Start your Los Angeles area historic theatre explorations by heading to one of these major sections: Downtown | North of Downtown + East L.A. | San Fernando Valley | Glendale | Pasadena | San Gabriel Valley, Pomona and Whittier | South, South Central and Southeast | Hollywood | Westside | Westwood and Brentwood | Along the Coast | Long Beach | [more] L.A. Movie Palaces | Site Navigation |
To see what's recently been added to the mix visit the Theatres in Movies site and the Los Angeles Theatres Facebook page.

Alphabetical Theatre List: condensed


If you don't find what you're looking for here, there's always the full alphabetical list that includes any alternate names for a particular theatre: part 1 - A to F | part 2 - G to Opart 3 - P to Z |


| back to topSite Navigation | Downtown Theatres | North of Downtown + East L.A. | San Fernando Valley | Glendale | Pasadena | San Gabriel Valley, Pomona and Whittier | South, South Central and Southeast | Hollywood | Westside | Westwood and Brentwood | Along the Coast | Long Beach | [more] L.A. Movie Palaces | Theatres in Movies | Los Angeles Theatres Facebook page |

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