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DGA Theater Complex

7920 Sunset Blvd.  Los Angeles, CA 90046  | map |

The Directors Guild of America Theater Complex has three auditoria with capacities of 600, 155 and 38.  The building is on the south side of the street just west of Fairfax Ave. This 2017 view west on Sunset Blvd. toward the building is from Google Maps.

Phone: 310-289-2000     Website:

Theatre One after a remodel. The photo, courtesy of DGA, appeared with "DGA Unveils Renovated Theatre...," a September 2019 article by Peter Kiefer in The Hollywood Reporter. Thanks to Gary Meyer for spotting the story. Seating capacity is 600. Screen size is 50'.

A new screen going up after installation of new speakers. It's a 2019 photo from the DGA that appeared with the Hollywood Reporter article.

The house with the curtains closed. It's a 2019 photo that appeared with a DGA press release

The rear of the auditorium. Photo: DGA - 2019

A booth view. That's a Dolby Vision unit in the center and a backup digital machine on the left. Photo: DGA - 2019 

A look across the booth from the right side. Photo: DGA - 2019

Theatre One before the renovation. At the time it was equipped for digital with a Barco DP-3000 and a Dolby DSS 200 server. Film capability included 16, 35 and 70mm with an Eastman 25, 2 Simplex XLs and two Norelco AAIIs.  The photo is one that had appeared on an earlier version of the DGA Theater One page, where you'll also find sound tech data, more photos, and other information.

A pre-renovation view to the rear of the house from Louis Eales, who did the booth installation. It was a post on the Facebook page Projectionists International

A Theater One booth photo pre-renovation thanks to Louis Eales on the Facebook page Motion Picture Technology. It also appears on his Projectionists International post.

Theatre Two has a Barco 32B digital projector, an Eastman 25 and two Simplex XLs. See the DGA Theater Two page for more details.

A Theater Two booth shot. Thanks to Louis Eales for the photo appearing on the Facebook page Motion Picture Technology.

Theatre Three is a digital-only house. See the DGA Theater Three page for photos and details

A lovely December 2016 view taken by Shelley Colleen when the current building was being fumigated. She shared it in a post on the Lost Angeles Facebook page where it got many comments including "Oh look, the circus is in town!," "IKEA makes building wrap?" and "I thought they were rebranding for cirque du soleil."


The earlier DGA building:

A postcard view of the earlier Directors Guild building at 7950 Sunset, on the south side of the street but west across Hayworth from the current building. Note the roof of the theatre in back. The building survived until 2007. There's now an apartment complex on the site. Thanks to Phillip Cutler for locating the card. On the back:  
"1100 motion picture and television directors are members of the Screen Directors' Guild of America. Headquarters of the Guild, located at the entrance to the famous Hollywood Sunset Strip, houses a modern, 550 seat capacity theater where major films are previewed."
When the card appeared on Martin Turnbull's Garden of Allah Novels Facebook page Rob Bowers commented: 

"The theatre-auditorium in the older space was always a FANTASTIC place in which to see and HEAR a film -- especially back when movies were ON film with light projecting through the celluloid. Oh my. A good number of films seeeeemed so much better than they actually were when presented there!"

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