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Regal / Studio Theatre

1715 N. Vermont Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90027  | map |

Opened: It was running by June 1939 as the Regal Theatre. The location was just north of Hollywood Blvd. on the west side of the street. There was no listing for it in the 1938 or 1939 city directories.
Architect: Unknown
Seating: 430

A June 10, 1939 ad for "Smashing the Spy Ring" and "Ladies in Distress." Thanks to Ken McIntyre for locating this for a thread about the theatre on the Facebook group Ken's Movie Page. He notes that this was the theatre's first ad in the L.A. Times. 


The Regal was advertising "I Stand Accused" and "Wolf Call" in this column of ads from September 20, 1939 that Ken located. 


The Regal playing "Woman is the Judge" and "Man From Sundown" for 15 cents admission. It's a January 7, 1940 listing in the Times. The Marcal had a later life as the World Theatre. The Colony was later known as the Holly Theatre. The Tele-View Newsreel is the theatre later known as the Hitching Post. Thanks to Ken McIntyre for sharing the ad.

The theatre was still advertising as the Regal in the December 1940 L.A. Times. It's still listed as the Regal in the 1942 city directory. By early 1945 it had reopened as the Studio Theatre.

A 1945 ad for "On Approval," then in its 21st week. Thanks to Ken McIntyre for posting the ad on the page for the private Facebook group Photos of Los Angeles

A 1945 ad for "The Fall of Berlin" running day and date with the Grand Theatre. Thanks to Ken McIntyre for locating it for part of a post for the Photos of Los Angeles Facebook group.
A 1946 ad. Thanks to Ken McIntyre for locating it for a post for the Photos of Los Angeles Facebook group. 

A May 25, 1947 ad located by Gerald A. DeLuca. See the Cinema Treasures page for more ads he located from the late 40s and early 1950s. 

Evidently there was a closure in 1948. An article in the October 18, 1948 issue of Boxoffice listing new theatre construction noted that the Studio Theatre had been reopened by Seth Perkins. 

 A 1948 photo with "Henry V" playing at the Studio. This view looking north on Vermont is perhaps the only photo of the theatre that exists. It appears in the Arcadia Publishing book "Theatres in Los Angeles" by Suzanne Tarbell Cooper, Amy Ronnebeck Hall and Marc Wanamaker. The photos in the book are from Mr. Wanamaker's Bison Archives.

Thanks to Ken McIntyre for spotting it -- he had it as a post for the private Facebook group Photos of Los Angeles. It also shows up on Cinema Treasures.

An ad for "Henry V" at the Studio. Thanks to Scott Santoro for locating it.

A May 1950 ad for "Great Waltz" and "A Night at the Opera" that was located by Ken McIntyre. 

A November 2, 1951 ad that appeared in the paper L'Italo Americano di Los Angeles. Thanks to Gerald A. DeLuca for posting this and other ads for Italian language films at the Studio on Cinema Treasures.

Status: The theatre closed in 1960. It's been demolished -- there's a Bank of America branch now on the site.

More Information: See the Cinema Treasures page on the Studio.

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