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Warner Huntington Park: stage

6714 Pacific Blvd. Huntington Park, CA 90255  | map |

The Warner Huntington Park pages: history + exterior views | lobby areas | auditorium | projection booths | stage | basement |

The door to backstage house left. Photo: Hunter Kerhart - 2014. Keep up with Hunter's explorations: on Facebook | | on Flickr

The door to backstage at the end of the house right aisle. Photo: Hunter Kerhart - 2014

Looking upstage right along the counterweight system lockrail. Photo: Hunter Kerhart - 2014

Upstage right looking at the back wall. Shall we climb that ladder to the grid? Photo: Hunter Kerhart - 2014

The view offstage right. Note that there's not much rigging upstage. By the time the theatre opened, they knew the days of big stage shows were over. Photo: Hunter Kerhart - 2014

The dimmer board. Onstage we see the box built into the lower part of the proscenium to isolate the speakers for the main floor theatre. The board is pretty simple. Three color masters. Stage lights (what there were) on the left, house lights on the right. Photo: Hunter Kerhart - 2014

Looking toward stage right at marquee letters on the back of the boxed-in area for the main floor speakers. Photo: Hunter Kerhart - 2014

Marquee letters. Photo: Hunter Kerhart - 2014 

In the box -- the area for the main floor theatre's speakers. That's the screen at the right. Photo: Hunter Kerhart - 2014

In the box: a wider view behind the main floor theatre's screen. Photo: Hunter Kerhart - 2014

In the box looking up. Photo: Hunter Kerhart - 2014. Thanks, Hunter! 

An October 2015 look across the footlights, and into the auditorium -- here stripped of seats. The studs in the foreground are what's left of the wall that was installed to box in the main floor speakers and isolate the rest of the stage area. Photo: Hugo Ruiz

Looking off to stage left. Photo: Hugo Ruiz - October 2015

The loading door in the back wall during demo. Photo: Hugo Ruiz - October 2015

A view across the stage to the house left wall. Note the rigging backstage. The photo appeared with a September 2016 Ghost Princess blog post: "I went to the most amazing abandoned theatre today." Thanks to Hunter Kerhart for spotting it.

Fireworks on the stage of the stripped theatre. It's after the demolition of the partitions that were put in for the twinning job. We're looking all the way to the back wall. Photo: Sydney Santana on Instagram - 2016. Thanks to Matt Lambros of After the Final Curtain for spotting this one and Hunter Kerhart for sending it along.

An August 2017 view from onstage. Note that they have chopped off the first few rows of the balcony. Photo: Hugo Ruiz

A look at the back side of the proscenium. Photo: Hugo Ruiz- August 2017

A view of the new floor onstage and in the house after it got leveled out. The new tenant will be a gym. Photo: Hugo Ruiz- August 2017. Thanks, Hugo!

A look across from stage left. Thanks to Steve Gerdes for his December 2017 photo.

Downstage left. Photo: Bill Counter - December 2017

Upstage left. Photo: Bill Counter - December 2017

Looking into the wings stage right. Photo: Bill Counter - December 2017

The dimmerboard down below the new floor level. Photo: Bill Counter - December 2017

Sort of hard to get to that bottom row of dimmers. Photo: Bill Counter - December 2017

Behind the board. Photo: Bill Counter - December 2017

The lockrail. Photo: Bill Counter - December 2017 

Looking upstage along the lockrail. Photo: Bill Counter - December 2017

The ceiling from onstage. Photo: Steve Gerdes - December 2017

The asbestos - missing a few chunks. It was later removed. Photo: Bill Counter - December 2017

New construction on the stage for the gym tenant. Photo: Bill Counter - February 2018 

Looking offstage at the dimmerboard. Photo: Bill Counter - February 2018 

A last look at the dimmerboard before it gets entombed with drywall. Photo: Bill Counter - February 2018

The auditorium from onstage. Photo: Hunter Kerhart - February 2018. Thanks, Hunter!

Looking into the house from upstage right. That white painted thing behind the studs is the dimmerboard. Photo: Steve Gerdes - March 1, 2018 

The upstage right stairs to the basement. Photo: Steve Gerdes - March 1, 2018  

The proscenium wall. Ductwork is continuing to advance. The tattered asbestos curtain was finally removed in February. Photo: Steve Gerdes - March 1, 2018. Thanks for the photos, Steve! 

The Warner Huntington Park pages: history + exterior views | lobby areas | auditorium | projection booths | back to top - stage | basement

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