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Beverly Theatre

206 N. Beverly Dr. Beverly Hills, CA 90210  | map |

Opened: May 18, 1925 with "I Want My Man" with Milton Sills and Doris Kenyon. A bonus was a film tour through the nearby houses of various movie stars. It was a sub-run neighborhood house changing their program four times a week. This opening week photo from Keystone Photo Service appeared in the the August 22, 1925 issue of Moving Picture World and also in the May 15, 1926 issue of Exhibitors Herald. Both are on Internet Archive. 

The top line of the marquee is unreadable. The bottom line says: "Felix the Cat in 'Felix Follows the Swallows.'" That was a three-minute cartoon released February 1, 1925. The sign in the far right storefront says "Quinlan Realty Co." A somewhat retouched version of the shot is in the Los Angeles Public Library collection. The theatre's opening is noted in a 2021 PDF from the City of Beverly Hills when research was being done for a "Golden Shield" plaque that was to be placed on the site.

Architect: Lewis A. Smith designed an elaborate Chinese style temple with a unique almost-circular proscenium. It got several remodels including a moderne makeover in the 40s. There were four storefronts on the ground floor and two studios on the 2nd floor. The south storefront was occupied by Daniel Quinlan's real estate office. The Quinlan family owned the building until 1936 when it got traded for property behind the Beverly Hills hotel.

Seating: 1,270 in later years.

The theatre was initially operated by West Coast Theatres as the West Coast Beverly. When the chain became Fox West Coast in 1929 the theatre was called the Fox Beverly. It stayed in the circuit until the late 50s and later had a whole series of other operators: Amusement Corp. of America, Robert Lippert, Statewide (by 1965), Loew's (starting in 1967, calling it Loew's Beverly) and General Cinema (1972-1977, calling it The Beverly).

The opening was covered in an article titled "Fred Niblo and Screen Stars At Beverly Theatre Opening" in the August 22, 1925 issue of Moving Picture World, available on Internet Archive. They noted: 

"Rising majestically at the intersection of two of Southern California's most traveled boulevards, and in the center of the Movie Colony, the Beverly, owned and operated by the Hollywood Theatres, Inc., associated with the West Coast Theatres, Inc., opened in gala display on the evening of May 18.

"A tremendous throng attended the big opening, and among those present were scores of Filmdom's most notable stars and screen celebrities. Director Fred Niblo was Master of Ceremonies, and was introduced by Executive Director J. L. Swope of the Hollywood Theatres, Inc. Mr. Niblo called upon all the stars who were present to appear before the spotlight, and applause greeted each one. In fact, it was acclaimed one of the premier theatrical events of Southern California during the current year.

"The officials of the West Coast Theatres, Inc. including Messrs. M. Gore, President; A.L. Gore, Vice-President; Sol Lesser, Secretary, and Adolph Ramish, Treasurer, were also introduced amid applause. The big theatre is of strict East-Indian design, with the same motif followed out in the auditorium. Architecturally speaking, it is without question one of the most magnificent show palaces in the entire country, and in decorative scheme is wonderful. 
"Part of the equipment consists of a huge Wurlitzer Orchestral pipe organ. An eight-piece orchestra will be part of the house staff. The house is under the resident managership of E. S. Kukyendall, under the supervision of J. Leslie Swope, Executive Director of the Hollywood Theatres, Inc. The policy of the theatre programs will be high class motion picture entertainment, coupled with magnificent stage presentations and high calibre vaudeville.

"Situated, as it is, in the heart of Beverly Hills, which is motion picture folks' own community, this theatre takes an added significance because of the fact that anywhere from a dozen to two score celebrities can always be found among the audience. It is anticipated that the Beverly Theatre will be one of the most popular of the entire chain." 

Thanks to Beverly Hills historian Kimberly Vinokur for posting the Moving Picture World article on the LAHTF Facebook page.

In 1960 the theatre was operated by Robert Lippert and Fred Stein's Century Theatre Corporation. The remodel they gave it was covered in this story from the October 3, 1960 issue of Boxoffice. 
The continuation of the Boxoffice story.  
In 1965 the theatre was equipped for 70mm with Norelco AAII projectors. It was running roadshows into the 1970s. Theatre historian Kurt Wahlner notes that the front of the auditorium was draped at the time, all the way around to the front of the balcony. It was a good looking presentation although with a flat screen due to the steep projection angle. The screen was positioned in front of the proscenium with none of the original plasterwork visible. 
The Beverly was taken over by Loew's in 1967 and it became Loew's Beverly. General Cinema Corporation took over the Loew's houses in Southern California in the summer of 1972. GCC usually just advertised it as The Beverly.
70mm engagements included "Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines" (June 17, 1965), "The Blue Max" (June 28, 1966 - possibly only 35mm), "The Bible: In the Beginning" (October 5, 1966), "Oliver!" (December 20, 1968), "Anne of a Thousand Days" (one week academy run December 18, 1969 - regular run March 11, 1970), "Nicholas and Alexandra" (December 21, 1971), "Young Winston" (November 10, 1972), "Dr. Zhivago" (subrun - May 4, 1973), "2001" (subrun - May 30, 1973), "That's Entertainment" (May 17, 1974).
"Bleachers!" An ad for the May 17, 1974 opening of "That's Entertainment" in 70mm. Thanks to Michael Coate for sharing this from his collection as a post on the Friends of 70mm private Facebook group. Kurt Wahlner notes that because of the steep projection angle MGM made a special rectified print for this engagement so the edges of those segments not using the full screen width wouldn't look so distorted. 
A December 6, 1974 ad for a 70mm reissue run of "The Sound of Music." Thanks to James Stegall for sharing the ad with the Friends of 70mm private Facebook group. Bruce Kimmel commented: 
"An interesting week in L.A. This was playing everywhere in L.A. that week, in the cheesiest neighborhood theaters imaginable. Except for the Beverly. Over at the Wilshire, the theater that originally played 'The Sound of Music' when it came out (ran two years there - reserved seats), in 70mm was a double bill of 'West Side Story' and 'Around the World in Eighty Days' - a nice five-hour-plus does of 70mm. And over at the Stanley Warner Beverly Hills, 'Gone with the Wind' was playing in the bastardized 70mm. As I said, a pretty amazing week back in 1974, this ad appearing the day after it started playing there and two days before my birthday."
In 1975 the Beverly had a 70mm reissue run of "The Jolson Story," opening August 27. Much of the data about the 70mm engagements comes from Michael Coate and William Kallay's 70mm in Los Angeles section of their fine site "From Script to DVD."  Also see their page on the Beverly
Closing: 1977 was the last year for the theatre, with General Cinema as the final operator. Much of the decor was still visible when it was converted to retail. A later banking tenant gutted it. 
Status: The Beverly, along with the Beverly Canon Theatre a block away, was demolished in 2005 for the Montage Hotel project.

Lobby views:

A rare lobby view by Keystone Photo Service that appeared with "Period Architecture -- and Now It's Oriental," a four page article in the May 15, 1926 issue of Exhibitors Herald. Thanks to Mike Hume/Historic Theatre Photography for finding it on Internet Archive. It can also be seen on the page about the theatre from the L.A. Conservancy, credited to the AMPAS Tom B'hend and Preston Kaufmann Collection. 

The article discusses changing styles in theatre architecture starting with Egyptian as expressed at the Uptown, Pasadena (opened as Warner's Egyptian Theatre) and going through Spanish and French to declare Indian the style of the moment. The writer visits the Oriental in Chicago for starters then comments on the Beverly: 

"The theme of the Indian Style can be sensed in the reproductions. It affords an exacting setting for a theatrical performance. It pleases in itself so well that a show staged within such a theatre must please mightily or be voted inadequate. When the show is such, the effect of the theatre is to intensify and amplify its satisfaction-giving qualities. Yes, now it's the Oriental..."

Manager Marvin Park on the lobby stairs. The Keystone photo appeared in a July 1928 issue of the Beverly Hills Citizen. The occasion for the story was Marvin's birthday. Some of his smaller patrons were presenting him with a present of fishing gear. The photo, and its accompanying article, were a post of Kimberly Vinokur on the Beverly Hills Heritage Facebook page.

On the stairs with popcorn in 1957. Note the newer mural. Thanks to Dawn Gonzales for sharing this photo from her collection. Her mother, Leatrice 'Letty' Grossman, worked as an usherette when she was a student at Hamilton High. And thanks to Kimberly Vinokur for posting five photos from Dawn's collection on the Beverly Hills Heritage Facebook page.  

Letty Grossman and a colleague at the snackbar in 1957. It's another photo from the collection of Dawn Gonzales. Thanks!
Auditorium views:  

A fine 1925 view to the stage from Tom B'hend and Preston Kaufmann Collection at the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. It appears on the page about the theatre from the L.A. Conservancy. Note the unusual inward curve of the bottom of the inner proscenium in the theatre's early days.

A shot of the asbestos. It's another B'hend - Kaufmann Collection photo on the L.A. Conservancy page.

A look across the house by Keystone Photo Service from the May 15, 1926 issue of Exhibitors Herald. A smaller version of the photo had appeared in the August 22, 1925 issue of Moving Picture World. Both issues are on Internet Archive.

A photo appearing on page 36 of section two in the December 28, 1929 issue of Motion Picture News. It's on Internet Archive. The Beverly is on a page featuring photos of Fox West Coast theatres that had been decorated by Robert E. Power Studios. The section is the "Theatre Building and Equipment Buyers Guide."

This Beverly photo also shows up in a February 18, 1928 Motion Picture News story about the Power Studios. As well, it's in the collection of Charmaine Zoe on Flickr where she has over 700 photos culled from various issues of Motion Picture News.

A view from the stage by Keystone Photo Service that appeared in the August 22, 1925 issue of Moving Picture World. It's on Internet Archive. 
A balcony view in 1940 from the Los Angeles Public Library collection. By this time the curved inner proscenium had been draped. 

A 1957 panoramic shot of the interior after the "moderne" makeover from Marc Wanamaker's Bison Archives and the Beverly Hills Heritage Facebook page.

A proscenium detail from Marc Wanamaker's panoramic shot. Notice that after the moderne remodel there's new flatter ornament replacing the original statues on either side of the proscenium. Thanks to the Beverly Hills Historical Society and Beverly Hills Heritage for the photo.

A house left detail. Note the curve of the drapery covering the original inner proscenium.

A house right detail. Hard to miss the new mural work.

Selling popcorn in the balcony in 1957. Thanks to Dawn Gonzales for sharing this photo from her collection. Her mother, Leatrice 'Letty' Grossman, worked as an usherette when she was a student at Hamilton High. And thanks to Kimberly Vinokur for posting five photos from Dawn's collection on the Beverly Hills Heritage Facebook page.  

The auditorium repurposed as the Fiorucci store. The proscenium was again revealed after years of being concealed by drapes. It's a photo by Bruce Boehner appearing on the L.A. Conservancy page about the Beverly. 

A look toward the stage in the Fiorucci era. Photo: Bruce Boehner - L.A. Conservancy   

A balcony view. Photo: Bruce Boehner - L.A. Conservancy  

Thanks to Alison Martino for sharing this 1980 L.A. Times photo from her collection. It was a post on her Facebook page Vintage Los Angeles. It can also be seen with her 2018 blog post "Fiorucci in Beverly Hills."

Another Fiorucci view. It's a photo by David Naylor from his 1981 book "American Picture Palaces: The Architecture of Fantasy." This great book is a lush tour through the country's movie palaces with many stunning photos that don't appear elsewhere. A number of Los Angeles theatres are represented. It's on Amazon.

More exterior views:

1925 - The theatre nears completion. The photo is from Marc Wanamaker's Bison Archives via the Beverly Hills Historical Society and Beverly Hills Heritage.

1925 - Getting closer to the opening. Thanks to Eric Lynxwiler for sharing this photo from his collection. It's on Flickr. Check out the Angel City Press book Eric wrote with Tom Zimmerman: "Spectacular Illumination: Neon Los Angeles 1925-1965." Also see Eric's 2016 book "Signs of Life: Los Angeles is the City of Neon."

1925 - A postcard of the theatre. Versions of this card appear on the Beverly Hills Confidential and Beverly Hills Historical Society sites.  

1925 - A look at the theatre running "The Coast of Folly" with Gloria Swanson, a September release. The Keystone photo appears on the Water and Power Associates Museum page "Early L.A. Buildings (1900-1925) page 3."

1925 - A detail of the parapet wall from the photo above -- note the "Quinlan Building" lettering. Thanks to Marc Wanamaker's Bison Archives and Beverly Hills Heritage for the image.

1925 - Another detail from the "Coast of Folly" photo. Thanks to Marc Wanamaker's Bison Archives and Beverly Hills Heritage.

c.1926 - A view from the Quinlan Family collection via Beverly Hills Heritage.

1927 - A street sign installation in front of the Beverly. On the marquee: Buster Keaton in his July release, "College." The photo is from Beverly Hills Heritage.
1927 - The theatre with the October release "The Road To Romance" with Ramon Navarro.The photo is from the Los Angeles Public Library collection.

c.1928 - A view of the east side of the building from Marc Wanamaker's Bison Archives. That's the Beverly's stagehouse at the center of the photo.

1929 - Looking east on Wilshire in section 3 of a panorama by F. M. Huddleston that's in the Los Angeles Public Library collection. That's the Beverly's dome on the left. Note that we have construction fencing up around the lot next door. Also see section 2 with a view toward the hills with a minaret and the roof sign on the far right.

c.1929 - The new building is up next door. Thanks to Michael Muffins for locating this fine shot.

c.1930 - A rare look at the Beverly's rooftop signage (over on the far left) saying "Fox Beverly." The photo was a contribution to the LAHTF Facebook page by Beverly Hills historian Kimberly Vinokur. In later photos the "Fox" seems to have gone missing.

1934 - A view of the theatre from Marc Wanamaker's Bison Archives. Stephen Russo has looked at the marquee and identified the double bill as "The White Parade" and "Limehouse Blues," both released in 1934.

mid 1930s? - Looking toward Wilshire on Beverly Dr. up a few blocks from the theatre. Thanks to Beverly Hills Heritage for the photo.

1935 - Eleanor Powell doing a bit of rooftop dancing with the Beverly Theatre in the background. It's a January photo that has appeared numerous places. It's on a Getty Images page with the caption "We are assured that Miss Eleanor Powell, tap-dancing queen, is not unseasonably attired here for the balmy winter of this neighborhood. Anyhow, here she is, in her work-play costume. She's rehearsing for a part in the '1935 Scandals.'"

1936 - A rendering for a remodel of the Beverly Theatre facade by S. Charles Lee. It didn't happen. He wanted to chop off the dome! It's on Calisphere from the UCLA S. Charles Lee Papers Collection.

1937 - A wonderful aerial view of Beverly Hills from Marc Wanamaker and Beverly Hills Heritage. Note the onion-domed Beverly Theatre and the Warner Beverly Hills.

1937 - A detail from the aerial photo that appears on the Beverly Hills Heritage Facebook page. Note the Christmas tree in the middle of the intersection.

1937 - The Beverly running "Exclusive" with Fred MacMurray along with "The Lady Escapes." It's a Herman Schultheis photo in the Los Angeles Public Library collection.

1937 - An Alfred Eisenstadt photo taken for Life. Thanks to Noirish Los Angeles contributor Tourmaline for including the photo on Noirish post #35806  along with other Life shots of Beverly Hills.

c.1938 - A Dick Whittington view east on Wilshire. We get the Warner on the right. On the left, just beyond the Brown Derby sign, you can see the dome and stagehouse of the Beverly Theatre. It's in the USC Digital Library collection.

1940s - "Wilshire Boulevard, the 'Fifth Avenue of the West,' is one of the principal thoroughfares of Metropolitan Los Angeles. Along its route, via the Miracle Mile, Beverly Hills, Westwood, and to the beaches west of the city are many smart shops, fine cafes and famous hotels. It is considered one of the most heavily traveled boulevards in the world." It's from the site Card Cow. The strangely luminescent bluish dome is the Beverly Theatre.

c.1940 - A great view showing both the Beverly Theatre and, farther east, the Warner Beverly Hills. It's a photo in the Los Angeles Public Library collection.

c.1945 - A Life photo looking east with the Beverly Theatre behind the trees on the left and the Warner Beverly Hills in the distance. Thanks to Noirish Los Angeles contributor BifRayRock for including the shot on Noirish post #40301.

c.1945 - A Life photo looking up Beverly Dr. toward the theatre. The marquee is peeking up above the awning at the right. Thanks to Noirish Los Angeles contributor Tourmaline for including the photo on Noirish post #35806.

1945 - Betty Hutton in "Incendiary Blonde" along with Fred MacMurray and Lynn Bari in "Captain Eddie." It's a photo from Marc Wanamaker's Bison Archives that appears in his Arcadia Publishing book "Postcards of America - Beverly Hills 1930-2005." This shot and others from the book appear on a My Love of Old Hollywood blog post. Bill Gabel has also posted this one on the Photos of Los Angeles Facebook page. Bruce Kimmel commented: 

"Somewhere around September 26. It was playing before that but not with 'Captain Eddie.' This only played a week with that second feature. I loved this theater. Saw a late 50s reissue of 'Rebel Without a Cause' there and 'The Subterraneans,' and then was there all throughout the 1960s when they played one great movie after another - 'Tom Jones,' 'Dr. Strangelove,' 'The Umbrellas of Cherbourg,' 'Planet of the Apes' - beautiful interior and great projection and sound. I took my four year old daughter there in 1974 to see 'That's Entertainment.' We went back several times because she just loved every minute of it."

1945 - A detail from Mr. Wanamaker's photo that once appeared on the Beverly Hills Heritage Facebook page.

1940s - A look north toward Wilshire. Thanks to Bill Gabel for finding this one for a post on the Photos of Los Angeles private Facebook group. 

1945 - A view toward the dome during a stroll south toward Wilshire along Beverly Dr. The photo once put in an appearance on the Facebook page Vintage Los Angeles.

1947 - A view north on Beverly. The main feature is "Magic Town" with James Stewart. The bottom of the bill is "The Long Night" with Henry Fonda, Barbara Bel Geddes and Vincent Price. Thanks to Beverly Hills Heritage for the photo.

c.1948 - A classic view east on Wilshire at Beverly Drive from Beverly Hills Heritage

1948 - The December 22 premiere of "Joan of Arc" with Ingrid Bergman. The photo from the Tom Owen collection appears on the page about the theatre from the Los Angeles Conservancy where they note that the image is in the organization's archives. A version is also in David Naylor's 1981 book "American Picture Palaces: The Architecture of Fantasy." You can find it on Amazon. He credits this photo to the Los Angeles Public Library but it doesn't seem to be in their online collection.


1949 - The theatre running "Fighting Man of the Plains" and "Lost Boundaries." Thanks to Scott Collette for locating the photo taken by Loomis Dean for Life. He curates the Forgotten Los Angeles Facebook page and is also on Instagram. Who's the lady? Scott later found other photos from the set that make it apparent that she's Jane Nigh, Randolph Scott's co-star in "Fighting Man."   

1949 - Jane with her image in the west display case. It's a Loomis Dean photo. 

1949 - Another Loomis Dean take with Jane Nigh. This time we get a good look at the ticket lobby carpet. Thanks to Scott for locating the photos. 

1949 - A photo that was shared on the Vintage Los Angeles Facebook page. The dome almost gets lost -- white against the white building beyond. Note the roof sign.

1950 - Newsboys at Beverly Dr. and Wilshire selling the Herald-Express, later to become the Herald Examiner. It's an Ida Wyman photo. Thanks to Maurice Ideses for locating the photo.

1953 - The January 1, 1953 world premiere of the "The Jazz Singer" remake starring Danny Thomas. Thanks to Dallas Movie Theatres for locating the shot for a post on Cinema Treasures.

1954 - A lovely shot from Beverly Hills Heritage that was added to the LAHTF Facebook page by Kimberly Vinokur. The theatre was running "His Majesty O'Keefe" with Burt Lancaster along with "Born To Be Bad." Bruce Kimmel notes that this bill played the week of February 17. Thanks, Kimberly.

The "SHANE" sign is advertising a return engagement coming February 24. The premiere for "Shane" had been June 4, 1953 at Grauman's Chinese, followed by a ten week engagement ending July 30.

1954 - A photo from the collection of Richard Wojcik that appeared on the Vintage Los Angeles Facebook page. Like the previous shot, it was taken the week of February 17 when they had "His Majesty O'Keefe" with Burt Lancaster.

1954 - Brando's "The Wild One" was a December 1953 release that played the Beverly after he won a Best Actor Oscar on March 25, 1954 for "On the Waterfront." "From Here To Eternity" with Burt Lancaster and Deborah Kerr was an August 1953 release. Thanks to Dawn Gonzales for sharing this photo from her collection. Her mother, Leatrice 'Letty' Grossman, worked as an usherette when she was a student at Hamilton High. Thanks to Kimberly Vinokur for posting this shot, along with some of Dawn's 1957 interior views, as a post on the Beverly Hills Heritage Facebook page. 

1955 - The Beverly with "Love is a Many Splendored Thing" and "Night of the Hunter." Thanks to Alison Martino for sharing this photo on her Facebook page Vintage Los Angeles. It was a find on eBay. This image and others from Alison's collection are now available in high-quality prints from Ahmet Zappa's Haloes and Arrows gallery.

1955-56 - Playing Otto Preminger's "The Man With the Golden Arm" starring Frank Sinatra, Kim Novak and Eleanor Parker. It had an L.A. premiere December 26, 1955. Thanks to April Wright for locating the shot for a post on her Going Attractions - entertainment, amusement, americana Facebook page.

1956-57 - A look at the Beverly running "Invitation to the Dance" with Gene Kelly. It's a photo from Beverly Hills Heritage.

  1956 - 1957 - A detail from the "Invitation to the Dance" photo.

late 1950s - Looking south on Beverly Blvd. toward Wilshire. It's a postcard that was in a collection that was displayed on the now-vanished website Yesterday LA.

late 1950s - A photo from the Sean Ault collection. Thanks, Sean! 

1960 - A look at the theatre after the "modern" facade was installed. Here they're running "From The Terrace" with Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward. The photo is from Marc Wanamaker's Bison Archives via Beverly Hills Heritage. This film, the first after the Lippert remodel, opened July 15.

c.1960 - A great Beverly Hills postcard from Beverly Hills Heritage with the Beverly Theatre dome over on the right.

1960 - A photo from Marc Wanamaker's Bison Archives and Beverly Hills Heritage. Check out the swirls on the dome. Bruce Kimmel notes that the photo was taken Friday, September 16. He found a news item from that day noting that there would be an "Important Studio Preview" that night and that "The Subterraneans" was then in its third exclusive week.

1962 - The opening of Stanley Kubrick's film of the Vladimir Nabokov novel "Lolita" starring James Mason and Sue Lyon. Many thanks to Woody Wise for sharing the photo from his collection. The film was a June release.

1963 - A Christmas view with the theatre playing "Tom Jones." The film had its L.A. premiere on October 24. Thanks to Bill Gabel for locating the photo for a post on the Photos of Los Angeles private Facebook group. 
1964 - A postcard with the theatre playing "Dr. Strangelove."  It was once on the now-vanished site YesterdayLA.

c.1969 - Sabrina Schiller on her 1969 Triumph Trophy 500. Thanks to Alison Martino for sharing this Loew's Beverly shot in a Vintage Los Angeles Facebook post featuring six additional photos by Frank Zinn and Ivan Nagy of Ms. Schiller cruising around town. Alison comments:  
"She had just signed a contract with Columbia when these photos were taken. Her screen name was Sabrina Scharf and she was in 'Easy Rider' and 'Hell's Angels on Wheels' as well as guest appearances on 'Star Trek,' 'Columbo,' 'Gidget' and many others. And that Triumph motorcycle was actually hers! Years later she ran for State Senate in CA and nearly won. Then she started the Coalition for a Clean Air and cleaned up the air in LA. She is largely responsible for the smog check and the carpool lanes among other things."

1972 - "George" and "Kidnapped." It's a  rare shot of the theatre as Loew's Beverly from the Adsausage Los Angeles Photo Archive. By the summer of 1972 Loew's had given up on Southern California and their theatres became General Cinema Corporation operations.

1974 - "Mash" & "Harold & Maude." It's a Jeff Yablon photo added by Alison Martino to the collection on the Vintage Los Angeles Facebook page.

1977 - Thanks to Nick Faitos for this view down Beverly Dr. toward the dome of the theatre.

1978 - An aerial view from the Los Angeles Public Library. "Temporarily Closed For Remodeling." The theatre would become retail space. It's a photo by Dean Musgrove in the Library's Herald Examiner collection.

1978 - A photo by Anne Laskey in the Los Angeles Public Library collection.

1978 - Another Anne Laskey photo from the Los Angeles Public Library.

1978 - A Christmas view. It's an Anne Laskey photo in the Los Angeles Public Library collection. 

c.1985 - A photo by Jeff Yablon posted on the Beverly Hills Heritage Facebook page.

1987 - A detail of the dome that appears on the Water & Power Associates Museum page "Early L.A. Buildings (1900-1925) page 3."

2004 - A look at the building after it had closed as a bank. It's a photo that appeared on the Beverly Hills Heritage Facebook page.

2005 - Thanks to Joe Zollner for this view of the doomed building. He had it online but his website seems to have vanished.

2005 - The original facade getting revealed as later materials are stripped off during demolition. Thanks to Barry Weiss at Barry Photo for the image. It's in his eleven photo BH Montage / Theater Demolition set.

2005 - A sad side wall view. It's a photo by Barry Weiss of Barry Photo in his BH Montage / Theater Demolition set. Thanks, Barry!

2005 - Another sad demolition vista. It's a shot from the Beverly Hills Heritage collection on Facebook. Also see the page's Beverly Theatre album. Thanks to Kimberly Vinokur for all the photos!

2005 - A fine demolition view taken by Michael Muffins, added as a comment to a post about the theatre on Martin Turnbull's Hollywood's Garden of Allah Novels Facebook page. Michael comments: 
"I live two blocks from there, and I watched them demo layer after layer of the Beverly Theater (from the Bank that was its last incarnation, then Fiorucci, then the facade from the late Fifties, and finally, the original 1925 structure - which actually saw the light of day one last time - and NO ONE seemed to notice or care). And then the current structure went up as The Montage - which was designed to look like it had been there forever. [This] is the photo I took the day the original structure was visible. I had to walk out into the middle of traffic on South Beverly Drive (looking North on Beverly - South of Wilshire) to get it, and people went nuts. But, I'm glad I did."

2019 - Looking up Beverly Dr. from Wilshire toward the site of the site of the theatre, now occupied by the Montage Hotel. Photo: Bill Counter 
The Beverly in the Movies:  

The Beverly is seen in the distance in the two-reel comedy "On the Front Page" (Pathé, November 1926). We're looking north on Beverly Dr. toward Wilshire. The scene begins 4:44 into the film. Tyler Brooke has been throwing things from his car and some items strike a motorcycle cop who has been tailing him. Also featured in the film are Stan Laurel, Lillian Rich, Bull Montana and Edgar Dearing. James Parrott directed. See the Historic L.A. Theatres in Movies post for three more shots from the scene.  

The Beverly makes an appearance in the 1980 Universal Studios classic "Xanadu" with Gene Kelly and Olivia Newton-John. Mr. Kelly gets taken shopping to buy some "jazzy" new clothes. A clip of the number is on YouTube. Take a look behind Mr. Kelly and you can see the original proscenium arch with the curved sides (painted white). Sometime prior to 1940, curtains had been installed within the outer arch (painted cream & gold) to make the stage look wider. See the Historic L.A. Theatres in Movies post for two more shots from the sequence at the Beverly plus a couple of exterior views of the Pan Pacific Auditorium, also visited in the film.
More information: Check out lots of information about the Beverly on the Cinema Treasures page. See Marc Wanamaker's 2005 interview with Elinor Quinlan, daughter of the developer of the Beverly Theatre. On YouTube: Part One | Part Two

Theatres that used to be nearby: The Warner Bros. Beverly Hills was just two blocks east on Wilshire. It was known as "The Beverly" in its final years as a concert venue. The Beverly Canon was behind the Beverly on Canon Dr. It was also demolished for the Montage hotel project. 

The other Beverly: See the page for the New Beverly Cinema on Beverly Blvd.

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  1. It had a wonderful life. Gone but not forgotten.

  2. I remember it well as our start-up company in Signal Hill was working with lender Israel Discount Bank, which occupied the building before its demise. I guess they must have been the ones who gutted the interior. Beginning of the end. Visited the bank and lender once, so I am gratified that I actually stood within its historic walls. I always thought it very odd, with the unforgettable dome. Seemed out of place and now understandably so. Now I understand from the beginning. Thank you for this and enlightening me on an important piece of Beverly Hills and theater history.
