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Pico Grand / Sunbeam / Sun Theatre

1408 W. Pico Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90015 | map

Opened: 1912 or 1913. It's in the 1913 and 1914 city directories as the Pico Grand Theatre. In the 1915 through 1923 city directories it's the Sunbeam Theatre. In the 1927, 1929, 1932, 1936 and 1942 city directory editions it's the Sun Theatre.

The photo is a 2011 view from Google Maps looking east toward Albany St. We're on the south side of the street just about a block and a half west of the 110.

Seating: 423 in later years. 
Looking for a piano player at the Pico Grand in 1914. Thanks to Ken McIntyre for including this in a thread about the Sun and Trojan/Realart theatres on the Photos of Los Angeles Facebook page. 
Running as the Sunbeam in 1918. It's an ad located by Ken McIntyre. 

A 1931 ad for the Sun located by Ken McIntyre. Thanks!

A classified ad appearing in 1950. Thanks to Ken McIntyre for locating it for a comment on the Photos of Los Angeles Facebook page. 

Still running as the Sun in 1952. Thanks to Ken McIntyre for spotting the ad. 

Closing: Ken notes that it was still listed in the L.A. Times in July 1952 -- but as closed. The 1956 city directory lists nothing at 1408.

Status: The building, which dates from 1912, still exists but has been remodeled. It's now used as a church.

This photo is a 2011 Google Maps view looking east in the alley from Valencia St. The brick building at the center is the back of the Sunbeam Theatre.

More information: See the Cinema Treasures page on the Sun Theatre.

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