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Fox Wilshire/Saban Theatre: recent auditorium views

8440 Wilshire Blvd. Beverly Hills, CA 90211 | map |

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Looking across the rear of the main floor. The seating used to extend farther back until the lobby was enlarged. That's the house mix position back in the corner. Photo: Bill Counter - 2018

A peek toward the stage. Thanks to John Hough for this 2017 photo. Visit his site
The vista from the cross aisle. Photo: John Hough - 2017

Set up for a movie in 2018. Photo: Bill Counter

Restoration work on the proscenium in 2008, a project executed by Ed Kelsey and EverGreene Architectural Arts. It had all been a deep dusty burgundy since the 1981 Richard McCann renovation. The photo by Zale Richard Rubins appears courtesy of Esther Adir of the Saban Theatre. See more of Richard's photos at

The straight-up view of the center of the proscenium. Thanks to Mike Hume for sharing this 2017 photo. Visit the Saban Theatre page on his Historic Theatre Photography site for many terrific views of the theatre.

An organ grille detail. Photo: John Hough - 2017

A closer look at the organ grille's central spire. Photo: Mike Hume - 2017

The art glass panel on the side wall was lit at the time of this 2010 shot taken by Don Solosan during a Los Angeles Historic Theatre Foundation presentation about the Fairfax Theatre as part of an "all-about" tour of the building. It's a photo that appeared on the LAHTF Facebook page. Thanks, Don!

A view to house right taken during the 2017 visit by the Theatre Historical Society as part of their national conclave. Rabbi David Baron was discussing his group's history of ownership of the building and the restoration work they had done so far. Photo: Mike Hume 

The house right art glass out just beyond the organ grille area. Doors along the exit stairs from both sides of the balcony provide access behind these panels. Photo: Bill Counter - 2024

A fine shot looking toward the rear of the auditorium. Note the curtain to close off the upper portion of the balcony. The 2010 photo by Wendell Benedetti originally appeared on the LAHTF Facebook page. It also appears, uncredited, with a November 2013 Huffington Post article. Visit Wendell's Historic Los Angeles Theatres set on Flickr which includes a higher resolution view of the image.

A 2010 view from onstage. Thanks to Don Solosan for sharing this photo he took during the LAHTF "all about" tour of the building. Also see a proscenium view Don took the same year.

Up the house right aisle. Photo: Bill Counter - 2018

A sidewall fixture. It's a 2017 photo by Mike Hume.

Recent views up in the balcony: 

It was a movie night in March 2024 with Baz Luhrmann's "The Great Gatsby" on the screen plus a costume contest, a jazz band and Charleston lessons. It was a presentation of the Saban and Street Food Cinema. Photo: Bill Counter 

A luminous look at the Saban's proscenium that appears with Mark DeCarlo's November 2013 Huffington Post article "L.A. Boogie Nights" about the theatre's program of ramping up their concert schedule.

Another look at the restored proscenium. Photo: Stephen Russo -  LAHTF Facebook page - 2012  

A detail of the plasterwork above the proscenium. Photo: Stephen Russo - LAHTF Facebook page - 2012. Thanks, Stephen!

A look down that appeared on the Saban Theatre Facebook page in 2012.

The view across to house left. The drapery is used to close off the rear of the balcony when the feeling of a more intimate venue is desired. The box in the center at the balcony rail is a Christie 4K digital projector. Photo: Bill Counter - 2018

Looking up the exit stairs from the level of the front of the balcony house right. Photo: Bill Counter - 2018

A proscenium view from up a bit higher. Photo: Mike Hume - 2017

Across the lower crossaisle. Photo: John Hough - - 2017. Thanks for the great photos, John!

Ornament above the exit at the house right end of the lower crossaisle. Photo: Bill Counter - 2018

A sidewall detail. Photo: Mike Hume - 2017

Another look at one of the sidewall fixtures. Photo: Bill Counter - 2018

Coming into the upper part of the balcony from the house left stairs. Photo: Bill Counter - 2018

Looking down the house left exit stairs from the upper crossaisle level. We're looking toward the stage end of the building. The stairs are just outside the house left wall of the auditorium. Photo: Bill Counter - 2018

 A view along the upper crossaisle. Photo: Bill Counter - 2018

A peek behind the curtain from house right. Note the areas of paint exploration this side of the booth. Photo: Mike Hume - 2017

At the top of the balcony house right. Some of the original stenciled design has been revealed under several layers of paint in this 2012 Stephen Russo photo that appeared on the LAHTF Facebook page. EverGreene Architectural Arts and Ed Kelsey did the archeological work. For more information, see Don Solosan's video "Ed Kelsey on the Saban." 

A closer look at one section. Photo: Bill Counter - 2018. These areas of exploration were later painted over. 

A view down beside the curtain. Photo: Mike Hume - 2017

Looking across with the curtain up. Photo: Bill Counter - 2024

Checking out the booth. There's a door at either end. Photo: Bill Counter - 2024


 The view down from the top. Photo: Bill Counter - 2024

Pages about the Fox Wilshire/Saban Theatre: history + exterior views | lobby areas | back to top - recent auditorium views | vintage auditorium views | stage | booth |

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