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Warner Huntington Park: projection booths

6714 Pacific Blvd. Huntington Park, CA 90255  | map |

The Warner Huntington Park pages: history + exterior views | lobby areas | auditorium | projection booths | stage | basement |

The main floor booth:

The front of the main floor booth - added when the theatre was twinned. It looks like they also added a couple of columns to support the balcony. Thanks to Hunter Kerhart for his 2014 photo. Keep up with his explorations: on Facebook | | on Flickr

On the main floor behind the snack bar looking in toward the booth. Photo: Hunter Kerhart - 2014

The main floor booth front wall. Photo: Hunter Kerhart - 2014 

On the back wall of the main floor booth. Photo: Hunter Kerhart - 2014

The main floor booth rewind. Photo: Hunter Kerhart - 2014

The main floor booth front wall looking north. Photo: Hunter Kerhart - 2014

The upstairs booth:

Looking across the front of the original booth. In many theatres the ceiling decoration gets rather skimpy and uninteresting back near the booth. Not so here at the Warner. Photo: Hunter Kerhart - 2014

The front wall looking north in the upstairs booth. Photo: Hunter Kerhart - 2014

The ladder to the attic. Photo: Hunter Kerhart - 2014

Electrical panels on the south (house right) wall of the upstairs booth. On the rewind bench is a dead houselight dimmer. Photo: Hunter Kerhart - 2014

A closer look at a branch circuit fuse panel. Photo: Hunter Kerhart - 2014

On the front wall near the spot ports in the upstairs booth. That turquoise thing is a Xetrol house light dimmer. Photo: Hunter Kerhart - 2014

Film storage bins and old matching transformers for a sound system. Photo: Hunter Kerhart - 2014 

The back wall of the upstairs booth. Somebody's been messing with that amp rack! Looks like a few cards are missing from the Dolby processor. Photo: Hunter Kerhart - 2014 

The north (house left) wall of the upstairs booth. Photo: Hunter Kerhart - 2014

A view south along the front wall of the upstairs booth. Photo: Hunter Kerhart - 2014. Thanks, Hunter!

The booth with its remaining gear stripped out. Photo: Bill Counter - December 2017

A look down. Photo: Bill Counter - December 2017

The back wall. That's the door to the roof. Photo: Bill Counter - December 2017

The Warner Huntington Park pages: history + exterior views | lobby areas | auditorium | back to top - projection booths | stage | basement |

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