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Fox Wilshire/Saban Theatre: lobby areas

8440 Wilshire Blvd. Beverly Hills, CA 90211 | map |
Pages about the Fox Wilshire/Saban Theatre: history + exterior views | lobby areas | recent auditorium views | vintage auditorium views | stage | booth |
 Recent lobby views:
A wide angle main ceiling view taken before the 2023 repainting began. Thanks to Claudia Mullins for sharing this shot as well as four other views in a January Facebook post. Gary Callahan notes: "For scale reference the diameter of the opening of just the center dome is 18’. The overall diameter is about 60'."

A look to Wilshire in January 2023. Thanks to Claudia Mullins for sharing her photo.

Up on a lift alongside the chandelier. Thanks to Gary Callahan for sharing this photo in a September 2023 Facebook post. He was working on the Evergreene Architectural Arts team redecorating the ceiling. He noted: "Fully extended scissor lift. About 40’ - Yes, it sways a bit."

The chandelier closeup. Thanks to Gary Callahan for sharing his photo in a September 2023 Facebook post. He noted: 
"The chandelier, lowered to ground level, cleaned and now with refreshed light bulbs, was turned on this morning to reveal the gorgeous effects of the silver metallic on the ceiling. An art deco design motif based on historic photos of the theater will be painted over the silver."

A late October 2023 Gary Callahan photo. As he says: "Almost done." That's Joe Bachelor up on the lift.  The photo was a November 1 Facebook post

Gary working on applying a more appropriate finish to the railings. 

A dome photo shared by Gary Callahan in a November 10 Facebook post. Thanks again, Gary! He comments: 
 "For the ceiling bezel we are using the golden and silver colors and tones observed in the highlights and shadows of of the metal chandelier. Darkening the brown bronze base of the outer and inner ring as the gold metallic paint is transparent so the base color is key. The two inner rings are based out in middle grey paint. We are adding a lighter mix and darker mix to enhance the highlight and shadow sides. The walls behind the sculptures have been darkened significantly to set them back and enable the art to pop. All gorgeousness!"

A great view of the center of the ceiling from Gary Callahan that he shared in a November 15 Facebook post. He comments about the work: 

"Working on the bezel rings, adding an enhanced highlight and shadow to the two grey inner rings. Finishing with a soft middle value glaze for each. If you look closely you can see the hard line areas that still need that middle value transition. To get a sense of scale: the diameter of the outer bezel ring is about 24 feet, and the height is about 35 feet."

The main lobby ceiling. Thanks to Cat Whalen for this photo and others appearing here that were taken during a March 16, 2024 Street Food Cinema film night featuring Baz Luhrmann's "The Great Gatsby." 
Looking toward the front doors. Photo: Cat Whalen - March 2024

A closer look at the ornament. Photo: Bill Counter - March 2024

Toward the entrance doors from balcony level. Photo: Bill Counter - March 2024

A vista toward the house left stairs. Photo: Cat Whalen - March 2024

A closer look at that ornamental piece seen in the shot above. It's a photo from the Art Deco Society of Los Angeles. It's one of eight photos shared in a February 2025 post on the ADSLA Facebook page.  

The chandelier gets its closeup. Photo: Cat Whalen - March 2024

Toward the house left stairs. Photo: Cat Whalen - March 2024

Heading down. Photo: Cat Whalen - March 2024. Thanks! Cat's photos of the event appeared on a Facebook post.  

Some of the newly repainted ornament. Photo: Bill Counter - March 2024 

A look at the ornament atop the columns under different lighting. Photo: ADSLA Facebook page - February 2025 

A balcony level railing detail. Photo: ADSLA Facebook page - February 2025. Thanks! 

Looking toward the inner lobby. Photo: Bill Counter - March 2024

A busy time at the bar for "Great Gatsby Night." Photo: Bill Counter - March 2024

Early drawings:

A pencil sketch of the lobby. It's from the UCLA S. Charles Lee Papers Collection. See Calisphere for the 25 Fox Wilshire items in the collection that have been digitized.

Looking out toward the entrance vestibule. It's a rendering "showing unusual adaptation of modern note" from the December 29, 1929 issue of Motion Picture News. Section Two of the issue is the "Theatre Building and Equipment Buyers Guide" featuring many different theatres. It's on Internet Archive. 

Included in the section is S. Charles Lee's article about the Tower and Fox Wilshire: "Stretching The Building Fund and the Plot Area." A black and white photo of a somewhat different drawing is in the UCLA S. Charles Lee Papers Collection

Vintage photos:

The entrance vestibule. These doors were later removed. Photo: Mott Studios - California State Library - 1930

The California State Library photos: In addition to what's shown on these pages, there are many more 1930 Mott Studios photos in the collection. They are cataloged rather haphazardly in six sets -- each with a mix of shots from different areas of the theatre: # 001386306 - 17 views  | # 001386542 - 18 views | # 001386544 - 17 views | # 001443449 - 11 views |  # 001443782 - 2 views | # 001443784 - 8 views |

In the entrance vestibule about to take a step into the main lobby. It's a 1930 photo by Keystone Photo Service in the Los Angeles Public Library collection.

The main exit doors out to the entrance vestibule. Photo: Mott Studios - California State Library - 1930

The house right side of the lobby. The auditorium is off to the left. Photo: Mott Studios - California State Library - 1930

A better view looking up the house right stairs. Check out that painted ceiling pattern up on the balcony level. Photo: Mott Studios - California State Library - 1930

A detail of the house right stairs. The book at the left is the "guest register." The photo by Keystone Photo Service was featured in the October 25, 1930 issue of Exhibitors Herald-World with an article by Tom Hacker titled "The Modern Motif in Fantastic Mood." It's on Internet Archive.

The mirror seen straight ahead when you entered the main lobby. The reflections give us a view of the house right stairs. The guest register is gone and there's an organ console parked in its place. It's an undated Los Angeles Public Library photo.

Another look at the house right side of the lobby. The arch at left leads to the entrance for the side aisle. The undated photo is in the Los Angeles Public Library collection.

The main lobby chandelier. All the painted detail is now gone from the dome and lobby walls. The chandelier got a 40s Skouras retrofit.  Photo: Mott Studios - California State Library - 1930

An early view looking over toward the house left (east) side of the lobby. The arch at the left of that chair gets you to the house left side aisle. The aisle 2 doors are at the center of the photo. We're all decked out to celebrate "Fall Flower Week." Thanks to Kate Mercier for the photo on Facebook. Her grandfather managed the theatre.

The alcove on the house left side of the lobby. Photo: Mott Studios - California State Library - 1930

The alcove leading to the house left side aisle. Photo: Exhibitors Herald-World - 1930

Another look at the house left alcove. Photo: Mott Studios - California State Library - 1930

Another alcove sofa view -- and the coat check room. Photo: Mott Studios - California State Library - 1930

The vista from the balcony level of the lobby back toward Wilshire Blvd. It's a 1930 shot by Keystone Photo Service that's in the Los Angeles Public Library collection.

At the top of the house right stairs. Out of the frame around to the right are the men's smoking room and restroom as well as stairs to the upper sections of the balcony. Going up the little ramp gets you to the center vomitory leading to the balcony's lower crossaisle. Photo: Mott Studios - California State Library - 1930

The house right stairs heading to the upper sections of the balcony. The windows are looking east. Photo: Mott Studios - California State Library - 1930 

A sofa on the house right side of the lobby. Photo: Mott Studios - California State Library - 1930

The vista across from an alcove house left. Photo: Exhibitors Herald-World - 1930

"Balcony Closed." Sorry, but there's a rope across the center balcony entrance in this Los Angeles Public Library photo from house left that they date as being from 1945. The ladies room entrance and house left stairs to the upper sections of the balcony were behind the photographer. 
The 1959 renovations: These photos below appeared with "Fox West Coast Does It Again!," a three page spread in the April 11, 1960 issue of Boxoffice. See the full article on the history page.  

"Lobby walls are plain in the remodeled Fox Wilshire, with the exception of this curved area behind the concessions stand which is composed of ornamental grillwork. Carpeting is in a gold floral pattern on a blue ground. The semicircular concessions stand is 25 feet long."

"Looking toward the doors to the outer lobby, before the remodeling, above."

"The decorated, wood-framed doors and the highly ornamental decorations above them, as well as the ornate light fixtures have been removed in the remodeled Fox Wilshire... The whole area is spacious and attractive." Thanks to Roland Lataille for sharing the article on the Fox Wilshire page of his site InCinerama.

The lobby's Richard McCann red period:

The view toward Wilshire from the balcony level. Thanks to Ken Roe for this 2002 photo on Flickr. Don't miss his huge Movie Theatres - USA set of over 700 photos. Richard McCann was the architect for the 1981 remodel done by the Nederlanders to convert the theatre into a legit house.

Above the entrance doors. Photo: Don Solosan - Los Angeles Historic Theatre Foundation - 2010

The LAHTF is actively involved in the study and preservation of the vintage theatres in the L.A. area. The group frequently supports events and offers tours of various historic theatres. | LAHTF on Facebook

An inner lobby view. This used to be part of the seating area prior to the 1981 Richard McCann renovation. Thanks to the theatre for the photo which appeared on the Saban Facebook page in 2012.

Another look at the inner lobby/bar area. Photo: Don Solosan - LAHTF - 2010  

At balcony level. At the right it's the house left (east) stairs to the main floor. Photo: Don Solosan - LAHTF- 2010

Thanks to Eric Lynxwiler for this 2008 photo on Flickr. Also see an auditorium view -- and from there you can page through some other photos as well. For a real treat, browse Eric's Los Angeles Theatres set on Flickr consisting of nearly five hundred photos.

The look in the 2012 to 2022 decade:  

The ornament above the entrance doors. Photo: Stephen Russo - LAHTF Facebook page - 2012 

A detail of the chandelier. It's original but had been gussied up with the "Skouras treatment" in the late 40s. Thanks to Stephen Russo for sharing his 2013 photo on the LAHTF Facebook page.

A wide angle view from house right. Wilshire Blvd. is out to the left. It's a photo by Zale Richard Rubins that appeared on the LAHTF Facebook page in 2014. 

The entrance vestibule now. It's gone. The doors separating this area from the main lobby had been removed. Photo: Bill Counter - 2018

Looking in from the entrance. Yes, that's Santa waiting to have a chat. Straight ahead we're looking into an inner lobby area created by Richard McCann in 1981. The seating originally came to the columns. Photo: Bill Counter - December 2018

The house left side of the lobby. The ladies room is up the stairs on this side. The men get the other side. Photo: Bill Counter - 2018 

Looking back out toward the entrance doors. It's a 2017 photo by Mike Hume. Visit the Saban Theatre page on his Historic Theatre Photography site for many terrific views of the theatre.

The ornament above the entrance. Photo: John Hough - 2017

The ornament west of the entrance. Photo: Mike Hume - 2017

The house right (west) stairs. The handicap accessible restrooms are in the alcove at the far left. Photo: John Hough - 2017

Near the house right stairs. The manager's office is up on the landing and the men's room is on this side of the lobby at balcony level. Photo: Mike Hume - 2017

A detail of the stair railing. Photo: Mike Hume - 2017

The door to the manager's office on the landing of the house right stairs. Photo: Bill Counter - 2018

At the top of the stairs house right. The stairs on the left go up to the upper crossaisle in the balcony. The lit doorway to the right is to the manager's office. Photo: Bill Counter - 2018 

Another railing detail. Photo: Bill Counter - 2018 

Looking across the the lobby from the top of the stairs. Photo: Mike Hume - 2017. Thanks, Mike!

At the left, a few steps down to the men's room. The double doors go to what had been the men's smoking room. Out of the frame to the right are the stairs to the upper level of the balcony. Photo: Bill Counter - 2018  

Looking around to the center vomitory leading to the balcony's lower crossaisle. Photo: Bill Counter - 2018 

Another view around toward house left. Photo: Bill Counter - 2018

The view toward Wilshire from the balcony level. Photo: Bill Counter - 2018  

Across from house left. The doors to the center vomitory leading to the balcony's lower crossaisle are up the ramp. Behind us are the house left stairs up to the upper section of the balcony and the entrance to the ladies room. Photo: John Hough - 2017. Thanks for all your great photos, John!

The railing at the top of the house left stairs. Photo: Bill Counter - 2018  

Looking in toward the inner lobby, an area that had been the back of the main floor seating until the 1981 Richard McCann / Nederlander renovations. Thanks to John Hough for this 2017 photo from his site

The inner lobby bar.  Photo: Bill Counter - 2018

In the alcove house right that used to lead to the side aisle. Note the new ADA compliant restrooms. The area on the other side of the lobby that was an alcove leading to the house left side aisle has been walled in for concession storage. Photo: Bill Counter - 2018

The view across to the bar. Photo: Bill Counter - 2018  

A view from the house left side of the inner lobby. Photo: Bill Counter - 2018 

The ladies lounge and restroom:

A 1930 lounge view. We're on the house left side of the lobby at balcony level. That door at the center of the photo gets you into the cosmetics room. Photo: Mott Studios - California State Library

The ladies cosmetics room. Photo: Keystone Photo Service - Exhibitors Herald-World - 1930

Another look at the cosmetics room mirrors. It's a 1930 Mott Studios photo on Calisphere from the UCLA S. Charles Lee Papers Collection.

"This was the ladies' room before remodeling, a not unattractive area, but compare it with the present powder room..." It's a photo that appeared with "Fox West Coast Does It Again!," a three page spread in the April 11, 1960 issue of Boxoffice. See the full article on the history page. 

"The ladies' powder room in the Fox Wilshire as it appears today. Carpeted floors, wall-mounted tables and attractive, comfortable chairs are provided in a bright and cheerful atmosphere created by the shining mirrors, a patterned wallpaper and globe-like lighting fixtures. Spotlights are also directed over the powder bar to create good lighting at the mirrors." Photo: Boxoffice - April 11, 1960

The ladies lounge and the cosmetics room were sacrificed during a remodel that provided a major increase in the number of toilet stalls. Here we're looking in from the lobby to what had been the lounge. Photo: Bill Counter - 2018

Looking over to the left from the entrance. Note the ceiling moldings remaining from the original use of the space as the lounge. Photo: Bill Counter - 2018

After taking a turn to the right we're looking into what had been the original toilet and sink area. Photo: Bill Counter - 2018

Looking back down the original toilet area toward what had been the lounge. Photo: Bill Counter - 2018

Looking through what had been the lounge area out toward the lobby. In the gloom beyond the doorway there are the house left stairs going up to the upper sections of the balcony. Photo: Bill Counter - 2018

A bit of detail on the wall above the doors out to the lobby. Photo: Bill Counter - 2018

The men's smoking room and restroom: 

The men's smoking room. We're on the house right side of the lobby at balcony level. That's a door to a phone booth in the center. The door on the right went into the toilet and sink area. Photo: Mott Studios - California State Library -1930

More men's smoking room furniture. Photo: Mott Studios - California State Library -1930

"Before [right] and after [left] views of the men's lounge show the transformation achieved by modern fixtures, furniture and decor." These are photos that appeared with "Fox West Coast Does It Again!," a three page spread in the April 11, 1960 issue of Boxoffice. See the full article on the history page. 

Looking into what had been the smoking room. It's currently unused. The windows look down onto Wilshire Blvd. Photo: Bill Counter - 2018

The wall separating this room from the men's toilet area. No connecting door anymore. Photo: Bill Counter - 2018  

A bit of remaining ornament on the area above the doors leading out to the balcony lobby. Photo: Bill Counter - 2018 

The men's toilet area. Photo: Bill Counter - 2018  

The other side of the men's room. Up those few steps and you're on the house right side of the balcony level lobby. Photo: Bill Counter - 2018

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