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Westland Twins

10754 W. Pico Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90064 | map

Opened: This twin theatre was opened in the mid-1970s as a second run venue. It was on the south side of the street two blocks east of Westwood Blvd. Bill Gabel notes that the theatre was a conversion from a restaurant. The decor was drapes all around. It was taken over by Laemmle Theatres in 1976 and turned into an art house. Thanks to Laemmle for this c.1979 photo, one displayed in the lobby of their Royal Theatre.

Thanks to Gerald A. DeLuca for locating this October 13, 1976 ad, a post on Cinema Treasures

Closing: Sometime around 1984.

Status: It was demolished for the construction of the Westside Pavilion Mall. 

The mall contained a four screen complex operated by Landmark Theatres that opened in 1985 as the Samuel Goldwyn Cinemas and was later known as Westside Pavilion Cinemas. It was demolished and replaced by The Landmark, a twelve screen theatre in a newly added area of the mall west of Westwood Blvd. It opened in 2007 and closed in 2022. A casualty of the mall's westward expansion was the Picwood Theatre that had been at 10872 Pico.

The Westland shopping center, after a 70s remodel. The "M" is for the May Co. The theatres are down there as well. Thanks to Mike O'Leary for the photo, a post on the I Grew Up at Cheviot Hills private Facebook group. He commented: 

"Pico and Westwood. Good memories!!! Drug King, Lloyds Bank, Great Western Meat Co., Judy's or Contempo, Little Folk Shop, Newberry's, Vons and See's Candies. I'm sure I missed a couple." 

A view of the "Drug King" end of the shopping center at Pico and Westwood. This shot and the one below are photos by Mark Furcick. Thanks to Alison Martino for sharing them in a post on her Vintage Los Angeles Facebook page. 

Looking west toward Westwood Blvd. Photo: Mark Furcick

More information: See the Cinema Treasures page on the Westland Twins.

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