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Orpheum Theatre: booth

842 S. Broadway Los Angeles, CA 90014 | map |

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A much too crowded booth. The event was a tour of the theatre as part of the 2017 Theatre Historical Society conclave. Photo: Bill Counter

Another view after most of the crowd had cleared out. Got a protractor? What is that angle anyway? Perhaps 24 degrees? Photo: Bill Counter - 2017

35mm: 2 Simplex XLs with 4.2 Kw lamps

16mm: a Norelco projector with a 2K lamp

Sound: Analog optical and Dolby digital

Surrounds: 24 speakers installed

Throw to screen: Approximately 115'

Current screen width: 44'

A peek out one of the ports. Thanks to Edward Havens for his 2010 photo on the Cinema Treasures page about the Orpheum.

A wider view out the left spot port. Photo: Bill Counter - 2017

The Orpheum Theatre pages: history | vintage exterior views | recent exterior views | lobbies and lounges | vintage auditorium views | recent auditorium views | back to top - booth | backstage | lofts

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