6712 Hollywood Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90028 | map |
The Egyptian Theatre pages: an overview | Hollywood Blvd. views 1922-1954 | Hollywood Blvd. 1955-present | forecourt | lobby - earlier views | lobby - recent views | auditorium - earlier views | auditorium - recent views | booth | backstage | Egyptian 2 & 3 | along Las Palmas Ave. | along McCadden Place | Netflix project: structural + architectural renderings |
The structural issues dealt with during the Netflix renovations were discussed in the January 2025 issue of the magazine Structure. See the six page article "Unveiling Secrets" by Jonathan Lehmer, SE and Melineh Zommorrodian, SE, of the Gardena-based firm Structural Focus. The article's text: https://www.structuremag.org/article/unveiling-secrets. That page also includes a download link to a 63 page PDF of the issue. The cover photo above as well as those with the article are by Mike Hume.
About the Authors: Jonathan Lehmer, SE, is a project engineer at Structural Focus in Gardena, CA. His project experience ranges from new high rise to retrofit and rehabilitation and historic preservation. Melineh Zomorrodian, SE, joined Structural Focus in 2008 as an intern, and remained with the firm following her Masters graduation from UCLA. She specializes in structural analysis, design, and construction administration.
2021 Renderings of the Netflix project:
A rendering of the revamped forecourt design by project architects
Studio 440 Architecture and Acoustics. It appeared with the presentation for the January 7, 2021 meeting of the City's Cultural Heritage Commission.
other work on the multi-million dollar project, the lobby was
redesigned, the balcony was removed, the building got a seismic retrofit and the small Spielberg Theatre vanished.
Ross Brennan is the lead architect for Studio 440. Peyton Hall of Historic Resources Group was the project's historic consultant. Others on the team included
Structural Focus as the structural consultant, Syska was the MEP
consulting engineer, Sightline Design Group was the lighting designer,
Venekklasen Associates was a noise and vibration consultant, Silverlake
Conservation was the architectural conservator, Visioneering Design Co.
and David Carroll Associates were system integrators.
All the renderings appear courtesy of Netflix. Thanks to
Dean Boerner for including seven of the renderings with "Netflix Unveils Plans...," his December 30, 2020 post on the site What Now Los Angeles.
rear of the auditorium. This rendering was also included in the
presentation Netflix made to the City's Cultural Heritage Commission on
January 7, 2021.
A floorplan from Studio 440 that was part of the Netflix presentation on January 7, 2021. The curved row of columns in the middle of the beige lobby area is where the seating area ended in 1922. The
visuals for the initial presentation before the Cultural
Heritage Commission are available as a 40 page PDF under "PowerPoint
Presentations" in a 1/7/21 Google Drive folder.
second version of the proscenium. In response to comments made by the
commissioners at the January 7 meeting it was made slightly more
elaborate. Note the addition of sets of double columns on either side of
the screen where there had earlier been boxier, darker, pilasters. Also
added was a sunburst design in the formerly blank panel above the exits
from the stage. This rendering was prepared for a presentation at the
Cultural Heritage
Commission's April 15 meeting.
A look at the proposed hanging method for the Atmos speakers. It's another rendering prepared for the April 15, 2021 meeting. In
addition to the proscenium and speaker discussions, other topics
included auditorium wall colors, the building's seismic retrofit and
various signage changes. A copy
of the visuals for that presentation is available as a PDF under "PowerPoint Presentations" in a 4/15/21 Google Drive folder. Cultural Heritage Meeting agendas are available via this meeting list.
Pages about the Egyptian: an overview | Hollywood Blvd. views 1922-1954 | Hollywood Blvd. 1955-present | forecourt | lobby - earlier views | lobby - recent views | auditorium - earlier views | auditorium - recent views | booth | backstage | Egyptian 2 & 3 | along Las Palmas Ave. | along McCadden Place | back to top: 2021 Netflix renderings |
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