Opened: 1918. It was a former bowling alley remodeled by a theatre group that had been started by Neely Dickson in September 1917. The address is between Hollywood Blvd. and Yucca St. on the east side of the street. It's listed as the Community Theatre under motion picture theatres in the 1918 city directory.
Neely received financial support from Cecil's B. DeMille's brother William as well as from Aline Barnsdall. This was at the time Aline was staging shows at the Los Angeles Little Theatre, a venue on Figueroa later known as the Musart.
The building was still identified as "Billiards and Bowling" in this detail from plate 1023 of volume 10 of the 1919 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map that's in the Library of Congress collection. That's the east side of Ivar on the left. On their site it's image 28 out of 104 for this volume. Looking for something? See the index page for a list of the map's pages by street address.
In 1919 after Aline had purchased the Olive Hill property, Neely and her group were offered a corner piece to build a new theatre with the proviso that they would have to raise the money for construction. The project was discussed in "Plans of Hollywood Community Theater," an August 10, 1919 Times story. That project wasn't pursued.
A September 24, 1920 ad in the Hollywood Citizen-News that was located by Lisa Kouza Braddock.
A 1922 Holly Leaves article discussed plans for a new theatre for the group. It's unknown if it got built. See a "Studio of the Theatre" article about their new season on page 12 of the September 29 issue. It's on Google Books.
The restaurant of the initial meeting is here referred to playfully as "La Cafe D'Inty M'Ore." There wasn't a location in Hollywood but in the mid-1920s there were three branches of the Dinty Moore chain downtown. Thanks to Lisa Kouza Braddock for locating the article.
In the 1930 city directory the building was listed as Troupers Green Room. This article appeared in the May 30, 1930 issue of the L.A. Times:
Closing: The date is unknown. There are no listings for this address in the 1931 or 1932 city directories.
More Information: See a long article on the beginnings of the Hollywood Community Theatre in a 1919 issue of Theatre Arts. It's on Google Books.
This article appeared in the September 16, 1926 issue of the L.A. Times.
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