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Billy Wilder Theatre

10899 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90024 | map |

Opened: December 2006. The Billy Wilder Theatre is part of UCLA's Hammer Museum. The building is located on the northeast corner of Wilshire and Westwood Blvd. The photo is from the Hammer Museum website.

This state of the art theatre offers Hammer programs as well as a full schedule of classics, recent restoration work and lots of other goodies from UCLA and other presenters.

Hammer Museum: 310-443-7000     Website:

UCLA Film Archive: 310-206-3456   Website: www.cinema.ucla

Architect: Michael Maltzen Architects. Lighting design was by Lam Partners, Inc

Seating: 295

In the booth: The Wilder has four Kinoton projectors. Machines #1 and #4 are 16/35mm and machines #2 and #3 are 35/70 mm projectors.

The courtyard entrance to the Billy Wilder Theatre. Photo: Bill Counter - 2007 

Looking out into the Hammer's courtyard from the lobby.  Photo: Bill Counter - 2013

 A lobby view. The door to the booth is at the left. Photo: Bill Counter - 2013

An auditorium sidewall view. The house lighting is neon tubing in custom brackets. Photo: Bill Counter - 2013 

An auditorium photo from Michael Maltzan Architects. It appears on the Wilder Theatre page of the website of Charles M. Salter Associates describing the firm's acoustical work on the project. 

This auditorium photo by Erhard Pfeiffer is one of many images in the Hammer Museum's Flickr album.

The rear of the auditorium. Photo: Bill Counter - 2013 

A view of one of the two Kinoton FP75E 35/70mm projectors in the booth. The photo appeared with a 2021 UCLA Film & Television Archive Facebook post.  

A 2021 shot of projectionist Jim Smith that appeared with "Archive Senior Studio Projectionist Jim Smith Retires," a 2023 post on the Film and Television Archive blog. It was also on their Facebook page.

The Wilder in the Movies: The auditorium of the Billy Wilder Theatre makes an appearance in Jonathan Dayton and Valerie Faris's "Ruby Sparks" (Fox Searchlight, 2012).

Steve Coogan onstage at the Wilder in "Ruby Sparks." In addition to Mr. Coogan, the film stars Paul Dano and Zoe Kazan.

The view from the back of  the house in "Ruby Sparks." The film also visits the Egyptian. See the Theatres In Movies post for a shot of the forecourt from the film.

More information: The Wilder is one of a number of revival venues discussed in Mark Olsen's 2017 L.A. Times article "A film festival every night: The new ecology of the old-movie scene in L.A."

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