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Los Angeles Theatre: main floor inner lobby

615 S. Broadway Los Angeles, CA 90014 | map |

The Los Angeles Theatre pages:  history | vintage exterior views | recent exterior views | entrance | grand lobby | main floor inner lobby | lobby - 1st balcony level | basement - intermediate lounge | basement - main lounge | ladies room and nursery | men's room | vintage auditorium views | recent auditorium views | stage | boothretail and support spaces |

The house left end of the inner lobby. The stairs go up to the lobby at the 1st balcony level. The door to the left of the mirror is a former coat check room. Thanks to Angelo Costa for his photo, one that appears on the Sandra Costa Design Group Facebook page as well as in the Los Angeles Theatre set on the Angelo Costa Photography website. The 2016 carpet installation was a joint project of Daelen Cory and Paul L'Esperance of L' Esperance Design, Sandra Costa of Sandra Costa Design Group and SDE Carpet Technology.

Signage and a bit of ornate plasterwork at the coat check room. Photo: Bill Counter - 2013

The check room sign illuminated. Thanks to Pete Wilson for his 2007 photo on Flickr.

The inner lobby from the house left stairs. Photo: Bill Counter - 2016

A peek into the auditorium as we look toward house right. Take a right at the brightly lit area half way down and you're in the grand lobby. Photo: Angelo Costa Photography - 2016. Thanks, Angelo!

A wall panel plaster detail. The blank electrical plate is on a box that once had a recessed receptacle for a picture light to illuminate the art hung in the space. Photo: Bill Counter - 2013

A view into the inner lobby from the south side of the grand lobby stairs. Through the doorway ahead, we're looking onto the stage. The brightly lit area is the former location of a snackbar that was removed prior to the installation of the new carpet. Photo: Bill Counter - 2016

Note on the left where the black marble strip on the floor ends. There were once doors across at this point separating the inner lobby from the spaces closer to the street. On the right beyond the folding chair is the stair to the basement lounge areas.  

The seating annunciator panel on the north side of the stairs. Ushers for each seating section could punch in a number showing approximately how many seats were still available. The stairs to the basement and the inner lobby are off to the right. Thanks to Don Solosan for his 2009 photo taken for the Los Angeles Historic Theatre Foundation.

The LAHTF is active in promoting awareness of the historic theatres of Los Angeles and works toward their preservation. They frequently offer tours and sponsor other events related to historic preservation. | group Facebook page | official Facebook page

The look of the inner lobby with the bar still in place prior to the 2016 recarpeting project. We're on the north side of the lobby stairs. Photo: Bill Counter - 2013

A view across from house right. Photo: Bill Counter - 2016 

The look of the lobby from house right before the new carpet installation. Photo: Bill Counter - 2013

An inner lobby ceiling light fixture. Photo: Bill Counter - 2013 

A look with flash at the fixture and the surrounding ornament. Photo: Bill Counter - 2013  

Ornament above the entrance to aisle 3. Photo: Bill Counter - 2013

The house right end of the inner lobby. Photo: Bill Counter - 2016

Vintage inner lobby photos:

A table and vase detail from the inner lobby. We're looking at the center of a wall that's been removed just in beyond the grand stairs. The doors on either side of this section used to separate the outer and inner lobbies. Photo: Mott Studios - California State Library set # 001387269 - 1931

Another look at the table and vase in front of the now-vanished wall section. In the mirror note the stairs down to the basement lounges. Photo: Mott Studios - California State Library set # 001454721 - 1931

The south wall just in beyond the grand stairs. The columns viewed in the mirror flank the stairs to the basement lounges. Photo: Mott Studios - California State Library set # 001387267 - 1931

A look at the carpet along the south wall at the now-missing doors that once closed off the inner lobby. Photo: Mott Studios - California State Library set # 001387267 - 1931 

Another look at the intricate carpet pattern. The railing in the upper left is part of the staircase down to the basement lounges. Photo: Mott Studios - California State Library set # 001387267 - 1931

The stairs going up to the 1st balcony level from the house right side of the inner lobby. Photo: Mott Studios - California State Library set # 001454721 - 1931

A closer look at the drinking fountain. Photo: Mott Studios - California State Library set # 001387267 - 1931

A decorative wall panel detail. We're on the west wall of the inner lobby at the center. The entrances to aisles 3 and 4 are on either side of this wall section. Photo: Mott Studios - California State Library set # 001387266 - 1931

A patron enjoying the popcorn at Metropolitan Theatres' inner lobby snack bar in August 1982. It's a Gary Leonard photo from the Los Angeles Public Library. Thanks to Eitan Alexander for finding
the photo in the collection.

The Los Angeles Theatre pages:  history | vintage exterior views | recent exterior views | entrance | grand lobby | back to top - main floor inner lobby | lobby - 1st balcony level | basement - intermediate lounge | basement - main lounge | ladies room and nursery | men's room | vintage auditorium views | recent auditorium views | stage | boothretail and support spaces |

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1 comment:

  1. It was our pleasure to create the carpeting design for the Los Angels Theater.
    Sandra Costa Design
    Lesperance Design
