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Belasco theatre: ticket lobby

1050 S. Hill St.  Los Angeles, CA 90015 | map |

The Belasco Theatre pages:  history | early exterior views | recent exterior views | ticket lobby | lobbies - lounges - ballroom | early auditorium views | recent auditorium views | backstage | basement support areas |

A look in from the sidewalk with the theatre's initial attraction on the readerboard. The marquee out in front of that readerboard is long gone and there's now a gate that comes down at the sidewalk line. The 1926 Mott Studios photo is from the California State Library collection, their set # 01411639. A cropped version appeared in the January 1927 Architect and Engineer with a story about that year's A.I.A. Southern California Chapter Honor Awards. The issue is on Internet Archive. 

An elevation of the south wall, with one boxoffice window and two display cases. As the drawing indicates, the opposite wall was the same except with another display case instead of the ticket window. A set of plans for the building is in the Morgan, Walls & Clements Archive at the Huntington Library. This is from their drawing #6804. In a renovation, ticket windows were added along the north wall. 
On the Huntington's site you can start at drawing #6755 and page forward through the full set of 65 sheets which include structural, electrical, HVAC and sprinkler drawings. The set ends with drawing #6819. Thanks to Mike Hume for locating these. Visit the Index to the MW&C Drawings that Mike has been compiling for his Historic Theatre Photography site. There's also a 22 page index by Mike Callahan on Internet Archive.   

A plan of the boxoffice from drawing #6785. The upper drawing is the part of the mezzanine office area directly above the boxoffice. Note the ladder connecting the two levels. Also see a first floor plan showing the layout of the lobby areas. On the Huntington's site the full 1st floor plan is drawing #6780


A cross section looking toward the entrance doors. That's the ballroom above with its entrance stair from Hill St. on the far right. The boiler room is underneath that area. Also see a longitudinal section looking south. These both appear on drawing #6777 on the Huntington's site. 

The decorative treatment of the entrance doors and surfaces nearby, from drawing #6804. The windows above the doors shown with dashed lines open into the offices on the mezzanine. 

A view into the southeast corner. Note the grillework above the doors, later opened up. Photo: Mott Studios - California State Library set # 001415656 - 1926 

The ticket lobby ceiling, from  drawing #6804 on the Huntington Library site.

Another take. Note the pattern on the original entrance doors. Photo: Mott Studios - California State Library set # 001415656 - 1926

A 1926 show by David Belasco, "The Son-Daughter," on the readerboard. David was one of the brothers of Edward Belasco, one of the theatre's operators. Photo: Mott Studios - California State Library set # 001415683

Looking west, out under the marquee. It's from Morgan, Walls & Clements drawing #6804 on the Huntington Library site.


Later ticket lobby views: 

late 1920s - An early look at the entrance with a cute little sign added below the readerboard. On the boards: David Belasco's production of "The Bachelor Father." The open windows above are in the dance studio. The photo is in the Security Pacific National Bank Collection at the Los Angeles Public Library.

2002 - Thanks to Bob Meza for this photo, one appearing on the Cinema Tour page about the Belasco. Note the lovely aluminum doors at the time.

2008 - The window area above the entrance doors pre-restoration. Thanks to Jeff Bridges for his photo on Flickr. Visit his 33 photo Belasco Theatre set for many fine views.

2008 - A ceiling detail taken during the theatre's renovation. Photo: Jeff Bridges - Flickr

2008 - The plasterwork above the north boxoffice windows. Photo: Jeff Bridges - Flickr

2010 - The north side of the ticket lobby near the end of construction. Thanks to Don Solosan for his photo taken for the Los Angeles Historic Theatre Foundation.

The LAHTF is actively involved in the study and preservation of the vintage theatres in the Los Angeles area. The group frequently supports events and offers tours of the buildings. | group Facebook page | official FB page

2011 - Checking out the new entrance doors. Thanks to Albert Domasin for his photo, one from his "LAHTF Tour of the Belasco" set of 44 fine views on Flickr.

2011 - The view above the entrance doors after restoration work. Thanks to Elizabeth Daniels for her photo. It's one of 13 photos by Ms. Daniels that once appeared with "After 26 Years Downtown's Belasco Theater Reopening," Dakota Smith's March 2011 Curbed L.A. article about the theatre's rebirth. The article is still online but the photos have vanished.

2011 - The ceiling above the entrance doors. Thanks to Steve Shriver for his photo on Flickr. It's included in his fine 75 photo "Belasco Theater and downtown walkabout" album. 

2011 - The ceiling and boxoffice windows on the south side of the ticket lobby. Photo: Elizabeth Daniels - Curbed L.A. Thanks, Elizabeth!

2011 - Another look at the south wall. Photo: Albert Domasin - Flickr. Thanks, Albert!

2011 - A look in from the street. Thanks to Wendell Benedetti for his photo on Flickr. And while you're browsing, don't miss the rest of his Historic L.A. Theatres set.

2017 - A view in toward the main lobby. The event was a visit by theatre fans during the national conclave of the Theatre Historical Society. Thanks to Mike Hume for his photo. Visit his Historic Theatre Photography site for hundreds of fine photos of the theatres he's explored. And don't miss his page about the Belasco.

2023 - The south wall. Photo: Bill Counter

2023 - A closer look at one of the wall sconces. Photo: Bill Counter

2023 - The windows to the offices. Photo: Bill Counter

2023 - Entrance door ornamentation. Photo: Bill Counter

2023 - A look toward Hill St. Photo: Bill Counter  

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