If you don't find what you're looking for here, there's always the full alphabetical list that includes any alternate names for a particular theatre: part 1 - A to F | part 2 - G to O | part 3 - P to Z |
- 16mm revival houses
- 5th ave. theatre
- aaa theatre
- academy - inglewood
- academy - melrose
- academy - pasadena
- academy museum
- adams hall - s. main
- adams theatre
- aero theatre
- ahmanson theatre
- airdome
- alamo drafthouse
- alcazar theatre
- alex theatre
- alhambra - alhambra
- alhambra - hill st.
- alhambra - san pedro
- aliso theatre
- allen theatre
- along the coast: list by address
- along the coast: overview
- alpha theatre
- alphabetical theatre list
- alternate theatre name directory
- alto theatre
- alvarado theatre
- amazon's culver
- ambassador
- amc americana 18
- amc broadway 4
- amc century city
- amc grove
- amc marina pacifica
- amc pine square
- amc santa monica 7
- amc universal
- american - dtla
- american - long bch
- american - newhall
- american - pomona
- american - south la
- angelus theatre
- arcade - downtown
- arcade - inglewood
- arcadia theatre
- architects
- archives
- arclight - hollywood
- arclight - s. monica
- arden - lynwood
- arena stage
- arlin theatre
- arlington theatre
- armory opera hse
- arrow theatre
- arroyo theatre
- art - long bch 4th
- art - long bch pike
- art - main st.
- art - redondo
- art - woodland hills
- artesia theatre
- assistance league theatre
- atlantic theatre
- atmospherics
- atwater theatre
- auditorium - san pedro
- automatic vaudeville
- avalon - catalina
- avalon - hollywood
- avalon - south park
- avalon - wilmington
- avco cinemas
- avenue theatre
- aztec - east l.a.
- azteca - sf valley
- balboa theatre
- baldwin
- baldwin park
- bandbox theatre
- banner theatre
- bard's west adams
- bartlett's music hall
- barton theatre
- bay theatre
- beach cities
- beaux arts theatre
- bee bee theatre
- belasco theatre
- bell theatre
- bell's - east l.a.
- bellflower theatre
- belmont - long bch
- belmont - temple
- belmont - vermont
- belvedere theatre
- bentley grand
- berry grand
- beverly canon
- beverly center
- beverly theatre
- bijou - east l.a.
- bijou - hermosa
- bijou - hollywood
- bijou - long beach
- bijou - main st.
- bill robinson
- billy wilder theatre
- biltmore theatre
- bing theatre - lacma
- blanchard hall
- bob baker
- bob's - ocean park
- bonito theatre
- boulevard - canoga
- boulevard - east la
- boulevard - wash.
- brain dead studios
- brayton theatre
- brentwood theatre - v.a. campus
- brentwood theatre - wilshire
- brentwood twin
- broadway - 1903
- broadway - 1925
- broadway theatres
- brooklyn theatre
- brooks - ocean pk
- bruin theatre
- bundy theatre
- burbank - burbank
- burbank - main st.
- byde-a-wyle
- cabart theatre
- cal - hawthorne
- california - burbank
- california - glendale
- california - h. p.
- california - long bch
- california - main st.
- california - spring
- cameo - downtown
- cameo - el sereno
- cameo - montebello
- campus theatre
- canyon theatre
- capitol - glendale
- capitol - redondo
- capitol - spring st.
- capitola - wilmington
- capri - alhambra
- capri - van nuys
- capri - west covina
- carlton theatre
- carmel theatre
- carthay circle
- casino - s. central
- castle theatre
- cave - deja vu
- center - east l.a.
- central - broadway
- central - s. central
- centre - sf valley
- centro theatre
- century - hollywood
- century - s. central
- century drive-in
- century plaza
- cgv cinemas
- chinese - marchessault st.
- chinese 6
- chinese theatre
- chinese twin
- christmas in hollywood
- chutes theatre
- ciné-cienega
- cinelounge s. m.
- cinelounge sunset
- cinema 21
- cinema chatsworth
- cinema theatre
- cinema west
- cinemaland
- cinemark at the pike
- cinemark baldwin hills
- cinemark crenshaw
- cinemascope
- cinematheque 16 - pasadena
- cinematheque 16 - weho
- cinematheque club
- cinematour
- cineograph
- cinerama dome
- circle drive-in
- city hall theatre - culver city
- classic film venues
- clinton theatre
- clune's theatre
- coast playhouse
- coffee cinema
- college theatre
- colonial - east l.a.
- colorado theatre
- community theatre
- congress theatre
- contact info
- continental theatre
- cornell theatre
- coronet theatre
- cosmo theatre
- coughran opera house
- court theatre
- cove - hermosa
- covina theatre
- cozy theatre
- crenshaw / kokusai
- crest - long beach
- crest - monrovia
- crest - westwood
- criterion - grand
- criterion - s. monica
- crown - colo. blvd.
- crown - sawtelle
- crystal - downtown
- crystal - east l.a.
- crystal - s. main
- culver city theatre
- culver plaza 6
- culver/amazon
- culver/kirk douglas
- dale - glassell park
- dale - long beach
- daly theatre
- dayton theatre
- del mar theatre
- deluxe - alvarado
- deluxe - jefferson
- denver theatre
- directors guild
- disney hall
- division theatre
- dixie theatre
- dohs theatre
- dolby theatre
- dome theatre
- dorkel theatre
- dorothy chandler pavilion
- downtown indepen.
- downtown: alpha theatre list
- downtown: broadway theatres
- downtown: hill st. and farther west
- downtown: main st. theatres
- downtown: spring st. theatres
- downtown: theatre district overview
- downtown: theatre list by address
- dreamland theatre
- eagle theatre
- earl carroll theatre
- east l.a.
- ebell - figueroa st.
- ebell - long beach
- ebell - wilshire
- ebony showcase
- eden musee
- edison - long beach
- edison - spring st.
- egyptian - alhambra
- egyptian - bard's
- egyptian - hollywood
- egyptian - long bch
- egyptian - warner's
- el capitan theatre
- el centro theatre
- el encanto catalina
- el monte theatre
- el patio theatre
- el portal theatre
- el rey - alhambra
- el rey - wilshire
- el rodeo theatre
- el sereno theatre
- el teatro - downey
- electric - main st.
- electric - san pedro
- electric - venice
- elite - monrovia
- elmiro theatre
- elysian theatre
- embassy - gardena
- embassy - western
- empire - e. 3rd st.
- empire - pico
- empire - san pedro
- empress - covina
- empress - ocean pk
- empress - spring st.
- encino theatre
- encore theatre
- esquire - fairfax
- esquire - pasadena
- estella theatre
- events
- fair oaks theatre
- fairfax theatre
- fairyland theatre
- family - east l.a.
- family - ocean park
- family - whittier
- federal - downtown
- federal - lincoln hts
- fedora theatre
- feldmiller's - san gabriel
- festival theatre
- film technology resources
- filmarte theatre
- filmcity
- fine arts theatre
- fischer's theatre
- fisher's - san pedro
- florence mills
- florencita theatre
- follies theatre
- fonda theatre
- forum theatre
- four star theatre
- fox cabrillo
- fox compton
- fox figueroa
- fox florence
- fox fullerton
- fox hollywood
- fox inglewood
- fox long beach
- fox palos verdes
- fox pasadena
- fox pomona
- fox redondo
- fox ritz
- fox van nuys
- fox venice
- fox west coast history
- fox westwood village
- fox wilshire
- franklin theatre
- fraternal aid opera house
- fremont theatre
- front door theater
- fuji kan theatre
- gaiety - long beach
- galaxy 6
- gale theatre
- galway theatre
- gamut auditorium
- garden - downtown
- garden - east l.a.
- gardena 1939-55
- gardena cinema
- garfield theatre
- garmar theatre
- garrick theatre
- garvey theatre
- gateway theatre
- gayety - main st.
- geffen - AMPAS
- geffen playhouse
- gem theatre
- gentry theatre
- georgia theatre
- gilmore drive-in
- girlesque - 510 main
- girlesque - 539 main
- glen theatre
- glendale - 1910
- glendale - 1920
- glendale - overview
- glendale centre theatre
- glendale cinemas
- glendale civic
- globe - broadway
- globe - e. 5th st.
- globe - san pedro
- golden gate theatre
- goldwyn theatre
- gordon theatre
- graham theatre
- granada - inglewood
- granada - temple
- granada - weho
- granada - wilm'ton
- grand - grand ave.
- grand - ocean park
- grand - torrance
- grand opera house
- grauman's chinese
- hang onto the dream theatre
- happy hollow
- happy hour theatre
- hart - long beach
- hastings 8
- hastings drive-in
- hastings ranch 3
- hawaii theatre
- hawthorne/rex/cal
- hayworth theatre
- hazard's pavilion
- hearthside theatre
- herman theatre
- hide away theatre
- highland park theatre
- highland theatre
- hill street theatres + farther west
- hillstreet theatre
- hippodrome theatre
- history resources
- hitching post - hollywood
- hitching post - santa monica
- holden pac
- holiday theatre
- hollander theatre
- holly - echo park
- holly - hollywood
- hollywood canteen
- hollywood christmas
- hollywood galaxy
- hollywood legion theatre
- hollywood pacific
- hollywood playhouse - las palmas
- hollywood playhouse - vine st.
- hollywood theatre
- hollywood theatres: an overview plus alphabetical lists
- hollywood theatres: by street address
- home - long beach
- horne's big show
- hub theatre
- huntington theatre
- ideal theatre
- idyl hour / iris
- idylwild theatre
- imperial - inglewood
- imperial - long beach
- inglewood theatre
- international theatre
- ipic pasadena
- ipic westwood
- iris 1910-1914
- iris 1914-1918
- iris 1918 / fox
- isis theatre
- ivar theatre
- ivy theatre
- jade theatre
- jewel - east l.a.
- jewel - tujunga
- johns & devlin
- joy theatre
- joyland theatre
- keystone theatre
- kim sing theatre
- kinema - florence-graham
- king hing theatre
- kingsley-moles-collins
- kult
- kuo hwa
- la brea theatre
- la grande - ocean park
- la mar theatre
- la mirada
- la petite - broadway
- la petite - long beach
- la petite - ocean park
- la petite - santa monica
- la reina theatre
- la salle - west adams
- la shell theatre
- la tijera theatre
- la tosca theatre
- lacma - bing 1965
- lacma - tisch 2026
- laemmle's grande
- lake theatre
- lakewood center
- lakewood drive-in
- lakewood theatre
- landmark nuart
- landmark pasadena
- landmark pico
- landmark sunset 5
- landmark westw'd
- lankershim - 1920s
- lankershim - 1947
- larchmont theatre
- largo theatre
- lark theatre
- las palmas theatre
- laughlin theatre
- laurel theatre
- le grand theatre
- leimert/vision theatre
- liberty - 136 s. main
- liberty - 266 s. main
- liberty - azusa
- liberty - pasadena
- lido theatre
- lincoln theatre
- linda lea theatre
- linda theatre
- linwood dunn
- little tokyo cinemas
- loma - burbank
- loma - s. m. blvd.
- lomita theatre
- long beach 26
- long beach auditorium - 1905
- long beach auditorium - 1932
- long beach drive-in
- long beach survey
- long beach theatre
- look cinemas - glendale
- los altos drive-in
- los angeles theatre
- los angeles theatre center
- los feliz theatre
- loyola theatre
- lucas museum
- lucia theatre
- lumiere - bev hills
- luna - west adams
- lux theatre
- lyceum - long beach
- lyceum - spring st.
- lyceum hall - spring
- lynwood theatre
- lyric - huntington park
- lyric - pomona
- lyric - san pedro
- lyric - spring st.
- madrid - canoga pk
- madrid - s. vermont
- magnolia theatre
- main street theatres
- main theatre
- majestic - b'way
- majestic - glendale
- majestic - san pedro
- majestic - whittier
- major theatre
- malibu cinemas
- manchester theatre
- mandarin theatre
- mann theatre - AMPAS
- mann westwood 4
- marcal theatre
- marina 1-2-3
- mark taper forum
- marketplace 4 - glendale
- marquis theatre
- mason theatre
- mayan theatre
- mayfair - santa monica
- mayfair - south central
- maynard theatre
- maywood theatre
- mazatlan theatre
- melrose theatre
- memorial aud.
- meralta - culver city
- meralta - downey
- meralta - east l.a.
- merced theatre
- mesa theatre
- metro theatre
- metropolitan - e. 5th st.
- metropolitan / paramount theatre
- midway theatre
- miller's theatre
- million dollar theatre
- miracle block
- miscellany
- mission - b'way & 42nd
- mission - downtown
- mission - long beach
- mission - monrovia
- monica - weho
- monica film center
- monrovia theatre
- montalban theatre
- montebello theatre
- monterey - east l.a.
- monterey - monterey park
- montrose theatre
- more los angeles movie palaces
- mott's hall
- movie - long beach
- movie parade - gordon
- movie parade - highland
- mpark 4 theatres
- murals - la times '32
- musart theatre
- muse theatre
- music box - el patio
- music box - fonda
- music hall - bev hills
- mysteries
- nadeau theatre
- national - boyle hts
- national - sawtelle
- national - w'wood
- neptune theatre
- new - san pedro
- new beverly cinema
- new hollywood
- new library theatre
- nickel theatre
- nimoy theatre
- nocturne theatre
- noho 7
- north beach aud
- north of downtown
- norwalk theatre
- novelty theatre
- nuart theatre
- nubel theatre
- oaks - pasadena
- ocean park aud
- ocean park casino
- ocean pk mun aud
- old town music hall
- olvera st. theatre
- olympic drive-in
- olympic theatre
- opera house - 1948
- optic - broadway
- optic - main st.
- optic - whittier
- oriental theatre
- orpheum - b'way
- orpheum - santa m.
- orpheum - weho
- p. e. club theatre
- palace - 7th st.
- palace - broadway
- palace - long beach
- palace grand - glendale
- palace of pictures
- palladium
- palm garden
- palms - temple st.
- palms theatre
- pan pacific aud
- pan pacific theatre
- panorama theatre
- panoramas
- pantages - 1910
- pantages - 1920
- pantages hollywood
- paradise - long bch
- paradise - w'chester
- paramount - 6th/hill
- paramount - h'wood
- paris theatre
- parisian theatre
- park - alvarado
- park - highland park
- park - huntington park
- park - pasadena
- parlor theatre
- pasadena - overview
- pasadena civic auditorium
- pasadena grand opera house
- pasadena playhouse
- pasadena repertory theatre
- pavilion theatre
- pearl theatre
- people's theater
- perkins palace
- philharmonic auditorium
- photoplay - pasadena
- picfair theatre
- pickwick drive-in
- pico drive-in
- pico theatre
- picture theatre
- picwood theatre
- playhouse - 7th street
- playo theatre
- plaza - hawthorne
- plaza - long beach
- plaza - main st.
- plaza - westwood
- pomona - overview
- pomona opera house
- princess - 1st st.
- princess - s. main
- principal theatre
- progressive theatre
- pussycat - santa monica
- pussycat theatres
- queen mary
- rainbow theatre
- ramona theatre
- rampart theatre
- ravenna theatre
- raymond theatre
- redcat
- redondo - long beach
- redondo pavilion
- regal - main st.
- regal l.a. live
- regal paseo
- regal ua long beach
- regent - main st.
- regent - westwood
- republic theatre
- reseda theatre
- rex theatre
- rialto - downtown
- rialto - long beach
- rialto - s. pasadena
- rio theatre
- ritz - inglewood
- ritz - long beach
- ritz - s. pasadena
- ritz - wilshire
- ritz/pussycat/news-view - hollywood
- riviera - catalina
- riviera - w. adams
- rivoli - long beach
- rivoli - western ave.
- rko hillstreet
- rolling hills theatre
- roosevelt - hawthorne
- roosevelt - main st.
- rose - burbank
- rose - spring st.
- rosebud theatre
- rosemary theatre
- rosemead theatre
- rosslyn theatre
- rounder theatre
- roxie - downtown
- roxy - glendale
- roxy - long beach
- roxy - whittier
- royal - broadway
- royal - san pedro
- royal - west l.a.
- royale - east l.a.
- royce hall
- saban theatre
- san carlos theatre
- san fernando - downtown
- san fernando - san fernando
- san fernando valley
- san gabriel mission playhouse
- san gabriel theatre
- san gabriel valley
- san pedro drive-in
- san pedro opera house
- san val drive-in
- sanchez hall
- sands theatre
- santa anita theatre
- santa fe - long beach
- santa monica civic
- sardi's - zardi's
- savoy - s. central
- scenic theatre
- scottish rite - long beach
- seaside - ocean park
- sepulveda drive-in
- seville theatre
- shell - broadway
- shell - ocean park
- sherman - main st.
- sherman - ventura blvd.
- sherman - weho
- sherman oaks 2
- sherman oaks 5
- sherman oaks galleria
- showcase - la brea
- shrine auditorium
- shubert theatre
- sierra madre playhouse
- sierra theatre
- silent movie revival houses
- silent movie theatre
- simpson's auditorium
- site navigation
- sonora - watts
- south - south central - southeast theatres
- south pasadena opera house
- southside theatre
- spidora theatre
- spring street theatres
- stadium - pico
- stadium - torrance
- star - 5th st.
- star - 6th st.
- star - covina
- star - east l.a.
- star - hollywood
- star - la puente
- star - main st.
- star - ocean park
- star - s. central
- star - san pedro
- starland - lincoln heights
- starland - ocean park
- starlite drive-in
- state - downtown
- state - long beach
- state - pasadena
- state - pomona
- stearns hall
- steere's opera house
- storefront porno - westside
- strand - catalina
- strand - east l.a.
- strand - long beach
- strand - pasadena
- strand - s. b'way
- strand - san pedro
- strand - whittier
- studio - vermont ave.
- studio city theatre
- studio theatre playhouse
- sun - pico
- sunbeam - florence
- sunbeam - highland park
- sunkist theatre
- sunset theatre
- superba - alhambra
- superba - downtown
- susuki theatre
- symphony - broadway
- symphony - compton
- tabernacle - long beach
- tally's b'way - 1906
- tally's b'way - 1910
- tally's phonograph - vitascope parlor
- tarrytown theatre
- teatro alarcon
- teatro hidalgo
- teatro torito
- ted mann theatre
- temple - glendale
- temple - s. vermont
- temple - spring st.
- temple - temple city
- tent - hawthorne
- teragram ballroom
- terrace - east l.a.
- terrace - long beach
- theatorium - long beach
- theatorium - main
- theatre at ace
- theatre history resources
- theatre list by address: along the coast
- theatre list by address: hollywood
- theatre list by address: san fernando valley
- theatre list by address: san gabriel valley - pomona - whittier
- theatre list by address: the main los angeles area list
- theatre list by address: westside
- theatre list by architect
- theatre list: alphabetical - including alternate names
- theatre mart
- theatre tech resources
- theatre theatre
- theatre tours
- tiffany theatre
- tisch theatre - lacma
- topanga theatre
- torrance theatre
- tours
- tower - compton
- tower - downtown
- tower - pasadena
- town theatre
- towne - long beach
- tracy theatre
- trinity auditorium
- trojan theatre
- troupers - el centro
- troupers - highland
- troupers - ivar
- troupers - la brea
- tumbleweed theatre
- tunnel theatre
- turnabout theatre
- turnverein hall
- twin city - burbank
- ua - downtown
- ua - east l.a.
- ua - inglewood
- ua - long beach
- ua - marketplace 6
- ua - pasadena
- ua - pomona
- ua - torrance
- ua - westwood
- unbuilt projects
- union - downtown
- union - velaslavasay panorama
- unique - broadway
- unique - east l.a.
- unique - spring st.
- unique - venice
- united - broadway
- universal cinemas
- uptown - pasadena
- uptown - western
- vagabond theatre
- valley - el monte
- valley - noho
- valley music theatre
- valley plaza 6
- van nuys drive-in
- variety arts theatre
- variety theatre
- vaud stage terms
- venice - o. front wk
- venice - on the pier
- venice - venice blvd
- venice auditorium
- vermont theatre
- vern theatre
- victor - long beach
- victor - main st.
- victoria - pico
- victoria - san pedro
- victory drive-in
- vidiots
- vienna theatre
- villa glen theatre
- village - azusa
- village - griffith park
- village - westwood
- vine theatre
- vision theatre
- vista theatre
- vogue - glendale
- vogue - hollywood
- vogue - montebello
- vogue - south gate
- wabash theatre
- wadsworth theatre
- warner beverly hills
- warner downtown
- warner grand san pedro
- warner hollywood
- warner huntington park
- washington gardens
- washington theatre
- welcome
- west adams
- west coast theatre
- western theatre
- westlake - 1912
- westlake - 1926
- westland twins
- westside pavilion
- westside theatres: alphabetical list plus alternate names
- westside theatres: an overview
- westside theatres: list by address
- westwood & brentwood: an overview
- whittier - overview
- whittier theatre
- whittier village
- wilshire - c.1915
- wilshire ebell
- wilshire - s. monica
- wiltern theatre
- windsor theatre
- winnetka 21
- wonderland - b'way
- wonderland - o. pk
- wood's opera house
- world - hollywood
- world - s. central
- writers guild theatre
- x theatre
- york theatre
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