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Warner Grand San Pedro: booth

478 W. 6th St. San Pedro (Los Angeles), CA 90731 | map |

The Warner Grand pages: history + exterior views | lobby areas | auditorium | stage + basement | booth

A look up toward the booth. Thanks to Mr. Arteest for the 2008 photo. It's one of 72 views in his terrific Warner Grand photo set on Flickr.

Looking into the booth from the house right end. The black items on the right are two Westrex 35mm dubbers. Photo: Bill Counter - 2014

A view across the booth. That's the sound rack at the left  with a CP200 and lots of other gear. Starting at the far end is a Strong Xenon Super Trouper followspot, an RCA 16mm projector, the two Norelcos, a Christie makeup table and a Drive-In Manufacturing Co. brand platter. Not seen in the photo are another followspot down there and Joe, the projectionist. Photo: Bill Counter - 2013

Projectors: 2 Norelco DP70 with LP Associates lamphouses with 4 Kw xenon lamps

Platter: Drive-In Manufacturing Co. with a Christie makeup table

16mm projector: RCA with an LP Associates Xenon lamp

Digital projection: They do a nice job with a Sanyo unit usually positioned at the front of the balcony. The theatre does not have DCP capability. The Daily Breeze had a 2013 story about the theatre's need to get gear capable of playing DCPs. Grand Vision Foundation was talking about footing the $75,000 to $90,000 bill but nothing happened.

Throw to screen: 125'

Screen size: 21' x 48'

Sound processing: Dolby CP 200

Speakers: They're self-powered units by Renkus Heinz for 3 stage channels (ST9s for the main floor, ST7s for the balcony), a BPK15-2K subwoofer section, and surrounds.  

Followspots: 4 Strong 1600 watt Xenon Super Troupers

The #2 Norelco DP70. These two machines are from the now-demolished Four Star on Wilshire. The Warner has never run 70 on them. The occasion hasn't presented itself -- and the conversion parts seem to have gone missing before the Warner got the equipment. Photo: Bill Counter - 2014

The booth view from the house left end. Photo: Bill Counter - 2014

The booth with its original equipment. Note the Western Electric bases with Vitaphone turntables behind. At the far end of the booth we get a view of the Brenograph effects projector and the Western Electric amp rack. Thanks to Dallas Movie Theaters for finding the 1932 trade magazine photo for a post on Cinema Treasures

A look in at the non-operating side of Norelco #2. Thanks to Mr. Arteest for the 2010 photo in his.  Warner Grand set on Flickr.

The storage room at the house left end of the booth. Photo: Bill Counter - 2014

A look down at the screen, masked for a 1.85 to 1 presentation. Thanks to Mike Hume for his 2017 photo, appearing on the Warner Grand page of his Historic Theatre Photography site. 

The Warner Grand pages: history + exterior views | lobby areas | auditorium | stage + basement | back to top - booth |

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