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Laemmle's Grande

345 S. Figueroa St. Los Angeles, CA 90071 | map | 

Opening: This four screen complex opened in the early 80's in the lower level of the Mariott Hotel, a building now called the L.A. Hotel. Photo: Bill Counter - 2007

Architect: Thomas Berkes. Thanks to Cinema Treasures contributor Joe Vogel for the data. He reports that the firm was designed many movie theatres beginning in the 1970s. 

Seating: 800

Closing: The Grande closed in late 2009, timed to the arrival of the Regal at L.A. Live.

Status: The theatres are still there, now used as classroom space by AUP, the American University Preparatory School.

The big plan for the L.A. Hotel is to convert the present building into apartments and build a new hotel tower adjacent. 

Looking down the stairs to the theatre's entrance below what was then the Marriott. Photo: Bill Counter - 2007

A lobby view. Thanks to Adam Martin for his 2003 photo appearing on the the Cinema Tour page about the Grande.

One of the four auditoria. Photo: Adam Martin - Cinema Tour - 2003

A rear view of one of the theatres. Photo: Adam Martin - Cinema Tour - 2003. Thanks, Adam! 

More exterior views:

A view of the sign. Thanks to Ken McIntyre for his 2009 photo, a post on the Photos of Los Angeles Facebook page.

Another look into the hole. Photo: Ken McIntyre - 2009. Thanks, Ken! 

Work getting done on the former theatre's entrance in 2018. Photo: Bill Counter

 A view north on Figueroa toward the hotel. Photo: Bill Counter - 2018

More Information: See the Cinema Treasures page on the theatre, which they index as the Grande 4-Plex. For more photos see the Cinema Tour page which features sixteen views by Adam Martin.

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