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Tower Theatre: recent auditorium views

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After the Apple renovations:

The view in from the house left side of the lobby. Photo: Bill Counter - June 24, 2021 

Along the back wall of the auditorium toward 8th St. Photo: Bill Counter - June 24, 2021 


A balcony soffit detail. It's one of many terrific June 2021 images on Apple's site Discover Apple Tower Theatre.

Looking toward the stage from under the balcony. Photo: Bill Counter - June 24, 2021 

One of the rehabbed soffit fixtures. Photo: Bill Counter - June 24, 2021 

A view back out toward Broadway. Photo: Bill Counter - June 24, 2021 

The house right wall froward of the balcony. Photo: Bill Counter - June 24, 2021

Looking up across the front of the exit passage along the house left wall. Thanks to Mike Hume for this June 22, 2021 photo taken during a pre-opening preview. Visit the terrific page about the theatre on his Historic Theatre Photography site.

A look back toward the lobby. Photo: Mike Hume - LAHTF Facebook page - June 2021
The Los Angeles Historic Theatre Foundation is active in promoting awareness of the historic theatres of Los Angeles and advocates for their preservation. The organization frequently offers tours and sponsors other events related to historic preservation. They consulted on historic aspects of the Tower renovation. | on Facebook  

A detail of the plasterwork on the front of the balcony. Photo: Bill Counter - June 24, 2021 
Tim Cook and adoring fans opening day. Thanks to Shawn Smith for this photo and others appearing on the page. They were included in a post of 25 views on the DTLA Town Square Facebook page.  

The area near the proscenium. Thanks to Brigham Yen for his photo, one of many appearing with his June 2021 story "Look Inside: Apple Tower Theatre Flagship Opens in Downtown LA."
The new look for the top of the proscenium. It's a photo from Apple Newsroom: "Apple Tower Theatre opens Thursday in downtown Los Angeles." Also see their post "Apple Tower Theatre now open...

A closer look at the new mural in the proscenium dome. Photo: Bill Counter - June 24, 2021  

The lady atop the proscenium. Photo: Bill Counter - June 24, 2021  

 The video wall and what looks like a kindergarten play area.
Photo: Bill Counter - June 24, 2021

The house left box area. Photo: Bill Counter - June 24, 2021 

A look to the rear from the front of the main floor. Photo: Apple Newsroom - 2021


A busier version -- opening day. Photo: Shawn Smith - DTLA Town Square Facebook page - June 2021


A view of the redone ceiling from in front of the proscenium. Photo: Bill Counter - June 24, 2021 

A balcony view down. Photo: Apple Newsroom - 2021  

A wider shot. Photo: Mike Hume - Historic Theatre Photography - June 22, 2021
Along the house right wall. Photo: Mike Hume - Historic Theatre Photography - June 22, 2021

Along the left exit passage shortly after opening. Photo: Shawn Smith - DTLA Town Square Facebook page - June 2021

Seating below the crossaisle. Photo: Bill Counter - June 24, 2021
A look over the edge. Photo: Shawn Smith - DTLA Town Square Facebook page - June 2021. Thanks, Shawn!  

The vomitory down to the lobby at the house right end of the crossaisle. The other side is similar. Photo: Bill Counter - June 24, 2021 

A look up to the upper terrace. Photo: Bill Counter - June 24, 2021

The house right stairs up. Straight ahead, where the door to the booth stairs used to be, is a hall leading to the elevator. Photo: Bill Counter - June 24, 2021  
The top of the balcony from house right. Photo: Apple Newsroom - 2021 

Another view on the top terrace from house right. Thanks to Brigham Yen for his photo. It appears with his June 2021 story "Look Inside: Apple Tower Theatre Flagship Opens in Downtown LA."
The stairs to the upper terrace house left. That door to a "staff-only" area is at the former location of the cry room. Photo: Bill Counter - June 24, 2021 

A detail of the air ports below the booth. Photo: Bill Counter - June 24, 2021

The rear dome as seen from house left. Yes, it has nine downlights in the beautiful blue sky. Photo: Bill Counter - June 24, 2021 

Apple's photo of the mural in front of the booth. They retouched the image so the downlights don't show. Photo: Apple Newsroom - 2021 

Looking across the top terrace from house left. Photo: Apple Newsroom - 2021 

The upper balcony wall treatment. Photo: Bill Counter - June 24, 2021

A ceiling detail. Photo: Tiffany Nitsche - LAHTF Facebook page - June 2021
The railing in front of the upper terrace. Photo: Tiffany Nitsche - LAHTF Facebook page - June 2021

A last look down from the top. Photo: Mike Hume - LAHTF Facebook page - June 2021  

During the Apple construction project:

July 2018 - The Apple renovations begin. A team from EverGreene Architectural Arts removes a section of decorative plaster from the front of the balcony. Many areas of the building were documented, sliced up, and removed to access the structure for seismic retrofit work. Including the entire balcony. Then it got put back together and restored. 

The photo from Apple is one used in the August 2 presentation to the Cultural Heritage Commission by James McGrath of Foster + Partners, the project architect. Thanks to the Los Angeles Historic Theatre Foundation for sharing the photo.

August 2019 - A look in from the front door at the house right wall at the back of the auditorium. All the marble and decorative plaster surfaces had been removed from this area. Note the exposed truss overhead. Photo: Bill Counter

February 2020 - A look in the house left alley exit to the scaffolded auditorium. On the house right wall note the diagonal line showing the remains of the balcony risers. The entire balcony was removed for the seismic retrofit. It all got replaced, including the decorative plasterwork that was on the soffit. The terracing is now different to accommodate the new uses. In the foreground a new floor was being poured. Photo: Bill Counter

March 2020 - The scaffolding was down and framing is in place for the replacement balcony. Photo: Bill Counter

March 2020 - A closer look to the back wall. Photo: Bill Counter

March 2020 - A look over to the house right wall. Nope, no views of the repainted ceiling at this point. Note the plastic overhead. On the far left note the new steel framing for a soon-to-be-recreated proscenium box. Photo: Bill Counter

March 2020 - A house right wall view. Note the lighter test patches of possible color schemes. Photo: Bill Counter

March 2020 - A closer look at two of the test patches. The darker areas are the appearance in recent years. The plain beige areas at the bottom of the image are just plywood to protect the surfaces. Photo: Bill Counter

March 2020 - The house right ante-proscenium arch, not yet repainted. Photo: Bill Counter

August 2020 - A look across the auditorium to a section of house right wall under the exit walkway from the front of the balcony. Note the areas in the original wall where decorative sections were chiseled out. They were reinstalled not on the original surface but on the new steel stud wall furred out from that. Photo: Bill Counter

August 2020 - A peek in the alley exit door house left. Not much to see with, on the left, the proscenium area a forest of scaffolding. On the right it's a new curved wall installed under the proscenium box. Photo: Bill Counter 

October 2020 - Sections of proscenium ornament on a work table awaiting replication or reinstallation. Photo: Bill Counter. See a proscenium ornament detail showing a section of it in place prior to the renovations. 
October 2020 - A view from 8th St., through what had been a retail space, into the auditorium. The  house left wall that used to divide the retail areas from the auditorium had been opened up. On the far right is one of the columns at the sidewalk line. Photo: Bill Counter
The ceiling area we see is the soffit for the new balcony structure. Note the four new cans for lamps that will illuminate the round art glass panels at the front of the soffit. Straight ahead, the house right wall at this lower level is now drywall -- all plaster had been removed with the decorative pieces yet to be reinstalled. In the upper left we're looking at the face of the walkway from the front of the balcony to an alley exit near the proscenium. It's an all new structure with ornament yet to be reinstalled. 
December 2020 - A look in from 8th St. at the new balcony soffit. Across on house right sections of decorative plaster were being reinstalled. Photo: Bill Counter
December 2020 - A closer look at the plaster installation. Behind those plaster sections it's an entirely new structure. Photo: Bill Counter 

January 2021 - It was getting very fancy. This view of the front of the balcony side exit passage and, on the left, part of the house right proscenium box, was the first look at the finished paint job. Photo: Bill Counter

January 2021 - A detail of a section of the newly reinstalled and painted decorative plasterwork. Photo: Bill Counter 
March 2021 - A view back toward the reconstructed balcony. Photo: Bill Counter 
March 2021 - A closer look at some of the reinstalled plasterwork. Photo: Bill Counter

March 2021 - Looking in from back under the balcony. Thanks to Cindy Schwarzstein for this shot she got during a private tour of the jobsite. It's one of 25 photos and videos she posted in a Tower Theatre album on Facebook June 23. And thanks to architectural detective Brady Hunsberger for spotting Cindy's post!  

March 2021 - The new design in the main dome. Photo: Cindy Schwarzstein - Facebook

March 2021 - The redecorated proscenium. Photo: Cindy Schwarzstein - Facebook

March 2021 - A fine view along the proscenium wall from the house left box. Note the soeakers above the video wall. Photo: Cindy Schwarzstein - Facebook 

March 2021 - The rear of the house and the reconstructed balcony. Photo: Cindy Schwarzstein - Facebook

March 2021 - A decorative plaster panel. Photo: Cindy Schwarzstein - Facebook

March 2021 - Work underway on the railing above the crossaisle in the balcony. Photo: Cindy Schwarzstein - Facebook. Thanks, Cindy! 

March 2021 - A lovely peek in at the balcony soffit's domes at the rear of the main floor. Thanks to Brady Hunsberger for his photo. It was one of three interior views he shared on the DTLA Development Facebook page.  

March 2021 - A balcony soffit plaster detail. Photo: Brady Hunsberger

March 2021 - Another soffit detail. Photo: Brady Hunsberger


March 2021 - The back wall of the auditorium house left. Photo: Brady Hunsberger

March 2021 - Catching one of the Apple workers grabbing a shot to document her efforts. Photo: Brady Hunsberger. Thanks, Brady! 

March 2021 - An oblique view of the art glass panels at the front of the soffit. That's a bit of the front of the balcony in the upper left. Photo: Bill Counter

March 2021 - The first look down from the top of the balcony. Photo: Anonymous 

March 2021 - The Apple version of the top of the proscenium. Photo: Anonymous 

March 2021 - The house right proscenium box. Photo: Anonymous 

May 2021 - Thanks to Sidd Bikkannavar for this shot from 8th St. He added it as a comment to a post of an exterior view by Derek Van Oss on the DTLA Town Square Facebook page. 

June 2021 - The paper came off the windows three days before the June 24 opening. Here we're looking in from 8th St. to the area under the balcony. Photo: Bill Counter

June 2021 - A fine sidewall view taken on the 21st from the 8th St. doors by Brady Hunsberger. 

June 2021 - A lovely proscenium shot taken through the glass by Brady Hunsberger three days before opening. It's one of 11 pre-opening interior views in a post on the DTLA Development Facebook page. 
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