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Elite / Music Hall / Lumiere Cinema @ the Music Hall

9036 Wilshire Blvd. Beverly Hills 90211 | map |

Opened: 1936 as the Elite Theatre. It's between Doheny Dr. and Wetherly Dr. on the south side of the street. The Writers Guild Theatre is around the corner on Doheny and the AMPAS Samuel Goldwyn Theatre is just two blocks east on Wilshire. Photo: Bill Counter - April 2021

Website: Lumiere Cinema on Facebook |  -- get on the email list!
Recording: 310-307-3656  Direct line: 310-274-6860
Architect: Wilfred P. Verity. A c.1960 remodel was by J. Arthur Drielsma.
Seating: 824 as a single. As a triplex It's now down to 509. House 1 (rear, house left) has a capacity of 148. House 2 (rear, house right) has a capacity of 102. House 3 (front) seats 259. 

The Elite running "A Song To Remember," a January 1945 release. Thanks to Ken McIntyre for sharing the ad with the Photos of Los Angeles private Facebook group.

It was renamed the Music Hall on August 8, 1945 and operated as one of four "Music Hall Theatres" which frequently ran the same bookings. In Hollywood the group had the Holly Theatre and the Hawaii Theatre, which they called the Hawaii Music Hall. Their downtown theatre was also called the Music Hall, now back to its original name of the Tower Theatre.

The Music Hall operation was listed in the 1949 film Daily Yearbook as "Music Hall Theatres" with an office at 816 S. Broadway in the Wurlitzer Building, just south of the Rialto Theatre. Sherrill Corwin, also the head of Metropolitan Theatres, was listed as the president/general manager. Also listed as general manager was Clifford E. Giesseman. 

Between 1950 and 1956 it was a TV studio operated by KLAC-TV. Some seats were removed and a lighting grid and control room installed. The theatre was the home to "Life With Elizabeth" with Betty White in the early 50s and "The Liberace Show" on NBC from 1953 to 1955. 

In 1956 it again was a movie house. During the 60s and into the 70s it was operated by the Walter Reade circuit of New York as one of L.A.'s premiere art houses. Reade also operated the Beverly Canon Theatre in Beverly Hills and the Granada Theatre in West Hollywood. Major films in the 60s at the Music Hall included "La Dolce Vita," "La Strada," and "War and Peace."

A 1970 ad for the Walter Reade circuit. Thanks to Ken McIntyre for sharing the ad as a post for the private Facebook group Photos of Los Angeles. Walter Reade ran into troubles and the circuit ended up in bankruptcy in 1978. They had dropped the Music Hall earlier.

In 1974 the Music Hall had become part of the Laemmle circuit, specializing in independent and foreign films as had been the Walter Reade policy. 
A 1981 ad that ran in the L.A. Free Press for the west coast premiere engagement of "I Sent a Letter To My Love." Thanks to Adsausage for sharing this. There's also an Adsausage Archives Facebook page to visit. 

A 1983 ad for the circuit's offerings that ran in the L.A. Free Press. Thanks to Adsausage for sharing this.  

Laemmle triplexed the Music Hall in the 90s. When the circuit's 15 year lease was up in April 2011 there was discussion of closing as the landlord wanted to explore other options for the building. They succeeded in getting a lease extension. In 2019 the circuit decided to end their 45 year tenure and their last day of operation was November 21.

In an article in the Beverly Hills Courier, Greg Laemmle said: "It’s not about ticket sales being up or down and not specifically about rent increases. The theater just didn’t quite fit for us anymore given the direction of wanting to be our own landlord. It’s just time." Thanks to Donavan S. Moye for spotting the story. See the Laemmle blog post "After a 45-Year Run, Lemmmle To Leave Music Hall."

When Laemmle announced their exit, the the building owner started showing the premises to other theatre operators as well as potential non-theatrical tenants. Deadline's November 22, 2019 story "Why Laemmle Theatres Decided Not To Sell..." was about the circuit as a whole no longer being up for sale and also discussed the Music Hall's fate. See the page about the Royal Theatre for links to other stories about the circuit.  

New operators: Three veterans of the Laemmle circuit took over the theatre and reopened November 29, 2019 as the Lumiere Music Hall. They formed a new company with the intention of offering programming similar to what had been done under Laemmle management.

The Lumiere management team: Luis Orellana at the left, Lauren Brown, and Peter Ambrosio. It's a photo by Allen J. Schaben that appeared with Gary Goldstein's lovely December 31, 2019 L.A. Times article about the trio's ambitions for the theatre. The article noted that they had a one-year lease plus four renewal options. Thanks to Donavan S. Moye for spotting the story. A message from the team: 

"We are very excited to announce that the Laemmle tradition will be kept alive at the Music Hall. We are three Laemmle Theatre employees (two former and one current) and we are opening a new company, Lumiere Cinema...It is our intention to honor the Laemmle family’s commitment of bringing the best of independent cinema to the big screen in Los Angeles. Each of us has worked at the Music Hall and we are proud to be able to grant it a new lease on life. We would like to thank Greg Laemmle and the entire Laemmle team for enabling us to make this dream a reality..." 

The theatre shut down in March 2020 due to Covid-19 restrictions. Films continued to be offered virtually via the website. The theatre had also been open in the evenings for the sale of drinks, popcorn and merchandise.

A Variety story on February 17, 2021 by Pat Saperstein had the news that it had been leased out from under the Lumiere team by indie distributor Blue Fox Entertainment. The story discussed a renovation including an expanded lobby, upgraded food and drink options, new screens and recliner seats. The company, headed by James Huntsman, said at the time that it would book their own product as well as that of other distributors and will also make the theatres available for screenings and special events. An opening was expected in October. The renovation was to be designed by Fred Dagdagan. Well, that deal fell apart. 

The Lumiere Music Hall reopened March 19, 2021. See a post about the event on their Facebook page. The Music Hall was one of several theatres profiled in "Movies and theaters are coming back. But what about L.A.'s treasured art houses?," a July 13, 2021 L.A. Times article by Ryan Faughnder and Mark Olsen. The story featured several photos taken at the theatre.  

Interior views: 

The outer lobby. Photo: Bill Counter - 2018   

The inner lobby from the house right stairs. Photo: Bill Counter - 2018

Upstairs with the booth on the right, restrooms on the left. There's another booth farther forward that was added for the front theatre, house #3. Photo: Bill Counter - 2018

The house right stairs. Photo: Bill Counter - 2018  

Auditorium #1, house left rear. Photo: Bill Counter - 2018  

Auditorium #2, house right rear. Photo: Bill Counter - 2018  

The rear of auditorium #2. Photo: Bill Counter - 2018  

Down the corridor along the house right wall to the big house in front, auditorium #3. Photo: Bill Counter - 2018

Auditorium #3, the front of the original space. It seats 259. Photo: Bill Counter - 2018  

The rear of auditorium #3. Photo: Bill Counter - 2018

More exterior views:

1952 - Thanks to William David French, Jr. for this photo from his collection. He posted it on Cinema Treasures.

1962 - A look at the Music Hall in the Hollywood Historic Photos collection from Marc Wanamaker.  Also you might check out the site's 47 other Beverly Hills photos.

1968 - The Walter Reade / Continental Distributing 6 hour and 13 minute dubbed version of Sergei Bondarchuk's "War and Peace" playing at the Music Hall. Thanks to the All Movie Theatres Facebook page for locating this photo. The film was shot between 1961 and 1967 and was the winner of Best Foreign Language Film at the 1969 Academy Award ceremony. The original running time of the four-part Mosfilm release was 7 hours and 11 minutes. The premiere of the shortened US version was in New York at the Demille Theatre on April 28, 1968. Walter Reade made six 70mm prints of their version but it played the Music Hall in 35mm. Theatre historian Kurt Wahlner comments: 

"Like everything having to do with "War and Peace,' this is complicated. The Walter Reade Organization bought the US rights, cut an hour and dubbed it into English. They had their own posters and ad campaign, which is the lettering and posters on display in the picture. The film began its run on Wednesday, September 25, 1968 with 'Part 1: Natasha and Andrei • The Battle of Austerlitz,' which is a combination of the first two sections of the USSR version, 'Part 1: Andrei Bolkonsky' and 'Part 2: Natasha Rostova.' 
"On Wednesday, October 2, 1968, they began a run of 'Part 2: Natasha and Pierre • The Burning of Moscow', which is a combination of the last two sections of the USSR version, 'Part 3: The Year 1812' and 'Part 4: Pierre Bezukhov.' Wednesday, October 9, 1968 saw the return of 'Part 1' for a week, then Wednesday, October 16, 1968 saw the return of 'Part 2' for a week. All of these were advertised as being 'for Academy Qualification.' So that must have been the rule - none of this 'Official entry' stuff. 

"I recall attempting to sit through the film when it swung around to the Encino that next year; it was the dubbed version of course. I was too young to even stay awake for it, much less understand it. FILMEX showed a subtitled 70mm print of it at the Hollywood Paramount in April 1974, and it was so gorgeous. Crappy Soviet film stock has prevented it from looking as well as that 1974 print. Saw that same print later at the USC Norris (don’t know what year) but it had faded some.

"I think it is a much better film than most people realize - even me. The fact that it didn’t have to be successful is both its strength and its downfall. It is VERY faithful to the book, but in filming what happens in that book, they didn’t really replace Tolsoy’s voice with a coherent cinema POV, and so, it’s kinda uninvolving, because the story telling is not razor-sharp throughout."

1978 - Running "La Cage aux Folles." The photo is one displayed in the lobby at Laemmle's Royal Theatre.

1980 - Director Bertrand Blier at the theatre. Thanks to Ken McIntyre for locating the photo for a post on the Photos of Los Angeles Facebook page.

c.1982 - Thanks to the now-vanished American Classic Images website for this photo.  

1984 - A great view from the American Classic Images collection.

2007 - Getting lazy about putting copy on the marquee. Photo: Bill Counter

2010 - A view looking east. Photo: Bill Counter  

2010 - Checking out the ornament on the east corner of the building. Photo: Bill Counter

c.2010 - A look at the Music Hall and farther west along Wilshire by Martin that once appeared on his vanished site

2017 - A detail of the ornament in the center of the facade. Thanks to Steve Milner for sharing his photo on the SoCal Historic Architecture Facebook page.

2017 - To see the rest of the hidden facade you have to go high. It's a Steve Milner photo appearing on the SoCal Historic Architecture Facebook page. Thanks, Steve!

2019 - An October look as the Laemmle era was coming to a close. Photo: Bill Counter

2019 - The revamped marquee with the Laemmle signage down and titles once again displayed. The photo by Allen J. Schaben appeared with "Can neighborhood arthouse cinema survive in the age of Netflix?," a December 31 L.A. Times article by Gary Goldstein.

2020 - Shut down due to the virus. It's a Kate Warren photo appearing with "Hollywood Beacons in the Night," an April 23 New York Times story by Brooks Barnes featuring a dozen shots of closed historic theatres in L.A. Barnes offers a nice capsule summary of what the decades have wrought for each of the theatres he surveys. Thanks to Donavan S. Moye for spotting the story.  

2020 - This virus lockdown view by Ian Logan appeared with "LA's Shuttered Movie Theaters and Venues Are Using Their Marquees to Speak to the City," an April Los Angeles Magazine story by Mr. Logan and Cindy Whitehead that included eleven additional photos. Thanks to Yasmin Elming for spotting it.   

2021 - An April view of the theatre from the east. Photo: Bill Counter  

2021 - Across the street in April. It's a photo by Mike Soto. Thanks to theatre staffer Cuahutemoc for sending along this one as well as the two below. 

2021 - A view to the east. Photo: Mike Soto

2021 - Looking west. Photo: Mike Soto

2021 - A photo taken for the Times by Jay L. Clendenin. It appeared with "Movies and theaters are coming back. But what about L.A.'s treasured art houses?," a July 13 article by Ryan Faughnder and Mark Olsen. The story featured several additional photos taken at the theatre.   
The Music Hall in the Movies:  

Eddie Murphy does lots of elegant driving around L.A. in Mark Molloy's "Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F" (Netflix, 2024). One adventure gives us a quick look at the Orpheum when Eddie crashes an event at a club called The Eastern, up at the pool level in the Eastern Columbia Building. Later we get a look at the Music Hall. The film also features Taylour Paige, Judge Reinhold, John Ashton, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Bronson Pinchot and Kevin Bacon. The cinematography was by Eduard Grau. 

More Information: See the Cinema Treasures page on the Music Hall for links to more exterior photos some additional historical detail.

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