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Happy Hollow Theatre

11th & Broadway, Los Angeles, CA | map |

Opened: September 1939.

A Times article about the new theatre that appeared on its opening day, September 27, 1939. Thanks to Ken McIntyre for locating this and the three items below for a Facebook thread on Ken's Movie Page about Ms. Glaum's various venues.  

 An opening day ad. 
A January 10, 1940 item. 

A February 1940 article appearing in a San Fernando Valley paper. 

It was called the Glaum Playhouse in this June 10, 1940 review in the Times of the melodrama "The Cellar Varieties." 

A June 20, 1940 mention of "Cellar Varieties" and the Glaum Playhouse that appeared in a column of theatre news. Thanks to Ken McIntyre for locating it.

An exact location for the Happy Hollow isn't known. On the southwest corner of 11th and Broadway it's Hearst's Herald Examiner Building. The northwest corner has a string of single story retail buildings. What was once the Los Angeles Railway Co. building, now the Hoxton Hotel, is on the northeast corner. The 1924 vintage building on the southeast corner opened as a YMCA, was later the Case Hotel, and is now a hotel called the Proper. 

Closing: It could be that the venue didn't run beyond 1940.

More information: There isn't any more yet about the Happy Hollow. In 1935  Ms. Glaum had taken over the Union Theatre near USC for her shows. By 1938 that house was running movies again. In 1952 Ms. Glaum was the operator of the Beaux Arts Theatre at 8th and Beacon. It's unknown how long she operated that venue.

Wikipedia has an article about Louise Glaum. She died in 1970.

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