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The rear of the main floor from house left. Note the filled-in wall at the back. It was originally an open standee rail. Photo: Bill Counter - April 2018
A balcony soffit fixture detail. No, that neon isn't original. Photo: Bill Counter - April 2018
One of the little guys on the soffit. Photo: Michelle Gerdes - June 2018
Another detail of the grille work around the soffit light fixtures. Photo: Michelle Gerdes - June 2018
One of the little guys on the soffit. Photo: Michelle Gerdes - June 2018
Another detail of the grille work around the soffit light fixtures. Photo: Michelle Gerdes - June 2018
A peek toward the stage from house right. Photo: Bill Counter - April 2018
A sidewall fixture detail. Photo: Bill Counter - April 2018
The theatre starting to fill for the first show in the State in 20 years, a L.A. Conservancy "Last Remaining Seats" screening of "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington." It was the first show in the 32nd season of the series. Photo: Bill Counter - June 2, 2018
The front of the auditorium house left. The exit door goes into a passageway between the theatre and the office building. You exit via the office building lobby. The doorway under the proscenium box gets you up to the box level. Photo: Bill Counter - April 2018
An earlier view while the church using the building still had their set onstage. Those fixtures dangling below the front of the balcony are God's work. They were removed before the theatre's first show. Photo: Bill Counter - 2007
A detail of the area below the house left box. Thanks to Michael Cowan for his 2016 photo, added as a comment on the Los Angeles Theatres Facebook page.
A closer look at the plasterwork on the face of the box. Thanks to Wendell Benedetti for his April 2018 photo. It's one in a great nineteen photo set that's on the LAHTF Facebook page. They were mostly taken during a Los Angeles Historic Theatre Foundation "all-about" tour of the building.
The LAHTF is active in promoting awareness of the historic theatres of Los Angeles and works toward their preservation. They frequently offer tours and sponsor other events related to historic preservation. | group Facebook page | official Facebook page
A look to the screen during the Newsreel before the L.A. Conservancy screening of "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington." Thanks to Mike Hume for his great June 2, 2018 photo on the LAHTF Facebook page.
"Last Remaining Seats" production manager Bud Coffey onstage with theatre historian David Saffer for a Q and A following "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington." Photo: Bill Counter - June 2018
A full house of happy churchgoers. Thanks to Jon Olivan for sharing this shot as a comment on a 2025 DTLA Photo Group Facebook post by Robert Berger of a 90s ceiling photo he took.
The view from under the house left box. Photo: Mike Hume - April 2018. Visit his Historic Theatre Photography site for tech info and hundreds of fine photos of the many theatres he's explored. And don't miss his page on the State Theatre.
The newly cleared stage as seen from the middle of the main floor. Photo: Mike Hume - April 2018
The ante-proscenium area. Photo: Bill Counter - June - 2018
The ante-proscenium area. Photo: Bill Counter - June - 2018
One of three domes in the ante-proscenium area. Photo: Mike Hume - April 2018
A detail of one of the ceiling panels in front of the domed ante-proscenium. Photo: Mike Hume - April 2018
The rear of the house from in front of the stage. At the time of the photo the church was still in the building. Note the covered booth ports. Photo: Mike Hume - 2017
A bit of the proscenium plasterwork house right. Photo: Bill Counter - April 2018
Ornament between the proscenium and the house right box. Photo: Bill Counter - April 2018
A house right "stained glass" shot by Ken McIntyre. He was able to get several photos in 2007 before the church threw him out. The photo appeared on the Facebook page Photos of Los Angeles.
The house right entrance to the balcony as seen from the main floor. Photo: Bill Counter - April 2018
Up to the house left box and organ chamber:
The entrance to the stairway below the box. Photo: Bill Counter - April 2018
Behind the stained glass. These box areas had usually been draped. One vintage photo shows seats in the box. Photo: Mike Hume - April 2018
In the box looking across. Photo: Mike Hume - April 2018
The rear of the house from the box. Unlike on house right, there's no access on this side from the box up to the organ chamber. Photo: Mike Hume - April 2018
To get to the house left organ chamber you go out the downstage exit on the 3rd floor dressing room corridor into the exit passageway between the theatre and the office building. This is the ladder on the left side of the landing. Photo: Bill Counter - April 2018
Looking up toward the chamber entrance. On the right is the top of the ladder coming up from the landing. You walk a few steps on the ledge than take another short ladder to the doorway. Photo: Bill Counter - April 2018
The house left organ chamber. Photo: Bill Counter - April 2018
The doorway under the box for stair access. Photo: Mike Hume - April 2018
In the box behind the stained glass. Photo: Mike Hume - April 2018
A look over to the left. Photo: Mike Hume - April 2018
The first landing. Photo: Mike Hume - April 2018
The stairs continue up then there's a short ladder. Photo: Mike Hume - April 2018
The house right box and organ chamber:
The doorway under the box for stair access. Photo: Mike Hume - April 2018
In the box behind the stained glass. Photo: Mike Hume - April 2018
A look over to the left. Photo: Mike Hume - April 2018
The first landing. Photo: Mike Hume - April 2018
The stairs continue up then there's a short ladder. Photo: Mike Hume - April 2018
In the organ chamber. The ladder gets you back down to the stairs. The opening at the left is looking out onto the stage left flyfloor, atop the 3rd floor dressing rooms. Photo: Mike Hume - April 2018
The back of the grilles. That covered grille on the left faces the rear of the auditorium. Photo: Mike Hume - April 2018
A look back toward the entrance. Photo: Mike Hume - April 2018
A peek out toward the balcony. Photo: Mike Hume - April 2018
Up in the balcony:
Happy theatregoers before the L.A. Conservancy "Last Remaining Seats" screening of "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington." Thanks to Wendell Benedetti for his June 2, 2018 photo, a post on the LAHTF Facebook page.
A closer at the house left box area. Photo: Bill Counter - June 2018
A church era view. Thanks to Hunter Kerhart for his 2014 photo. Keep up with his recent explorations: on Facebook | | on Flickr
The house left organ grilles. Thanks to Claudia Mullins for this and her other April 2018 photos appearing here. They're part of a 46 photo State Theatre Tour set on Facebook that she took during the Los Angeles Historic Theatre Foundation "all-about" tour of the building.
The top of the proscenium box area house left. Photo: Mike Hume - April 2018
The house left entrance to the balcony. Photo: Bill Counter - April 2018
Ornament above the balcony entrance. Photo: Claudia Mullins - April 2018
An oblique view of one of the faces watching you during a show. Photo: Mike Hume - April 2018
Looking along the entrance area toward the lower side exit. Photo: Bill Counter - April 2018
Ornament above the balcony entrance. Photo: Claudia Mullins - April 2018
An oblique view of one of the faces watching you during a show. Photo: Mike Hume - April 2018
Looking along the entrance area toward the lower side exit. Photo: Bill Counter - April 2018
Looking out the lower exit house left. The stairs go down to the office building lobby. Photo: Bill Counter - April 2018
The walkway toward the upper exit. Photo: Bill Counter - April 2018
The upper exit house left. Photo: Bill Counter - April 2018
The stairs to the office building lobby from the upper exit. The exit doors on the house right side of the auditorium get you onto the fire escape in the alley. Photo: Bill Counter - April 2018
The uplight niche above the upper exit house left. Photo: Mike Hume - April 2018
The newly cleared stage as seen from the front of the balcony. Photo: Mike Hume - April 2018
A fine look at the center of the State's ceiling. Note the light coming in from above through the ceiling's latticework. The photo originally appeared on the Bringing Back Broadway Facebook page in 2015. Thanks!
Hillsman Wright of the LAHTF notes that the chandelier was added when Fanchon and Marco were producing the elaborate prologues that accompanied the features. The chandelier changed color as desired for different segments of the presentation. Wright says they never missed an opportunity to carry the spectacle of their presentations out into the auditorium.
The on-your-back ceiling view. Photo: Mike Hume - April 2018
A closer look at the bottom of the chandelier. Photo: Mike Hume - April 2018
A look across from house left during the Conservancy's screening of "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington." Photo: Mike Hume - June 2, 2018
An earlier view from house left. The event was a tour that was part of the Theatre Historical Society Conclave. Photo: Mike Hume - 2017
Looking for the statue atop the proscenium. The church had boxed the poor guy in. Photo: Mike Hume - April 2018
The area above the proscenium. Photo: Stephen Russo - LAHTF Facebook page - 2014
The house right proscenium box area. Photo: Bill Counter - June 2018
The house right entrance to the balcony. Photo: Bill Counter - 2007
A peek out the fire escape from the lower exit. Photo: Bill Counter - June 2018
The view south in the alley from the fire escape. Photo: Bill Counter - June 2018
Plasterwork at the balcony entrance. Photo: Bill Counter - April 2018
The capital of one of the pilasters. Photo: Bill Counter - April 2018
Ornament along the walkway to the upper balcony exit house right. Photo: Bill Counter - April 2018
A closer look at the ram from the previous photo. Photo: Bill Counter - April 2018
The end organ grille house right. Photo: Bill Counter - April 2018
A ceiling grille near the sidewall house right. Photo: Bill Counter - April 2018
A castle motif between sections of grille. Photo: Mike Hume - April 2018
A house right sidewall niche. Photo: Bill Counter - April 2018
A fine view of the ceiling and the back of the balcony. The little boxes on the front of the balcony were for ceiling uplights, not for spotlights directed to the stage. Photo: Mike Hume - April 2018
An earlier view showing the back of the balcony. The church had drywalled over the booth ports. Photo: Hunter Kerhart - 2014
Back toward the booth. Photo: Bill Counter - April 2018
A closer view of one of the uplight boxes on the back wall. Photo: Bill Counter - April 2018
Along the back wall. Photo: Michelle Gerdes - June 2018. Thanks, Michelle!
Along the back wall from the upper house left corner of the balcony. Photo: Bill Counter - June 2018
Along the top of the house left wall toward the organ grille area. Photo: Bill Counter - June 2018
A detail of the ornament used around the perimeter of the main ceiling and the central octagon. Photo: Mike Hume - April 2018
The vista from the middle of the balcony. Photo: Wendell Benedetti - LAHTF Facebook page - April 2018
An earlier balcony shot taken when the church was still in the building. Photo: Bill Counter - 2007
The chandelier from near the top of the balcony. Photo: Bill Counter - April 2018
From the top house right. Photo: Mike Hume - April 2018
From the back row house left. Photo: Mike Hume - 2017. Thanks, Mike! See more of his fine work on his Historic Theatre Photography
page about the State.
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