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Mayan Theatre: booth and attic

1038 S. Hill St. Los Angeles, CA 90015 | map |


The booth ports. The white circular thing is a screen they were using for projections. Photo: Bill Counter - 2016

The top of the balcony. That exit door on the left gets you to an exit stairway and stairs to the booth. Photo: Bill Counter - 2016 

In the stairwell from the upper exit house right. The doorway to the booth is just off to the right at that first landing.  Photo: Bill Counter - 2016

The stairs to the attic area on the house right end of the booth. Photo: Escott O. Norton - 2016

Roof access. Photo: Escott O. Norton - 2016 

A look back down. Photo: Escott O. Norton - 2016

That's theatre explorer Michelle Gerdes at the house right end of the booth. Out that door you're on the landing and then at the top of the stairs down. Photo: Escott O. Norton - 2016 

A look out the house right spot port. Photo: Bill Counter - 2016 

 The view to the stage. Photo: Bill Counter - 2016

A wider look toward house right. On the left it's a surviving Century projector with a Simplex soundhead and LP Associates Xenon lamp. Photo: Bill Counter - 2016 

A better look at the Century projector. Photo: Bill Counter - 2016  

Looking toward house left. Photo: Bill Counter - 2016 

Outside the left end of the booth you're in another attic area. The ladder is the second exit from the booth and goes down to the last row of seats. Photo: Bill Counter - 2016 

A look into the house left side of the attic. Photo: Bill Counter - 2016

Another attic view. Photo: Escott O. Norton - 2016. Thanks, Escott!

The back of the balcony house left. There's a riser for another row of seats behind the curtain. And also the ladder up to the attic area just north of the booth. Photo: Bill Counter - 2016

The Mayan Theatre pages: history | vintage exterior views | recent exterior views | ticket lobby | main lobby | mezzanine lobby | vintage auditorium views | recent auditorium views | back to top - booth and attic | stage | basement |

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