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Academy Theatre

4667 Melrose Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90036
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Dates: Running perhaps from 1939 until at least 1942. The city directory listing for 1942 is under "theatres," not "motion picture theatres" so it evidently was a small legit venue associated with a dramatic school. The location is about a block and a half west of Normandie Ave.

The L.A. Department of City Planning lists a construction date for the main building on the site of 1933 with a 1947 remodel.

Noirish Los Angeles contributor BifRayRock went looking at permits and, in his Noirish post #37331, he notes: "...A Safeway store occupied the address by 1936 (if not earlier). In 1939 the grocery store was altered to include a stage and the structure was converted into a 'dramatic school.' By '56, 4667 had become a Cafe. Demolition permits were issued in '64 and '70, which is why the structure that is currently located at 4667 is probably not the same as the 'theater.'"

Seating: perhaps 300

Status: On the site now is an Aamco Transmission shop with none of its theatrical past recognizable. The photo is a 2011 Google Maps view.

More information: See the Cinema Treasures page on the Academy for some research by Joe Vogel and Ken McIntyre.

If you're looking for the Academy Awards Theatre on Melrose, see the page under its original name, the Marquis Theatre.

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