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Glendale Centre Theatre / Nocturne Theatre

324 N. Orange St. Glendale, CA 91203  | map |

Opening: This legit theatre on Orange St. opened as the Glendale Centre Theatre in 1964. The location is on the east side of the street between California Ave. and Lexington Dr. The photo by Tim Berger for the L.A. Times appeared with a March 2020 Glendale News-Press story.

Website: | on Facebook

Seating: 380 in an in-the-round configuration.  

This theatre company began in 1947 at another location with the name Hale Centre Theatre. Earlier locations include 413 W. Doran (1960-1970) and 418 E. Colorado (1951-1960). Both those buildings have been demolished. From the inception until a 2023 sale, the operation had been in the same family. Brenda Dietlin assumed the reins in 2018. The company was founded by Ruth and Nathan Hale, a couple who had moved from Salt Lake City in 1943.

A new operator: The production company as well as their physical location were on the market in mid-2019. The situation was discussed in "Glendale Centre Theatre Up For Sale After 73 Years Of Family Ownership," a March 18, 2020 L.A. Times / Glendale News-Press story by Lila Seidman. The story reported an asking price of just under $7 million.

Scott Goshorn Rodeo Realty was the firm handling the property. See Scott's March 13, 2020 Facebook post for over a hundred comments. Also see the listing on the Scott Goshorn Realty website.

The theatre's season was suspended in March 2020 due to Coronavirus restrictions.  

Status: It was renamed the Nocturne Theatre in 2023 by new operators Justin and Melissa Meyer of Meyer2Meyer Entertainment. See a post from them on the LAHTF Facebook page.

Interior views:

The lobby bar. Photo: Scott Goshorn Realty - 2019

Upstairs. Photo: Scott Goshorn Realty - 2019

The 380 seat auditorium. Photo: Scott Goshorn Realty - 2019

A look down from the top. It's an L. A. Times file photo. 

Another angle on the auditorium. It's a photo that appeared with a 2023 Meyer2Meyer post on the LAHTF Facebook page.

A rehearsal space. Photo: Scott Goshorn Realty - 2019

More Exterior views:

2009 - A view to the north. Photo: Google Maps 

2019 - Looking south on Orange St. The adjacent 320 space parking lot belongs to the theatre. Photo: Google Maps

2023 - The facade during a Halloween show. It's a photo from a Meyer2Meyer post on the LAHTF Facebook page.

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