatre 6712 Hollywood Blvd.

American Cinematheque  see Aero Theatre 1328 Montana Ave. Santa Monica

AMPAS Pickford Film Center 1313 Vine St. see Linwood Dunn Theatre

AMPAS Museum/Geffen Theatre 6067 Wilshire Blvd.   

AMPAS Samuel Goldwyn Theatre 8949 Wilshire Blvd. Beverly Hills

Apollo Theatre 5544 Hollywood Blvd. see the Star Theatre
Apollo Art 5544 Hollywood Blvd. see the Star Theatre

Aquarius Theatre 6230 W. Sunset Blvd. see the Earl Carroll Theatre 

Arc Theatre 412 N. La Brea Ave. see the Showcase Theatre

ArcLight Cinemas
6360 Sunset Blvd.

ArcLight Cinemas 9500 Culver Blvd. Culver City see Amazon Culver City 12

ArcLight Cinemas 395 Santa Monica Place #300

Arena Cinema 1625 N. Las Palmas Ave. see Arena Cinema / Egyptian 2&3

Arena Cinelounge Sunset  6464 Sunset Blvd.

Arena Cinelounge Santa Monica 1526 14th St. Santa Monica  

Arena Stage 1625 N. Las Palmas Ave. see Arena Cinema / Egyptian 2&3

Art La Brea Theatre 857 S. La Brea Ave. see La Brea Theatre

Asia Theatre 1442 2nd St. Santa Monica  see Pussycat Theatre

Assistance League Theatre, 1367 N. St. Andrews Pl.

Auditorium, Horseshoe Pier see Ocean Park Auditorium Pier Ave. at Ocean Front Promenade

Auditorium, North Beach  North Beach, Santa Monica

Auditorium, Ocean Park Pier Ave. at Ocean Front Promenade Ocean Park

Auditorium, Ocean Park Municipal 2850 Ocean Front Promenade Ocean Park

Auditorium, Santa Monica Civic 1855 Main St. Santa Monica

Auditorium, Venice on the Abbott Kinney Pier Venice

Audrey Skirball Kenis Stage 10886 Le Conte Ave. see Geffen Playhouse 

Avalon Hollywood 1735 Vine St.  see Hollywood Playhouse

Avco Cinemas 10840 Wilshire Blvd. Westwood


Bard's Hollywood 4473 Sunset Dr. see the Vista

Baron Theatre 2814 Main St. Santa Monica

Bay Theatre 15140 Sunset Blvd. Pacific Palisades  

Beaux Arts Theatre 1709 W. 8th St.

Bee Bee Theatre Santa Monica Blvd. at Cotner Ave. 

Belmont Theatre 126 S. Vermont Ave.

Ben Bard Playhouse see New Beverly Cinema 7165 Beverly Blvd.

Beverly Theatre 206 N. Beverly Dr. Beverly Hills

The Beverly 9404 Wilshire Blvd. Beverly Hills  see Warner Bros. Beverly Hills

Beverly Canon Theatre 205 N. Canon Dr. Beverly Hills

Beverly Center Cinemas 8522 Beverly Blvd. 

Beverly Cinema, New  7165 Beverly Blvd.

Beverly Hills Theatre 9404 Wilshire Blvd. Beverly Hills  see Warner Bros. Beverly Hills

Beverly Hills Theatre see Writers Guild Theater 135 S. Doheny Dr. Beverly Hills 

Beverly Hills Music Hall 4400 Wilshire Blvd. Beverly Hills  see Music Hall Theatre

Bigfoot Crest 1262 Westwood Blvd. see Crest Theatre

Bijou Theatre 7059 Hollywood Blvd.

Bijou Adult Theatre 1651 Cahuenga Blvd.   

Billy Wilder Theatre at the Hammer Museum 10899 Wilshire Blvd. 

Bing Theatre, Leo S. LACMA  5905 Wilshire Blvd.

Bob's Theatre 2734 Main St. Santa Monica 
Brain Dead Studios 611 N. Fairfax Ave.

Brentwood Theatre 11611 Wilshire Blvd. 

Brentwood Theatre VA Campus 11301 Wilshire Blvd.

Brentwood 1 & 2 see Brentwood Twin 2524 Wilshire Blvd. Santa Monica

Brentwood Twin 2524 Wilshire Blvd. Santa Monica

Broadway 4 1441 3rd. St. Promenade Santa Monica

Brooks Theatre Ocean Front Promenade Ocean Park

Bruin Theatre 948 Broxton Ave.

Bundy Theatre 3141 Pico Blvd. Santa Monica


California Theatre 1508 Ocean Front Walk Venice

Campus Theatre 1020 N. Vermont Ave.

Canon Theatre see Beverly Canon Theatre 205 N. Canon Dr. Beverly Hills

Capitol Theatre 1002 W. 9th St. see Georgia Theatre 

Capri Theatre see New Beverly Cinema 7165 Beverly Blvd.

Capt'n Merriweather's Pickle Farm see Melrose Theatre 4315 Melrose Ave. 

Carmel Theatre 8163 Santa Monica Blvd. West Hollywood

Carmel Museum Theatre  see Carmel Theatre 8163 Santa Monica Blvd. West Hollywood  

Carousel Theatre see Hollywood Canteen 1451 Cahuenga Blvd.

Carroll, Earl Theatre 6230 W. Sunset Blvd. see the Earl Carroll Theatre

Carter DeHaven Music Box  6126 Hollywood Blvd. see Music Box  

Carthay Circle Theatre 6316 San Vicente Blvd. 

Casablanca, Teatro see Campus Theatre 1020 N. Vermont Ave.

Casino see Ocean Park Casino Pier Ave. at Ocean Front Promenade Ocean Park

Cast Theatre 804 N. El Centro Ave. see the El Centro Theatre

Cate and Swann see Empire Theatre 2131 W. Pico Blvd. 

Cave Theatre 6315 Hollywood Blvd.

CBS Lux Radio Theatre 6126 Hollywood Blvd. see Music Box

CBS Studio Theatre 1615 Vine St. see the Ricardo Montalban Theatr

Cecci Gori Fine Arts Cinema 8556 Wilshire Blvd. Beverly Hills  see Fine Arts Theatre

Center for the Art of Performance see Royce Hall 340 Royce Dr. Westwood 

Center Stage Playhouse 1445 N. Las Palmas Ave. see  Hollywood Playhouse

Century Theatre 5115 Hollywood Blvd.

Century Theatre see Cine Cienega 755 N. La Cienega Blvd. West Hollywood

Century Theatre see New Beverly Cinema 7165 Beverly Blvd.

Century Theatre, Hollywood  5903 Hollywood Blvd.  

Century Plaza Theatres  2040 Avenue of the Stars Century City

Century Plaza Twin see Century Plaza Theatres 2040 Avenue of the Stars Century City

CGV Cinemas 621 S. Western Ave. 

Chaplin Stage 804 N. El Centro Ave. see the El Centro Theatre

Chevy Chase Theatre 6230 W. Sunset Blvd. see the Earl Carroll Theatre

Chinese Theatre, Grauman's   6925 Hollywood Blvd.

Chinese 6 Theatres 6801 Hollywood Blvd.

Chinese Twin, Mann's 6915 Hollywood Blvd.

Chinese II & III  see Mann Chinese Twin 6915 Hollywood Blvd.

Chotiner's Hollywood Ravenna Theatre see Ravenna Theatre  233 N. Vermont

Chotiner's La Brea 857 S. La Brea Ave. see La Brea Theatre

Chotiner's Melrose Theatre see Melrose Theatre 4315 Melrose Ave.  

Chotiner's Parisian Theatre 803 S. Vermont Ave. see Parisian Theatre

Chotiner's Ravenna Theatre see Ravenna Theatre  233 N. Vermont

Chotiner's Roosevelt Theatre 803 S. Vermont Ave. see Parisian Theatre

Cine 1 1358 N. La Brea Ave.

Ciné-Cienega  755 N. La Cienega Blvd. West Hollywood

Cine Latino 1441 3rd. St. Promenade Santa Monica see Broadway 4

Cinefamily see Silent Movie Theatre 611 N. Fairfax Ave.

Cinelounge 1625 N. Las Palmas Ave.  see Arena Cinema / Egyptian 2&3

Cinema Theatre 1122 N. Western Ave.

Cinema Center, UA 10889 Wellworth Ave. see UA Westwood 

Cinema on Hollywood Blvd. 6838 Hollywood Blvd. see the El Capitan  

Cinema on the Mall 1441 3rd. St. Promenade Santa Monica see Broadway 4

Cinematheque 16 8816 1/2 Sunset Blvd. West Hollywood

Cinematheque 16 Moviehouse see Cinematheque 16 8816 1/2 Sunset Blvd. West Hollywood 

Cinematheque, American see Egyptian Theatre 6712 Hollywood Blvd.

Cinematheque, American see Aero Theatre 1328 Montana Ave. Santa Monica

Cinematheque Club 9055 Santa Monica Blvd. West Hollywood

Cinematour W. Pico & Georgia

Cineplex Odeon Beverly Center see Beverly Center Cinemas 8522 Beverly Blvd. 

Cineplex Odeon Brentwood see Brentwood Twin 2524 Wilshire Blvd. Santa Monica

Cineplex Odeon Broadway 4 1441 3rd. St. Promenade Santa Monica see Broadway 4

Cineplex Odeon Century Plaza 4 see Century Plaza Theatres 2040 Ave. of the Stars Century City

Cineplex Odeon Fairfax see Fairfax Theatre 7907 Beverly Blvd.

Cineplex Odeon's Odeon Cinema 10887 Lindbrook Dr. see Festival Theatre

Cineplex Odeon Showcase 412 N. La Brea Ave. see the Showcase

Cinerama Dome 6360 Sunset Blvd.

Cinerama, Warner 6433 Hollywood Blvd.  see Warner Bros. Hollywood

Cinne Arts Theatre 5651 Hollywood Blvd.

Circle Theatre 804 N. El Centro Ave. see the El Centro Theatre

City Theatres, ABC see Century Plaza Theatres 2040 Avenue of the Stars Century City

City Hall Theatre 9770 Culver Blvd. Culver City

Civic Auditorium, Santa Monica 1855 Main St. Santa Monica

Civic Playhouse see Cine Cienega 755 N. La Cienega Blvd. West Hollywood
Civic Repertory Theatre 6126 Hollywood Blvd. see the Music Box Theatre
Classic - Art 8257 Santa Monica Blvd. West Hollywood see 16mm revival houses 

Clinton Theatre 526 N. Western Ave.

Coast Playhouse 8325 Santa Monica Blvd. West Hollywood

Colony Theatre 6523 Hollywood Blvd.  see the Holly Theatre

Colony Theatre see Elysian Theatre 1944 Riverside Dr.

Columbia Music Box 6126 Hollywood Blvd.  see Music Box

Community Theatre 1742 Ivar Ave. see Hollywood Community Theatre

Comoedia Theatre 1737 Highland Ave. 

Contempo Theatre 10886 Le Conte Ave. Westwood see Geffen Playhouse

Continental Theatre 5308 Melrose Ave.

Coronet Theatre  366 N. La Cienega Blvd.  

Coronet, UA 10889 Wellworth Ave.  see UA Westwood

Court Theatre 722 N. La Cienega Blvd. West Hollywood

Creation Theatre see Ramona Theatre 2139 Sunset Blvd. Echo Park

Crescent Vaudeville Theatre Pier Ave. at Ocean Front Promenade Ocean Park 

Crest Theatre 1262 Westwood Blvd. 

Criterion Theatre 1313 3rd. St. Promenade Santa Monica

Crown Theatre  11342 Santa Monica Blvd.  Sawtelle
-- 504 and 342 were addresses on earlier numbering systems 

Culver City Theatre  Main St. at Culver Blvd. Culver City 

Culver City Theatre see City Hall Theatre 9770 Culver Blvd. Culver City

Culver Plaza Theatres 9919 Washington Blvd. Culver City 

Culver Stadium 12, Pacific's 9500 Culver Blvd. Culver City see The Culver Theatre

Culver Theatre 9820 Washington Blvd. Culver City 

Culver Theatre, Amazon's 9500 Culver Blvd. Culver City


Dahl Theatre see New Beverly Cinema 7165 Beverly Blvd.

Dante's Troupers Theatre 1642 N. Las Palmas Ave. see Las Palmas Theatre

D'Anton Cinematheque see Cinematheque Club 9055 Santa Monica Blvd. West Hollywood

David's Tom Cat Theatre and Lounge see Cinematheque Club 9055 Santa Monica Blvd. WeHo

DeHaven Music Box 6126 Hollywood Blvd. see Music Box

De Luxe Theatre 656 S. Alvarado St. see Theatre De Luxe

Del Mar Theatre 5036 W. Pico Blvd.

DGA Theater Complex 7920 Sunset Blvd.

Doheny Plaza Theatre 135 S. Doheny Dr. Beverly Hills see Writers Guild Theater

Dolby Screening Room 6321 Hollywood Blvd. see the Vine Theatre

Dolby Theatre  6801 Hollywood Blvd.

Dome Theatre - location #1 - 14 Ocean Front Walk Venice / 3034 O.F. Promenade Ocean Park

Dome Theatre - location #2 - 3014 Ocean Front Promenade Ocean Park

Doolittle, James Theatre 1615 Vine St.  see the Ricardo Montalban

Douglas, Kirk Theatre see Culver/Kirk Douglas Theatre 9820 Washington Blvd. Culver City 

Dreamland Theatre 1434 3rd St. Santa Monica  see La Petite Theatre

Drive-In see Pico Drive-In 10850 Pico Blvd.

Drive-In see Olympic Drive-In 12109 W. Olympic Blvd. 

Dunn, Linwood 1313 Vine St.  see Linwood Dunn Theatre


Earl Carroll Theatre 6230 W. Sunset Blvd.  

Ebell Theatre 4400 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles  see Wilshire Ebell Theatre

Egyptian Theatre 6712 Hollywood Blvd.

Egyptian 2&3 6712 Hollywood Blvd.

Egyptian Theatre Westwood see Festival Theatre 10887 Lindbrook Dr.

El Capitan Theatre 6838 Hollywood Blvd.

El Capitan Theatre 1735 Vine St. see the Hollywood Playhouse

El Centro Theatre 804 N. El Centro Ave.

El Miro Theatre see Elmiro Theatre 1441 3rd St. Promenade Santa Monica

El Patio Theatre 7080 Hollywood Blvd. 

El Rey Theatre 5515 Wilshire Blvd.  
Electric Theatre  on the Midway Plaisance Venice

Elite Theatre 9036 Wilshire Blvd. Beverly Hills  see Music Hall Theatre

Elmiro Theatre 1441 3rd St. Promenade Santa Monica 

Elysian Theatre 1944 Riverside Dr.

Embassy Theatre 331 S. Western Ave. 
Empire Art see Empire Theatre  2131 W. Pico Blvd.

Empire Theatre  2131 W. Pico Blvd. 

Empress Theatre 118 Ashland Ave. Ocean Park

Encore Theatre 5308 Melrose Ave. see the Continental Theatre 

Eros Theatre see New Beverly Cinema 7165 Beverly Blvd.

Esquire Theatre 419 N. Fairfax Ave.  

Estudio 1 see Ramona Theatre 2139 Sunset Blvd. Echo Park

Europa Theatre see New Beverly Cinema 7165 Beverly Blvd.


Fairfax Theatre 7907 Beverly Blvd.

Fairfax Cinema see Silent Movie Theatre 611 N. Fairfax Ave.

Family Theatre see Fedora Theatre 2698 W. Pico Blvd.

Family Theatre Pier Ave. at Ocean Front Promenade Ocean Park

Federal Theatre Project see Beaux Arts Theatre 1709 W. 8th St.

Federal Theatre Project see El Capitan Theatre 6838 Hollywood Blvd.

Federal Theatre Project see Hollywood Playhouse 1735 Vine St.

Fedora Theatre 2698 W. Pico Blvd.

Festival Theatre 10887 Lindbrook Dr. Los Angeles

Fiesta Theatre see Empire Theatre 2131 W. Pico Blvd.

Film Festival 1066 N. Western Ave.

Film On Hologram Theatre 6656 Hollywood Blvd. see the Ritz Theatre

Filmarte Theatre 1228 Vine St.

Filmcity Theatre 7080 Hollywood Blvd.

Fine Arts Theatre 8556 Wilshire Blvd. Beverly Hills

Flick Theatre 1082 N. Western Ave. 

Flicker Silent Movie Theatre 6726 Hollywood Blvd. see 16mm revival houses

Fonda Theatre 6126 Hollywood Blvd.  see the Music Box

Fonda, Henry Theatre 6126 Hollywood Blvd.  see the Music Box

Forum Theatre 4050 W. Pico Blvd. 

Four Star Theatre 5112 Wilshire Blvd.

Fox Theatre 6508 Hollywood Blvd.

Fox Theatre 6126 Hollywood Blvd.  see the Music Box

Fox Apollo 5544 Hollywood Blvd. see the Star Theatre

Fox Belmont Theatre 126 S. Vermont Ave. see Belmont Theatre

Fox Bundy see Bundy Theatre 3141 Pico Blvd., Santa Monica

Fox Carmel  see Carmel Theatre  8163 Santa Monica Blvd. West Hollywood 

Fox Carthay Circle Theatre  6316 San Vicente Blvd. see Carthay Circle Theatre

Fox Culver Theatre see City Hall Theatre 9770 Culver Blvd. Culver City 
Fox Culver Theatre see Culver Theatre 9820 Washington Blvd. Culver City

Fox Criterion 1313 3rd. St. Promenade Santa Monica see Criterion Theatres

Fox Dome 3014 Ocean Front Promenade Ocean Park see Dome Theatre

Fox El Rey 5515 Wilshire Blvd. see El Rey Theatre

Fox Embassy Theatre 331 S. Western Ave. see Embassy Theatre

Fox Fine Arts 8556 Wilshire Blvd. Beverly Hills  see Fine Arts Theatre

Fox La Brea 857 S. La Brea Ave. see La Brea Theatre

Fox Parisian Theatre 803 S. Vermont Ave. see Parisian Theatre

Fox Ritz Theatre 5214 Wilshire Blvd.  see Ritz Theatre 

Fox Rosemary Theatre 3034 Ocean Front Promenade see Rosemary Theatre - location #5  

Fox Stadium  see Stadium Theatre 8906 W. Pico Blvd. 

Fox Uptown Theatre 1008 S. Western Ave.

Fox Venice 680 Lincoln Blvd.

Fox Venice see Venice Theatre 1508 Ocean Front Walk Venice

Fox Westwood Village 961 Broxton Ave. Los Angeles  

Fox Wilshire Theatre 8440 Wilshire Blvd. Beverly Hills  

Fox Wilshire Theatre 1314 Wilshire Blvd. Santa Monica  see NuWilshire Theatre


Galaxy 6 7021 Hollywood Blvd.

Gallery Theatre see Coast Playhouse 8325 Santa Monica Blvd. West Hollywood

Garden Theatre see Ramona Theatre 2139 Sunset Blvd. Echo Park

Gary Theatre, Gary 1 & II see Coast Playhouse 8325 Santa Monica Blvd. West Hollywood

Gayety Theatre see Empire Theatre 2131 W. Pico Blvd.

GCC Avco Center Cinemas 10840 Wilshire Blvd. Westwood  see Avco Cinemas

GCC Beverly see Beverly Theatre 206 N. Beverly Dr. Beverly Hills

GCC Cinema on Hollywood Blvd. 6838 Hollywood Blvd.  see the El Capitan 

GCC Cinema on the Mall 1441 3rd. St. Promenade Santa Monica  see Broadway 4

GCC Galaxy 6 7021 Hollywood Blvd. see the Galaxy 6

GCC Hollywood Galaxy 7021 Hollywood Blvd.  see the Galaxy 6

Geffen Theatre 6067 Wilshire Blvd. 

Geffen Playhouse 10886 Le Conte Ave. Westwood

Georgia Theatre 1002 W. 9th St.

Gilmore Drive-In 6201 W. 3rd St.

Glaum, Louise Beaux Arts Theatre see Beaux Arts Theatre 1709 W. 8th St.  

Glaum, Louise Playhouse see Beaux Arts Theatre 1709 W. 8th St. 

Globe #3 see Holly Theatre 1624 Sunset Blvd.

Golden Spike Theatre 1451 Cahuenga Blvd.

Goldwyn Theatre, Samuel 8949 Wilshire Blvd. Beverly Hills

Goldwyn Cinemas see Westside Pavilion Cinemas 10800 W. Pico Blvd. 

Gordon Theatre 614 N. La Brea Ave. see Showcase Theatre

Gore's Theatre 1002 W. 9th St. see Georgia Theatre

Granada Theatre 7425 Sunset Blvd. see the Oriental Theatre

Granada Theatre 
9000 Sunset Blvd. West Hollywood 

Grand Theatre  2910 Ocean Front Promenade Ocean Park 

Grauman's Chinese  6925 Hollywood Blvd.

Grauman's Egyptian Theatre 6712 Hollywood Blvd.  see the Egyptian Theatre

Grauman's Hollywood Theatre 6712 Hollywood Blvd.  see the Egyptian Theatre

Grove 14 189 The Grove Dr.

Guild Theatre 6126 Hollywood Blvd.  see the Music Box

Guinness Museum
6764 Hollywood Blvd.  see Hollywood Theatre 

Hammer Museum see Billy Wilder Theatre 10899 Wilshire Blvd. 

Hartford, Huntington Theatre 1615 Vine St.  see the Ricardo Montalban

Hawaii Theatre 5941 Hollywood Blvd.

Hawaii Music Hall 5941 Hollywood Blvd.  see Hawaii Theatre

Hawaiian Gardens Theatres 5959 Hollywood Blvd.  see the X Theatres   

Hayworth Theatre 2511 Wilshire Blvd.

Henry Fonda Theatre 6126 Hollywood Blvd.  see the Music Box

Herald Theatre see Empress Theatre 118 Ashland Ave. Ocean Park 

Highland Playhouse 1737 Highland Ave.  

Hilliard Studio Sound Stage 1228 Vine St.  see the Filmarte Theatre

Hitching Post Theatre
6262 Hollywood Blvd.  

Hitching Post Theatre 1448 4th St. Santa Monica

Hitching Post Theatre 205 N. Canon Dr. Beverly Hills  see Beverly Canon Theatre

HK Studio Theatre see Ramona Theatre 2139 Sunset Blvd. Echo Park 

Holly Theatre 6523 Hollywood Blvd.

Holly Theatre 1624 Sunset Blvd. 

Holly Cinema see Holly Theatre 6523 Hollywood Blvd.

Hollyway Theatre see Holly Theatre 1624 Sunset Blvd.  

Hollywood and Highland, Mann's  see Chinese 6 Theatres 6810 Hollywood Blvd.

Hollywood and Highland Theatre see Dolby Theatre 6801 Hollywood Blvd. 

Hollywood Auditorium see Hollywood Canteen 1451 Cahuenga Blvd. 

Hollywood Barn see Hollywood Canteen 1451 Cahuenga Blvd.

Hollywood Canteen 1451 Cahuenga Blvd.

Hollywood Center Theatre 1445 N. Las Palmas Ave.  see the Hollywood Playhouse

Hollywood Century Theatre  5903 Hollywood Blvd.

Hollywood Cinema  6838 Hollywood Blvd.  see the El Capitan Theatre

Hollywood Community Theatre 1742 Ivar Ave.    

Hollywood Galaxy 7021 Hollywood Blvd.  see the Galaxy 6

Hollywood Legion Theatre 2035 N. Highland Ave.  

Hollywood Little Theatre 1642 N. Las Palmas Ave.  see the Las Palmas

Hollywood Music Box 6126 Hollywood Blvd.  see the Music Box Theatre

Hollywood Music Hall 6523 Hollywood Blvd.  see the Holly Theatre

Hollywood Pacific 1-2-3 6433 Hollywood Blvd.  see Warner Bros. Hollywood

Hollywood Palace 1735 Vine St. see the Hollywood Playhouse

Hollywood Palladium 6215 W. Sunset Blvd.  see Palladium

Hollywood Pantages  6233 Hollywood Blvd.

Hollywood Paramount  6838 Hollywood Blvd.  see the El Capitan Theatre

Hollywood Playhouse 1735 Vine St.

Hollywood Playhouse 1445 N. Las Palmas Ave.

Hollywood Ravenna Theatre, Chotiner's see Ravenna Theatre  233 N. Vermont

Hollywood Repertory Theatre see New Beverly Cinema 7165 Beverly Blvd. 

Hollywood Theatre 6764 Hollywood Blvd.

Hollywood Theatre, Bard's 4473 Sunset Dr.  see the Vista Theatre

Hollywood Theatre, Grauman's  6712 Hollywood Blvd.  see the Egyptian Theatre

Hollywood Theatre, New  6300 block of Hollywood Blvd.

Hollywood Theatre, West Coast  7425 Sunset Blvd. see Oriental Theatre

Hollywood Troupers Theatre 1642 N. Las Palmas Ave.  see Las Palmas Theatre

Hollywood Woman's Club see El Patio Theatre 7080 Hollywood Blvd.

Hologram Theatre 6656 Hollywood Blvd. see the Ritz Theatre 

Horseshoe Pier Auditorium see Ocean Park Auditorium Pier Ave. at Ocean Front Promenade

Hullabaloo Theatre
6230 W. Sunset Blvd.  see the Earl Carroll Theatre

Hunley's Theatre
5115 Hollywood Blvd.  see the Century Theatre 

Hyman's Theatre see Neptune Theatre 1417 Ocean Fromt Walk Venice


Idle Hour Theatre 
6524 Hollywood Blvd.

Idyl Hour Theatre 
see Idle Hour Theatre  6524 Hollywood Blvd. 

iPic Westwood 10840 Wilshire Blvd. Westwood

Iris Theatre [1913] see Idle Hour Theatre  6524 Hollywood Blvd. 

Iris Theatre [1915] 6417 Hollywood Blvd.

Iris Theatre [1918] 6508 Hollywood Blvd.  see the Fox Theatre

Ivar Theatre 1605 Ivar Ave.

Ivy Theatre 804 N. El Centro Ave.  see the El Centro Theatre


Jensen's Holly see Holly Theatre 1624 Sunset Blvd.

Jensen's Melrose Theatre, 4315 Melrose Ave.

Jensen's Theatorium see Holly Theatre 1624 Sunset Blvd. 
Jerry Lewis Theatre 1735 Vine St.  see the Hollywood Playhouse

Teatro Juarez see Warner Grand 478 W. 6th St. San Pedro


Kaleidoscope Theatre 6230 W. Sunset Blvd.  see the Earl Carroll Theatre 

Kenis Stage, Audrey Skirball 10886 Le Conte Ave. see Geffen Playhouse 

Keystone Theatre 3064 W. Pico Blvd. 

Kirk Douglas Theatre  9820 Washington Blvd. Culver City

Knightsbridge Theatre see Elysian Theatre 1944 Riverside Dr.

Kodak Theatre 6801 Hollywood Blvd.  see the Dolby Theatre

KTLA Studio Theatre 5308 Melrose Ave. see the Continental Theatre

La Brea Theatre 857 S. La Brea Ave.

La Grande Theatre  115 Marine St. Ocean Park

La Mirada Theatre 1228 Vine St.  see the Filmarte Theatre

La Petite Theatre 1434 3rd St. Santa Monica

La Petite Theatre - Ocean Park location #1 Pier Ave. at Ocean Front Promenade

La Petite Theatre - Ocean Park locations #2 and 3 3015 Ocean Front Promenade

Las Palmas Theatre 1642 N. Las Palmas Ave.

LACMA Leo S. Bing Theatre 5905 Wilshire Blvd. 

LACMA Steve Tisch Theatre 5886 Wilshire Blvd. 

Laemmle's Fairfax see Fairfax Theatre 7907 Beverly Blvd.

Laemmle's Fine Arts 8556 Wilshire Blvd. Beverly Hills  see Fine Arts Theatre

Laemmle's Los Feliz see Los Feliz Theatre 1822 N. Vermont Ave.

Laemmle's Monica Film Center 1332 2nd St. Santa Monica

Laemmle's Monica I and II 1332 2nd St. Santa Monica  see Monica Film Center

Laemmle's Monica 4 1332 2nd St. Santa Monica  see Monica Film Center

Laemmle's Music Hall Theatre 9036 Wilshire Blvd. Beverly Hills see Music Hall Theatre

Laemmle's Plaza 1067 Glendon Ave. see Plaza Theatre

Laemmle's Regent Theatre 1045 Broxton Ave. see Regent Theatre

Laemmle's Royal Theatre see Royal Theatre 11523 Santa Monica Blvd.

Laemmle's Sunset 5 8000 Sunset Blvd. West Hollywood  see Sunset 5

Laemmle's Westland see Westland Twins 10754 W. Pico Blvd. 

Lake Theatre 2118 W. 7th St. 

Landmark, The 10850 W. Pico Blvd.

Landmark Fox Venice see Fox Venice 680 Lincoln Blvd.

Landmark Nuart Theatre 11272 Santa Monica Blvd. see Nuart Theatre

Lndmark NuWilshire Theatre 1314 Wilshire Blvd. Santa Monica see NuWilshire Theatre 

Landmark Regent Theatre 1045 Broxton Ave. see Landmark Westwood

Landmark Sunset 5 8000 Sunset Blvd. West Hollywood  see Sunset 5

Landmark Westwood 1045 Broxton Ave.   

Larchmont Theatre 149 N. Larchmont Blvd.

Largo at the Coronet see Coronet Theatre 366 N. La Cienega Blvd.

Laserium 6321 Hollywood Blvd.  see the Vine Theatre

Late Night Studios 1228 Vine St.  see the Filmarte Theatre

Laurel Theatre 8056 Beverly Blvd.

Le Grand Theatre 1451 Cahuenga Blvd.

Le Sex Shoppe see Flick Theatre 1082 N. Western Ave.

Left Bank Theatre see Monica Theatre 7734 Santa Monica Blvd. West Hollywood

Legion Theatre see Hollywood Legion Theatre 2035 N. Highland Ave.  

Leo S. Bing Theatre 5905 Wilshire Blvd. 

Lewis, Jerry Theatre 1775 Vine St.  see the Hollywood Playhouse

Liberty Theatre see Hollywood Legion Theatre 2035 N. Highland Ave.  

Lido Theatre 8507 W. Pico Blvd.

Lindy Opera House 5214 Wilshire Blvd.  see Ritz Theatre

Linkletter Playhouse 1228 Vine St.  see the Filmarte Theatre
Linwood Dunn Theatre 1313 Vine St.

Little Theatre, Hollywood 1642 N. Las Palmas Ave.  see Las Palmas Theatre

Lloyd E. Rigler Theatre 6712 Hollywood Blvd.  see the Egyptian Theatre 

Loew's 6838 Hollywood Blvd.  see the El Capitan Theatre 

Loew's Beverly 206 N. Beverly Dr. Beverly Hills  see Beverly Theatre

Loew's Century 5115 Hollywood Blvd. see Century Theatre

Loew's Cine 1441 3rd. St. Promenade Santa Monica  see Broadway 4
Loew's Cineplex Broadway 4  1441 3rd. St. Promenade Santa Monica  see Broadway 4

Loew's Crest 1262 Westwood Blvd. see Crest Theatre

Loew's Holly 6523 Hollywood Blvd. see Holly Theatre

Loma Theatre 5528 Santa Monica Blvd.

Longhorn Theatre 6230 W. Sunset Blvd.  see the Earl Carroll Theatre

Los Angeles County Museum of Art - Leo S. Bing Theatre 5905 Wilshire Blvd. 

Los Chuperamigos, Teatro see Campus Theatre 1020 N. Vermont Ave. 

Los Feliz Theatre 1822 N. Vermont Ave.

Louise Glaum Beaux Arts Theatre see Beaux Arts Theatre 1709 W. 8th St.  

Louise Glaum Playhouse see Beaux Arts Theatre 1709 W. 8th St.

Lumiere Music Hall 9036 Wilshire Blvd. Beverly Hills see Music Hall Theatre

Lyric Theatre 1434 3rd St. Santa Monica  see La Petite Theatre


Majestic Theatre 214 Santa Monica Blvd. Santa Monica  see Mayfair Theatre

Majestic Crest 1262 Westwood Blvd.  see Crest Theatre

Mann 6 Theatres Culver Plaza 9919 Washington Blvd. Culver City 

Mann Beverly Center see Beverly Center Cinemas 8522 Beverly Blvd.  

Mann's Bruin Theatre 948 Broxton Ave. see Bruin Theatre

Mann's Chinese Theatre 6925 Hollywood Blvd. see Grauman's Chinese

Mann's Chinese II & III 6915 Hollywood Blvd. see Mann Chinese Twin

Mann's Chinese 6  see Chinese 6 Theatres 6801 Hollywood Blvd.

Mann's Chinese Twin 6915 Hollywood Blvd.  

Mann's Criterion 1313 3rd. St. Promenade Santa Monica see Criterion Theatres

Mann's El Rey 5515 Wilshire Blvd.  see El Rey Theatre

Mann's Festival Theatre 10887 Lindbrook Dr. Los Angeles

Mann's Fine Arts 8556 Wilshire Blvd. Beverly Hills  see Fine Arts Theatre

Mann's National 10925 Lindbrook Dr.  see National Theatre

Mann's Plaza 1067 Glendon Ave. see Plaza Theatre

Mann's Regent Theatre 1045 Broxton Ave.  see Regent Theatre 

Mann's Village Theatre 961 Broxton Ave. see Fox Westwood Village

Mann's Westlake Theatre 638 S. Alvarado St. see Westlake Theatre

Mann's Westwood 4 1050 Gayley Ave. 

Mann's Wilshire Theatre 1314 Wilshire Blvd. Santa Monica  see NuWilshire Theatre

Mann Theatre / Academy Museum 6067 Wilshire Blvd.

Marcal Theatre 6025 Hollywood Blvd.  see the World Theatre

Marquis Theatre 9038 Melrose Ave. West Hollywood

Masque Theatre 2511 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles  see Hayworth/Vagabond Theatre

Mayfair Music Hall 214 Santa Monica Blvd. Santa Monica  see Mayfair Theatre

Mayfair Theatre 214 Santa Monica Blvd. Santa Monica

McKinney's Playhouse 1234 W. 7th St.  see Playhouse Theatre / Teragram Ballroom

Melrose Theatre, Jensen's 4315 Melrose Ave.

Melrose Theatre 4350 Melrose Ave.

Melvan Theatre 5308 Melrose Ave.  see the Continental Theatre

Meralta Theatre 9632 Culver Blvd. Culver City

Meralta Theatre see City Hall Theatre 9770 Culver Blvd. Culver City

Mermaid Theatre see Neptune Theatre 1417 Ocean Front Walk Venice

Metro Theatre 1262 Westwood Blvd. see Crest Theatre

Midway Theatre 3138 W. Pico Blvd.

Mirror Theatre 1615 Vine St. see the Ricardo Montalban

Mitchell's Theatre see Ramona Theatre 2139 Sunset Blvd. Echo Park

Mohawk Bend Restaurant see Ramona Theatre 2139 Sunset Blvd. Echo Park  

Monica Theatre 7734 Santa Monica Blvd. West Hollywood

Monica I & II, Laemmle's 1332 2nd St. Santa Monica  see Monica Film Center

Monica 4, Laemmle's 1332 2nd St. Santa Monica  see Monica Film Center

Monica Film Center 1332 2nd St. Santa Monica

Monica International see Monica Theatre 7734 Santa Monica Blvd. West Hollywood

Moroccan Theatre 1451 N. Cahuenga Blvd. see Hollywood Canteen

Moulin Rouge 6230 W. Sunset Blvd.  see the Earl Carroll Theatre
Movie 611 N. Fairfax Ave.  

Movie Parade 1455 Gordon St.

Movie Parade 1737 Highland Ave.

MPark 4 Theatres 3240 Wilshire Blvd.

Municipal Auditorium, Ocean Park 2850 Ocean Front Promenade Ocean Park 

Music Box Theatre 6126 Hollywood Blvd.

Music Box Theatre see El Patio Theatre 7080 Hollywood Blvd.

Music Box @ Fonda 6126 Hollywood Blvd.  see the Music Box

Music Hall Theatre 9036 Wilshire Blvd. Beverly Hills
Music Hall Theatre 6523 Hollywood Blvd.  see the Holly Theatre

Music Hall, Hawaii 5941 Hollywood Blvd.  see Hawaii Theatre

Music Hall, Hollywood 6523 Hollywood Blvd. see the Holly Theatre

National Theatre 10925 Lindbrook Dr. Westwood

National Theatre 208 N. 4th St. / 1538 Sawtelle Blvd. Sawtelle

Navarro Theatre see Pico Theatre 736 W. Pico Blvd.

Neptune Theatre 1417 Ocean Front Walk Venice 

New Apollo Theatre 5544 Hollywood Blvd. see the Star Theatre

New Elysian Theatre see Elysian Theatre 1944 Riverside Dr.

New Family Theatre see Fedora Theatre 2698 W. Pico Blvd.

New Beverly Cinema 7165 Beverly Blvd.

New Georgia Theatre 1002 W. 9th St. see Georgia Theatre

New Globe Theatre see New Beverly Cinema 7165 Beverly Blvd.

New Hollywood Theatre  6300 block of Hollywood Blvd.

New Ivar Theatre 1605 Ivar Ave. see Ivar Theatre

New Music Box Theatre see El Patio Theatre 7080 Hollywood Blvd. 

New Odyssey Cinema 5220 Hollywood Blvd.

New Pico Theatre see Pico Theatre 736 W. Pico Blvd.

New Rosemary Theatre 6 Ocean Park Pier see Rosemary Theatre - location #3

New Rosemary Theatre 2946 Ocean Front Promenade Ocean Park see Rosemary Theatre - #4

New Star Theatre see Fedora Theatre 2698 W. Pico Blvd.

New Theatre 804 N. El Centro Ave. see the El Centro Theatre

New Vic Theatre Company  see Carmel Theatre 8163 Santa Monica Blvd. West Hollywood 

New West Pico Theatre see Pico Theatre 736 W. Pico Blvd.

New Yorker Theatre see New Beverly Cinema 7165 Beverly Blvd.

New-View Theatre 6656 Hollywood Blvd.  see the Ritz Theatre

Newsreel Theatre 6656 Hollywood Blvd.  see the Ritz Theatre

News-View Theatre 6656 Hollywood Blvd.
see the Ritz Theatre

Nickelodeon 6230 W. Sunset Blvd. 
see the Earl Carroll Theatre 

Nickelodeon see Movie Pasrade 1737 Highland Ave. 

Nimoy Theatre see Crest Theatre 1262 Westwood Blvd. 
North Beach Auditorium North Beach, Santa Monica

Nuart Theatre 11272 Santa Monica Blvd.

NuWilshire Theatre 1314 Wilshire Blvd. Santa Monica


Oasis Theatre 5112 Wilshire Blvd. see Four Star Theatre

Ocean Park Auditorium Pier Ave. at Ocean Front Promenade Ocean Park

Ocean Park Casino Pier Ave. at Ocean Front Promenade Ocean Park

Ocean Park Municipal Auditorium 2850 Ocean Front Promenade Ocean Park

Odeon Cinema 10887 Lindbrook Dr. see Festival Theatre

Odeon see Bijou Theatre 7059 Hollywood Blvd.
Odyssey Cinema 5220 Hollywood Blvd. 
Old Movie Club Yucca at Wilcox see 16mm revival houses
Old Movies 484 S. San Vicente Blvd. see 16mm revival houses

Old Reliable Theatre see Crown Theatre  11342 Santa Monica Blvd.  Sawtelle

Old Rosemary Theatre Trolleyway bet. Pier & Kinney Ocean Park see Rosemary Theatre - #2 
Old Time Movie 5440 Hollywood Blvd. see 16mm revival houses
Old Time Movie Yucca at Wilcox see 16mm revival houses
Old Time Movie Theatre 484 S. San Vicente Blvd. see 16mm revival houses
Olympic Drive-In 12109 W. Olympic Blvd. 

Opera House, Lindy 5214 Wilshire Blvd. see Ritz Theatre

Opera House, Santa Monica 214 Santa Monica Blvd. Santa Monica see Mayfair Theatre

Opera House, Santa Monica N.E. corner 3rd. St. & Broadway Santa Monica  see Steere Opera House

Opera House, Steere N.E. corner 3rd. St. & Broadway Santa Monica  see Steere Opera House

Opera House - unbuilt, 1948 - W. 6th St. & S. Lafayette Park Place

Oriental Theatre 7425 Sunset Blvd.  

Orpheum Theatre 1511 3rd St. Santa Monica

Orpheum Theatre 8816 1/2 Sunset Blvd. West Hollywood


Pacific Resident Theatre 703 Venice Blvd. Venice 
Pacific's Beverly Hills 9404 Wilshire Blvd. Beverly Hills  see Warner Bros. Beverly Hills

Pacific's Cinerama Theatre  6360 Sunset Blvd. see Cinerama Dome

Pacific's Crest 1262 Westwood Blvd.  see Crest Theatre

Pacific's Culver Stadium 12 9500 Culver Blvd. Culver City see Amazon Culver City 12
Pacific's The Grove 14 189 The Grove Dr. 

Pacific Hollywood 1-2-3 6433 Hollywood Blvd.  see Warner Bros. Hollywood

Pacific's Picwood see Picwood Theatre 10872 W. Pico Blvd.

Pacific's Warner 9404 Wilshire Blvd. Beverly Hills see Warner Bros. Beverly Hills 

Pacific's Warner Cinerama 6433 Hollywood Blvd. see Warner Bros. Hollywood 

Pacific's Wiltern Theatre 3790 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles  see Wiltern Theatre

Palace, Hollywood 1775 Vine St. see the Hollywood Playhouse

Palladium 6215 W. Sunset Blvd.

Palms Theatre 3751 Motor Ave.

Palms Theatre 1703 W. Temple St.

Pan Andreas Theatre see Coast Playhouse 8325 Santa Monica Blvd. West Hollywood

Pan Pacific Auditorium 7600 Beverly Blvd.

Pan Pacific Theatre 7554 Beverly Blvd.

Pantages Theatre  6233 Hollywood Blvd.

Pantages Hollywood 6233 Hollywood Blvd. see Pantages Theatre

Paramount Theatre 6838 Hollywood Blvd.  see the El Capitan Theatre

Paramount Theatre see Loma Theatre 5528 Santa Monica Blvd.

Paris Theatre 6262 Hollywood Blvd.  see the Hitching Post Theatre 

Paris Theatre  see Carmel Theatre 8163 Santa Monica Blvd. West Hollywood 

Parisian Theatre 803 S. Vermont Ave.

Park Theatre 710 S. Alvarado St.

Pavilion Cinemas see Westside Pavilion Cinemas 10800 W. Pico Blvd.

Photoplay League see Sherman Theatre 8938 Keith Ave. West Hollywood

Picfair Theatre 5879 W. Pico Blvd.

Pickford Film Center 1313 Vine St.  see Linwood Dunn Theatre

Pico Theatre 736 / 818 W. Pico Blvd.

Pico Drive-In 10850 Pico Blvd.

Pico Grand Theatre see Sunbeam Theatre 1408 W. Pico Blvd.

Pico Heights Theatre see Fedora Theatre 2698 W. Pico Blvd. 

Picwood Theatre 10872 W. Pico Blvd.

Pix Theatre 6126 Hollywood Blvd.  see the Music Box

Players Ring Theatre see Coast Playhouse 8325 Santa Monica Blvd. West Hollywood

Players Ring see Cine Cienega 755 N. La Cienega Blvd. West Hollywood

Playhouse Theatre 1234 W. 7th St.

Playhouse, Geffen 10886 Le Conte Ave. see Geffen Playhouse 

Playhouse, Hollywood 1775 Vine St.  see Hollywood Playhouse

Playhouse, Hollywood 1445 N. Las Palmas Ave. see Hollywood Playhouse

Playhouse Hollywood 6126 W. Hollywood Blvd. see Fox Theatre

Playtime Theatre 1642 N. Las Palmas Ave. see  Las Palmas

Plaza Theatre 1067 Glendon Ave. Westwood

Plaza, Tivoli see Royal Theatre 11523 Santa Monica Blvd.  

Plitt Century Plaza Theatres see Century Plaza Theatres 2040 Avenue of the Stars Century City

Polly-K see Sherman Theatre 8938 Keith Ave. / 812 N. Robertson Blvd. West Hollywood

Po-No Theatre 1610 N. Cahuenga Blvd.

Princess Theatre see Wonderland Theatre 2939 Ocean Front Promenade Ocean Park  

Pussycat Theatre 6656 Hollywood Blvd.  see the Ritz Theatre

Pussycat Theatre see Monica Theatre 7734 Santa Monica Blvd. West Hollywood

Pussycat Theatre see Sunset Theatre 1508 N. Western Ave. 

Pussycat Theatre 1442 2nd St. Santa Monica


Queen For a Day Theatre 6230 W. Sunset Blvd.  see the Earl Carroll Theatre

Quickie Theatre 8253 Santa Monica Blvd. West Hollywood

Quickie Theatre see Coast Playhouse 8325 Santa Monica Blvd. West Hollywood


Radio Playhouse see Beaux Arts Theatre 1709 W. 8th St. 

Ramona Theatre 2139 Sunset Blvd. Echo Park

Ramona Theatre 115 Marine St. Ocean Park

Rampart Theatre 2625 W. Temple St.

Ravenna Theatre  233 N. Vermont

Rector's Admiral Theatre 6321 Hollywood Blvd. see the Vine Theatre

Regal Theatre see Studio Theatre 1715 N. Vermont Ave.

Regency Bruin Theatre 948 Broxton Ave. see Bruin Theatre

Regency Village Theatre 961 Broxton Ave. 

Regent Theatre 1045 Broxton Ave.

Regent Showcase Theatre 412 N. La Brea Ave.  see the Showcase

Regina Theatre 8556 Wilshire Blvd. Beverly Hills  see Fine Arts Theatre

Rialto Theatre 6 Ocean Park Pier see Rosemary Theatre - location #3  

Ricardo Montalban Theatre 1615 Vine St.

Richard's Theatre 5228 Hollywood Blvd.

Rigler, Lloyd E. Theatre 6712 Hollywood Blvd.  see the Egyptian Theatre 

Ritz Theatre 5214 Wilshire Blvd.

Ritz Theatre 6656 Hollywood Blvd.

Riverside Theatre see Elysian Theatre 1944 Riverside Dr.

Riviera Theatre see New Beverly Cinema 7165 Beverly Blvd.

Riviera Theatre 1448 4th St. Santa Monica  see Hitching Post Theatre

RKO Pantages 6233 Hollywood Blvd.  see Pantages Theatre

Rogue Machine Theatre see Theatre Theatre 5041 W. Pico Blvd.   

Romola Theatre see Theatre De Luxe 656 S. Alvarado St. 

Roosevelt Theatre 803 S. Vermont Ave.  see Parisian Theatre

Rosemary Theatre - location #1 Ocean Front Promenade, north of Pier Ave. Ocean Park

Rosemary Theatre - location #2 Trolleyway between Pier and Kinney Ocean Park

Rosemary Theatre - location #3 6 Ocean Park Pier

Rosemary Theatre - location #4 2946 Ocean Front Promenade Ocean Park

Rosemary Theatre - location #5 3034 Ocean Front Promenade Ocean Park  

Royal Theatre 11523 Santa Monica Blvd.

Royce Hall 340 Royce Dr. Westwood


Saban Theatre 8440 Wilshire Blvd. Beverly Hills -- formerly the Fox Wilshire

Samuel Goldwyn Theatre 8949 Wilshire Blvd. Beverly Hills

Samuel Goldwyn Cinemas see Westside Pavilion Cinemas 10800 W. Pico Blvd. 

Santa Monica 7, AMC 1310 3rd. St. Promenade Santa Monica

Santa Monica Civic Auditorium 1855 Main St. Santa Monica

Santa Monica - Ocean Park Auditorium see Ocean Park Municipal Auditorium 2850 Ocean Front Promenade Ocean Park

Santa Monica Opera House 214 Santa Monica Blvd. Santa Monica  see Mayfair Theatre

Santa Monica Opera House N.E. corner 3rd. St. & Broadway see Steere Opera House

Santa Monica Screening Room see Arena Cinelounge Santa Monica 1526 14th St. Santa Monica

Sawtelle Theatre see Crown Theatre  11342 Santa Monica Blvd.  Sawtelle 

Seaside Theatre 134 Pier Ave. Ocean Park

Second City 214 Santa Monica Blvd. Santa Monica  see Mayfair Theatre

Shell Theatre 3011 Ocean Front Promenade Ocean Park  

Sherman Theatre 8938 Keith Ave. / 812 N. Robertson Blvd. West Hollywood

Showcase Theatre 614 N. La Brea Ave.

Shubert Theatre 2020 Avenue of the Stars Century City

Silent Movie Theatre 611 N. Fairfax Ave.

Solari Theatre 205 N. Canon Dr. Beverly Hills  see Beverly Canon Theatre

Sound Nightclub 1642 N. Las Palmas  see Las Palmas Theatre

Spielberg, Steven Theatre 6712 Hollywood Blvd.  see the Egyptian Theatre 

Stadium Theatre 8906 W. Pico Blvd. 

Stanley Warner Beverly Hills 9404 Wilshire Blvd. Beverly Hills see Warner Bros. Beverly Hills

Stanley Warner Cinerama 6433 Hollywood Blvd. see Warner Bros. Hollywood

Stanley Warner Pantages 6233 Hollywood Blvd.  see Pantages Theatre

Stanley Warner San Pedro see Warner Grand 478 W. 6th St. San Pedro

Stanley Warner Wiltern Theatre 3790 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles see Wiltern Theatre

Star Theatre 5544 Hollywood Blvd.

Star Theatre 151 Ocean Park Pier Ocean Park

Star Theatre see Fedora Theatre 2698 W. Pico Blvd.

Star Search Theatre 6230 W. Sunset Blvd. see the Earl Carroll Theatre

Starland Theatre on the Fraser Pier Ocean Park

Steere Opera House N.E. corner 3rd. St. & Broadway Santa Monica

Steve Allen Playhouse 1228 Vine St.  see the Filmarte Theatre

Strand Theatre 6 Ocean Park Pier see Rosemary Theatre - location #3  

Studio Theatre 6523 Hollywood Blvd. see the Holly Theatre

Studio Theatre 1715 N. Vermont Ave.

Studio Theatre
1615 Vine St, see the Ricardo Montalban

Studio 1 Theatre see Ramona Theatre 2139 Sunset Blvd. Echo Park 

Studio Theatre, CBS
1615 Vine St. see the Ricardo Montalban

Studio Theatre, HK see Ramona Theatre 2139 Sunset Blvd. Echo Park 

Studio Theatre, KTLA
5308 Melrose Ave. see the Continental Theatre 

Studio Theatre Playhouse see Elysian Theatre 1944 Riverside Dr.

Studs Theatre see Monica Theatre 7734 Santa Monica Blvd. West Hollywood

Studs at the Pussycat see Monica Theatre 7734 Santa Monica Blvd. West Hollywood

Sun Art 8816 1/2 Sunset Blvd. West Hollywood

Sun Theatre see Sunbeam Theatre 1408 W. Pico Blvd.

Sunbeam Theatre 1408 W. Pico Blvd.

Sundance Cinemas 8000 Sunset Blvd. see Sunset 5

Sundance Sunset 8000 Sunset Blvd. see Sunset 5

Sunset Theatre 1508 N. Western Ave.

Sunset 5  8000 Sunset Blvd.  West Hollywood 

Sunset Theatre see Holly Theatre 1624 Sunset Blvd. 

Sunset Theatre see Ramona Theatre 2139 Sunset Blvd. Echo Park

Sunset Blvd. Theatre 6230 W. Sunset Blvd. see the Earl Carroll Theatre 

Supperclub L.A.
6675 Hollywood Blvd. see the Vogue Theatre 


Teatro Casablanca see Campus Theatre 1020 N. Vermont Ave.

Teatro Fiesta see Empire Theatre 2131 W. Pico Blvd.

Teatro Los Chuperamigos see Campus Theatre 1020 N. Vermont Ave.

Tele-View Theatre 6262 Hollywood Blvd.  see the Hitching Post Theatre

Tele-View Revival
6262 Hollywood Blvd. see the Hitching Post Theatre

Tele-View Newsreel Theatre
6656 Hollywood Blvd. see the Ritz Theatre

Temple Theatre  W. Temple St. near Belmont 

Teragram Ballroom 1234 W. 7th St.

The Landmark 10850 W. Pico Blvd.  

The Beverly  9404 Wilshire Blvd. Beverly Hills see Warner Bros. Beverly Hills

The Playhouse 1234 W. 7th St.

Theatorium see Holly Theatre 1624 Sunset Blvd. 

Theatre De Luxe 656 S. Alvarado St. 

Theatre District  804 N. El Centro Ave. see the El Centro Theatre 

Theatre Mart 605 N. Juanita  Ave. / 600 N. Vermont Ave.

Theatre Theatre 5041 W. Pico Blvd.

Tiffany Theatre 8534 Sunset Blvd. West Hollywood 

Tiki Theatre 5462 Santa Monica Blvd.

Tisch, Steve Theatre LACMA 5886 Wilshire Blvd.

Tivoli Theatre see Royal Theatre 11523 Santa Monica Blvd.

Tivoli Plaza see Royal Theatre 11523 Santa Monica Blvd.  

Toho La Brea 857 S. La Brea Ave. Los Angeles  see La Brea Theatre

Tom Cat Theatre and Lounge see Cinematheque Club 9055 Santa Monica Blvd. West Hollywood

Tomkat Theatre see Monica Theatre 7734 Santa Monica Blvd. West Hollywood 

Trans - Beacon Vine Theatre  6321 Hollywood Blvd. see the Vine Theatre
Troupers Club 1742 Ivar Ave. see Hollywood Community Theatre 

Troupers Theatre 6126 Hollywood Blvd. see the Music Box Theatre
Troupers Theatre, Dante's 1642 N. Las Palmas Ave.  see Las Palmas Theatre

Troupers Theatre, Hollywood 1642 N. Las Palmas Ave.  see Las Palmas Theatre 

Turnabout Theatre 716 N. La Cienega Blvd. West Hollywood 


UCLA Nimoy Theatre see Crest Theatre 1262 Westwood Blvd.

UCLA Royce Hall 340 Royce Dr. Westwood

UCLA Billy Wilder Theatre 10899 Wilshire Blvd.  see Billy Wilder Theatre

UCLAN Theatre 1262 Westwood Blvd.  see Crest Theatre

Ukranian Culture Center see Melrose Theatre 4315 Melrose Ave.   

Unique Theatre Windward Ave. Venice  

United Artists Theatre 5112 Wilshire Blvd.  see Four Star Theatre

United Artists Cinema Center 10889 Wellworth Ave. see UA Westwood

United Artists Coronet 10889 Wellworth Ave.  see UA Westwood

United Artists Egyptian Westwood 10887 Lindbrook Dr.  see Festival Theatre

United Artists Four Star 5112 Wilshire Blvd. see Four Star Theatre

United Artists Westwood 10887 Lindbrook Dr.  see Festival Theatre

United Artists Westwood 3 10889 Wellworth Ave.  see UA Westwood

United Artists Westwood 4 10889 Wellworth Ave. see UA Westwood

Uptown Theatre 1008 S. Western Ave.


VA Campus see Brentwood Theatre 11301 Wilshire Blvd.

VA Campus  see Wadsworth Theatre 11301 Wilshire Blvd.

Vagabond Theatre 2511 Wilshire Blvd.

Venetian Gardens see Venice Auditorium on the Abbott Kinney Pier Venice

Venice Adult Theatre 8912 Venice Blvd. Culver City see Storefront Porno

Venice Auditorium end of the Abbott Kinney Pier Venice 

Venice Theatre 1508 Ocean Front Walk Venice

Venice Theatre 103 Abbott Kinney Pier Venice

Venice Theatre 703 Venice Blvd. Venice

Venice Theatre, Fox 680 Lincoln Blvd.

Vermont Hollywood see Campus Theatre 1020 N. Vermont Ave.  

Victoria Theatre 2570 W. Pico Blvd.  

Village Theatre 961 Broxton Ave. see Fox Westwood / Regency Village Theatre

Village Theatre 5500 Riverside Dr.

Vine Theatre   6321 Hollywood Blvd.

Vine St. Theatre 1615 Vine St.  see the Ricardo Montalban

Vine St. Theatre, ABC 1313 Vine St.  see Linwood Dunn Theatre

Vista Theatre 4473 Sunset Dr.

Vogue Theatre 6675 Hollywood Blvd.


Wadsworth Theatre VA Campus 11301 Wilshire Blvd. Brentwood

Wall Street 5515 Wilshire Blvd.  see El Rey Theatre

Warner Bros. Beverly Hills Theatre 9404 Wilshire Blvd. Beverly Hills

Warner Cinerama 6433 Hollywood Blvd. see Warner Bros. Hollywood 

Warner Bros. Forum see Forum Theatre 4050 W. Pico Blvd.

Warner Bros. Hollywood Theatre 6433 Hollywood Blvd.

Warner Bros. Western Theatre 3790 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles  see Wiltern Theatre

Warner Bros. Wiltern Theatre 3790 Wilshire Blvd. see Wiltern Theatre

Warner Playhouse 755 N. La Cienega Blvd. West Hollywood

West Coast Hollywood Theatre 7425 Sunset Blvd. see the Oriental Theatre

West Coast Ritz 5214 Wilshire Blvd. see Ritz Theatre

West Coast Uptown 1008 S. Western Ave. see Uptown Theatre 

West Lake Theatre see Westlake Theatre 638 S. Alvarado St.  
West Pico Theatre see Pico Theatre 736 W. Pico Blvd.
West Side Theatre see Empire Theatre  2131 W. Pico Blvd.

Western Theatre 6262 Hollywood Blvd. see the Hitching Post Theatre 

Western Theatre, Warner Bros. 3790 Wilshire Blvd. see Wiltern Theatre

Western Theatre 1448 4th St. Santa Monica see Hitching Post

Westlake Theatre 638 S. Alvarado St. 

Westlake Theatre  680 S. Alvarado St. (1912-14)

Westland Twins 10754 W. Pico Blvd.

Westside Pavilion Cinemas 10800 W. Pico Blvd.

Westwood Theatre see Landmark Westwood 1045 Broxton Ave. 

Westwood Theatre 1262 Westwood Blvd. see Crest Theatre

Westwood Theatre, UA 10887 Lindbrook Dr. see Festival Theatre 

Westwood 3, UA 10889 Wellworth Ave. see UA Westwood 

Westwood 4, Mann 1050 Gayley Ave.

Westwood 4, UA 10889 Wellworth Ave. see UA Westwood

Westwood, iPic 10840 Wilshire Blvd. Westwood  

Westwood Crest 1262 Westwood Blvd.  see Crest Theatre

Westwood Playhouse 10886 Le Conte Ave. see Geffen Playhouse

Westwood Village Theatre 961 Broxton Ave. see Fox Westwood / Regency Village

Wilder, Billy Theatre at the Hammer Museum 10899 Wilshire Blvd.

Wilkes Vine St. Theatre 1615 Vine St. see the Ricardo Montalban

Willota Theatre 118 Ashland Ave. Ocean Park see Empress Theatre

Wilshire Theatre 8440 Wilshire Blvd. Beverly Hills  see Fox Wilshire/Saban Theatre

Wilshire Theatre 331 S. Western Ave. see Embassy Theatre

Wilshire Theatre 143 S. Western Ave.

Wilshire Theatre 1314 Wilshire Blvd. Santa Monica  see NuWilshire Theatre

Wilshire Theatre Beverly Hills 8440 Wilshire Blvd. Beverly Hills see Fox Wilshire/Saban

Wilshire Ebell Theatre 4400 Wilshire Blvd. & 4401 W. 8th St. Los Angeles

Wilshire Regina Theatre 8556 Wilshire Blvd. Beverly Hills  see Fine Arts Theatre

Wiltern Theatre 3790 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles

Wil-Tern Theatre 3790 Wilshire Blvd.  see Wiltern Theatre

Windsor Theatre 221 S. Western Ave. 

Windsor Square Theatre 743 S. Lucerne Blvd, 4400 Wilshire Blvd. see Wilshire Ebell Theatre

Woman's Club of Hollywood see El Patio Theatre 7080 Hollywood Blvd.

Wonderland Theatre 2939 Ocean Front Promenade Ocean Park

World Theatre   6025 Hollywood Blvd.

Writers' Club Theatre 1445 N. Las Palmas Ave.  see the Hollywood Playhouse

Writers Guild Theater 135 S. Doheny Dr. Beverly Hills

Writers Guild Theatre see Marquis Theatre 9038 Melrose Ave. West Hollywood


X Theatre 5959 Hollywood Blvd.

Xanadu Pleasure Dome 7308 Melrose Ave.

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