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Los Angeles Theatre: entrance

615 S. Broadway Los Angeles, CA 90014 | map |

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The look of the entrance when the theatre opened. Photo: Mott Studios - California State Library set # 001387265 - 1931

A detail from the previous photo, taken when the theatre was running Chaplin's "City Lights," its inaugural program. The center display case advises that, in addition to the feature, there would be a stage presentation inspired by Irving Berlin's song "The Little Things in Life" that would feature the Los Angeles Theatre Ballet and the Los Angeles Theatre Symphony Orchestra.

The little box on the left has a sign saying "This spot reserved for a miniature screen." It was supposed to be part of the elaborate periscope system that also displayed what was on the screen in the basement lounge.

Another detail from the Mott Studios boxoffice photo giving us a better look at the detailing above the brass doors as well as the intended thermometer location near the right display cases. On the far right it's a bit of lettering for Zukor's, a store in the building's north storefront. 

Checking out the terrazzo. Photo: Mott Studios - California State Library set # 001387270 - 1931

A closer look at the boxoffice. Note the original configuration, extending all the way beck to the entrance doors. Photo: Mott Studios - California State Library set # 001387263 - 1931

A dazzling 1933 view of the entrance. Thanks to Tyler St. Mark for posting the photo from his collection on the Facebook page Vintage Los Angeles.

A closeup of the boxoffice from the Tyler St. Mark collection appearing as a post on Vintage Los Angeles. It's another 1933 photo.

The display work executed by Paul G. Fuentes for "Gaslight," a May 1944 release from MGM. Fuentes did many projects for the studio including designing the displays at many of the studio's premieres. The photo appears courtesy of Joseph F. Munroe and is from the collection of Paul and Marlene Fuentes. 

The south display cases dressed for "Gaslight." Thanks to Joseph F. Munroe for providing the photo from the Paul and Marlene Fuentes collection. 

"First Blood" and "Death Wish II" bringing in the crowds in 1982. Thanks to the now-vanished American Classic Images website for the photo.   

"First Blood" with a new co-feature, Travolta in "Blowout." It's a photo from the American Classic Images collection.

The entrance with the gate down.  Thanks to Hunter Kerhart for his 2015 photo. Keep up with his recent explorations: on Facebook | | on Flickr

The terrazzo from the south. Thanks to Floyd B. Bariscale for his 2009 photo. Visit his Big Orange Landmarks blog, the Los Angeles Theatre article and the photo set on Flickr.

A corner of the pattern. Photo: Bill Counter - 2007

Looking out toward Broadway through the gate. Photo: Bill Counter - 2013

The view out at night. Photo: Ȑoobik Boodaghians - 2013

The boxoffice from the south. Thanks to Don Solosan for his 2009 photo taken for the Los Angeles Historic Theatre Foundation. The LAHTF is active in promoting awareness of the historic theatres of Los Angeles and works toward their preservation. They frequently offer tours and sponsor other events related to historic preservation. | group Facebook page | official Facebook page

A closer look at the south side of the boxoffice. Thanks to Will Campbell for the 2007 photo. See his 68 photo Los Angeles Theatre album on Flickr for many interesting shots.

The safe. Photo: Will Campbell - Flickr - 2007

A long-unused ticket machine. Photo: Will Campbell - Flickr - 2007. Thanks, Will!

A straight on shot with an alluring peek into the lobby. Photo: Don Solosan - 2009 

The terrazzo in front of the boxoffice. Photo: Floyd B. Bariscale - 2009

A north side view. Photo: Don Solosan - 2009  

The north side of the boxoffice and the snackbar area behind. Photo: Floyd B. Bariscale - 2009

The terrazzo pattern in front of the entrance doors. Thanks to Michelle Gerdes for her 2009 photo.

A look through the area behind the boxoffice. Photo: Ȑoobik Boodaghians - 2013

A closer look at that terrazzo star behind the boxoffice. Thanks to Don Goldberg for his 2016 photo, a post on the LAHTF Facebook page.

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